03 December 2021

Happiness is Not the Point


Many believe that 'happiness' is the ultimate goal to be achieved during earth-life. It is the prize. A constant and unceasing state of harmonious, self-pleasing 'happiness' is supposed to be the hallmark of a well-spent and successful life. This mindset, coupled with the fact that humans, if lucky, can expect to live an average of 72 years, drives human-beings to expend an enormous amount of energy in a fruitless "pursuit of happiness".

Thus, racing to beat the clock-of-death, every setback drives man to panic. Why aren't things working out for me? Why can't I get the things that I want? I just want to be 'happy'. Why can't I be 'happy'??

Here's your answer, friend: You will never be 'happy' in this life because earth-life is not designed to bestow permanent 'happiness' upon anyone. We live in a dialectical reality, a duality, where everything has its opposite and everything eventually turns into its opposite. If one manages to obtain a semblance of 'happiness', he or she can be certain that it will not last. Eventually, that 'happiness' will turn into its opposite. Things cannot be otherwise.

This dialectical nature-order is temporal. Everything about it screams temporary. The only constant to be found is change. In keeping with that fundamental law, the events in our lives swing back and forth between two poles, like a pendulum in perpetual motion.

So then, what is the ultimate point of Earth-life? And why was this nature-order purposely designed to prevent an eternal state of 'happiness'? Well, let's think about it. If humans could find a way to obtain permanent 'happiness' here on earth, we would cease to progress. We would not seek for anything higher because we would be completely content with what we have. We would crystallize into a state that would truly doom our microcosms to the Outer Darkness.

This is why death (so-called) comes to humanity. It comes to break up that which is in danger of crystallizing. It comes to afford the microcosm a fresh opportunity to create yet another personality that will not squander a valuable incarnation seeking 'happiness' on the horizontal plane of dialectics, but will seek the Gnosis, the true Knowledge of God, the Keys to Freedom, and the Path to the eternal bliss that can only be found in the Divine Kingdom.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Brother gee,

Thank you 🙏 for your quick response, Sorry for asking way to much questions
But you’re the only one that I can ask those questions too, Thank you and may
God blessed you my brother.


BrotherGee said...

There is no such thing as "too many questions", especially when we are seeking insight and self-knowledge. Whenever you have a question, feel free to ask. I am at your service.

Warm Regards,

~ g