30 November 2021

Lines of Force

In The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, Max Heindel tells us:

"If a dish of cold water be placed in an atmosphere of a sufficiently low temperature, ice crystals immediately begin to form and we can see the process of their formation. The lines along which the water crystallizes were in it all the time as lines of force but they were invisible until the water congealed."

As Below, So Above. 

Just as water contains within its being the lines of force that will enable it to become ice once the temperature falls below freezing, so too, does the Spirit-spark that is located in the center of the human life-system contain all of the lines-of-force necessary to enable the human-being to regain its former god-like stature.

This means that we have everything within us that we need to effect the transformation from an ego-driven, mortal human-being to an immortal, spirit-soul human-being. All that is required is an open heart and the proper growth environment. 

Plants need good soil, sunshine and rain to blossom and thrive. 

The snowflake or ice crystal requires the right level of temperature.

The spirit-soul human-being requires that we provide the Spirit-spark - what Rosicrucians call "the Rosebud" - with the proper environment for growth and blossoming.

Sunshine - pure thoughts, objective and neutral mental attitude 

Water - pure emotions and unselfish desires

Soil - pure etheric and physical bodies

With this special vibratory environment in place, the Rosebud will gracefully bloom and fill the human life-system with the ambrosia of the Universal Spirit. The consciousness of such a human-being will then expand wide enough to perceive Eternity and participate fully in all universes, all domains, all Creations.


25 November 2021

The Three Questions

Who are we?

Where do we come from?

Where are we going?

Who are we? We are individual, immortal sparks of the Universal Spirit, dispersed by the Eternal Oneness, the Creator, the Source of All. Think of what happens when we thrash a roaring campfire. The sparks fly everywhere. Each spark is a miniature replica of the campfire itself, containing all of the properties of the campfire and having the properties of illumination, the ability to burn objects, light other fires, etc. 

It is the same with our Spirit-spark, which resides in the center of our microcosm, our life-system. Our Spirit-spark is a holographic replica of the Eternal Oneness, a pure offshoot of the Original Fire, as it were. 

The physical body is but the outer covering, the shell, the home that guards this Spark.

Where do we come from?  As stated above, at our core, we are holographic emanations of the Universal Spirit. This means that we have within us all of the powers and attributes of the Eternal Oneness. It must be so! If we cut a branch from a tree, how can that branch not contain everything that the tree is?

So, within the center of our being sleeps a Great Power. One that will re-link our consciousness to the Universal Spirit once we can elevate our awareness from a state of ego-consciousness to one of spirit-soul consciousness. This process begins when we open our hearts and allow our Spirt-spark - the Rose of the Heart - to spread its healing and transformative energy throughout our entire life-system.

Where are we going? As Divine Sparks of the All, our primary Purpose is to explore and experience the Realm of Matter and to bring that experience back to Source. Spirit is of such a high vibration that it cannot function in the dense physical world. For that reason, physical bodies are provided to the individual sparks of Spirit for use in navigating these "depths". Think of what a diving suit does for a deep-sea diver.

As long as we remain ignorant of the Spark that lives within us, we will remain here on Earth, prospecting for the Truth. Repeated lives will be required to provide our Spirit-spark with fresh physical bodies. We will repeat the cycle of death-and-rebirth until we finally develop a physical personality that can recognize the answer to the Three Questions and make the decision to finally release our focus on the things of this world and walk the Path of Return to the Good End.


24 November 2021

Know God

How can we know God? 

Hermes Trismegistus - Hermes, the Thrice-Great - advises us as follows: 

“If then, you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like.

Leap clear of all that is corporeal, and make yourself grown to a like expanse with that Greatness which is beyond all measure; 

Rise above all time and become eternal; then you will apprehend God. 

Think that for you too nothing is impossible; 

Deem that you too are immortal, and that you are able to grasp all things in your thought, to know every craft and science; 

Find your home in the haunts of every living creature; 

Make yourself higher than all heights and lower than all depths; 

Bring together in yourself all opposites of quality, heat and cold, dryness and fluidity; 

Think that you are everywhere at once, on land, at sea, in heaven; 

Think that you are not yet begotten, that you are in the womb, that you are young, that you are old, that you have died, that you are in the world beyond the grave; 

Grasp in your thought all of this at once, all times and places, all substances and qualities and magnitudes together; 

Then you can apprehend God.

But if you shut up your soul in your body, and abase yourself, and say “I know nothing, I can do nothing; I am afraid of earth and sea, I cannot mount to heaven; I know not what I was, nor what I shall be,” 

Then what have you to do with God?”

"For Like is Known by Like". Carefully ponder these words.

~ g

Change the World

Many have a desire to "change the world", "save the earth", or help with this or that cause. All of those are noble and honorable thoughts but most will fall short of their objective because the aim will be a self-focused one. It will be "I want to do this" and "I want to do that".

The  desire to change must emanate from the Spirit-spark that resides in the center of our life-system. It must be a desireless desire, one that sees the objective but will not be bound to the results, whether positive or negative.

