30 November 2021

Lines of Force

In The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, Max Heindel tells us:

"If a dish of cold water be placed in an atmosphere of a sufficiently low temperature, ice crystals immediately begin to form and we can see the process of their formation. The lines along which the water crystallizes were in it all the time as lines of force but they were invisible until the water congealed."

As Below, So Above. 

Just as water contains within its being the lines of force that will enable it to become ice once the temperature falls below freezing, so too, does the Spirit-spark that is located in the center of the human life-system contain all of the lines-of-force necessary to enable the human-being to regain its former god-like stature.

This means that we have everything within us that we need to effect the transformation from an ego-driven, mortal human-being to an immortal, spirit-soul human-being. All that is required is an open heart and the proper growth environment. 

Plants need good soil, sunshine and rain to blossom and thrive. 

The snowflake or ice crystal requires the right level of temperature.

The spirit-soul human-being requires that we provide the Spirit-spark - what Rosicrucians call "the Rosebud" - with the proper environment for growth and blossoming.

Sunshine - pure thoughts, objective and neutral mental attitude 

Water - pure emotions and unselfish desires

Soil - pure etheric and physical bodies

With this special vibratory environment in place, the Rosebud will gracefully bloom and fill the human life-system with the ambrosia of the Universal Spirit. The consciousness of such a human-being will then expand wide enough to perceive Eternity and participate fully in all universes, all domains, all Creations.



Paul B said...


And welcome back.

BrotherGee said...

Good to be back, Paul. ;-)