The one thing that we can do to help change the world is quite within our grasp. It is something that we can control and it is not a massive undertaking.

We can change ourselves.

We can become that which we want the world to become.

Any permanent change in our own thoughts, feelings and actions will be felt by the entire world. That is because all of us are connected with all of the rest of us, as if by invisible threads. So effecting change in ourselves is a guaranteed way to provide lasting help to the Earth and to her humanity.

Change Yourself, Change the World.

~ g

22 November 2021

To Be Silent

"It is well to get used even now to thinking carefully before speaking. Much common talk is unnecessary and foolish; when it is gossip, it is wicked. 

So be accustomed to listen rather than to talk; do not offer opinions unless directly asked for them. One statement of the qualifications gives them thus:

To Know, to Dare, to Will, and to be Silent; 

...and the last of the four is the hardest of them all."

From At the Feet of the Master - J. Krishnamurthi 

~ g

21 November 2021

The Purpose of Confusion


The Purpose of Confusion

 “God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites so that you will have two wings to fly, not one.”

 - Rumi -

The state of dialectics in which we exist is not a curse; it is simply our life-field. We can fight it, or we can accept it. Accepting it is easier. Walking the Path becomes easier when we realize that all the confusion that builds up within us is there to help us on our journey.

We have chosen to embark on this Path from our current state – whatever it may be, wherever we may be – because we experience within ourselves the necessity to find our true home. We remember this true home from the core of our being, from the Rose of the Heart, the Spark of the Spirit that has remained within our heart sanctuary throughout our long exile. Now that we are conscious of this potential - this possibility in our lifetime - we can pursue our aim to reunite the essence of our being with the divine Source of all being.

When the head sanctuary has been touched by the Light that is reflected into it from the heart, then there comes a moment of elation that the darkness has been won over by the Light. The consciousness clears—but only for a moment, for there is much still to learn and to earn. We are still subject to images from our world of opposites, and we still react to them. We are still subject to our knee-jerk reactions and getting stuck in the ruts that we have made along the roads of our lives.

Getting stuck is not the fault of our world of opposites. No, it is the result of our perception of it. It is the result of our desire to make the world fit our needs, rather than fitting ourselves to the necessities of the world. In popular parlance, it is the result of service-to-self rather than service-to-others. 

A new development becomes possible only on a completely new basis. A new development is made possible by becoming aware of the confusion created by the dual and opposite influences of our old, conditioned thinking versus the new possibilities presented by impulses from the essence of our being, from our divine potential in the heart. A new part of the Path opens by maintaining focus on the goal and refusing to lose courage. The automatic reactions of trifling thoughts will then be observed clearly enough and soon enough to stop them in their tracks.

Rumi’s words take on a personal meaning as we see the paths of our lives more clearly and as we detach ourselves from the patterns of the past. Our “two wings” give us stability and the power to climb higher and higher on the Path and to experience the Joy and Freedom of each step.

Source: May-2019 Contact Letter

~ g

20 November 2021

Stopping the "Madness"


This post is in response to questions posed by Claude in his comments dated 18 November 2021:

To all:

"Madness" is investing in the delusion of existence that we accept as "reality". Madness is believing and reinforcing the lie that each human-being is separate from the other, separate from the animals, the plants, the earth, the solar system.

If one has truly found and accepted the Path then one should be consumed with Joy, not with Misery. This Joy arises out of the insight that we have gained, the insight that reveals to us that at our very core, we are eternal beings. There is no death for us. When the fear of death (so-called) evaporates, then we take a huge step on the road to discovering our True Purpose for existing. We have removed a large stumbling block from our Path.

Another important insight is that we should stop seeing ourselves as the center of the universe. When we live from an ego-based consciousness, we are easily displeased whenever we do not get what we want. We call this denial of self-satisfaction "unhappiness" when there is actually no such thing as "unhappiness". "Unhappiness" is simply what the human-being calls the emotion that we feel when we do not get want we want. In order to do away with "unhappiness", we must cease to desire pleasure and satisfaction for ourselves. If these things happen to come our way, fine. If they flee from us, that is also fine. We must learn to look at Life with neutral, objective, and somewhat detached eyes. If we do not do this, then we will doom ourselves to being ceaselessly tossed about upon the frothy seas of duality. 

Learn to focus your attention away from yourself. Live for others. Do for others. When we live to serve others, we will find that there is no time to agonize over our perceived "problems". This is one way to calm the turbulence that roils within us. Care for yourself? Yes. But only to the limit of the biological minimum required for the physical instrument to live healthy and function properly.

Stand back and away from the perceptions of the selfish self and begin to see the Bigger Picture: you are an eternal being serving the Creator over a succession of repeated lives in temporary physical vehicles. Your mission is always to reconnect with the Universal Spirit, and to voluntarily allow Spirit to work through you for the benefit of sleeping humanity. Although you may have forgotten your purpose, you are trying hard to remember. The magnetic allure of the physical delusion is hampering your ability to move forward with clear vision. Recognize this and then release your attachment to the results of your actions in this world. Be IN the world, but not OF the world. 

~ g