07 December 2021

We Mistake Transformation for "Death"


You are probably familiar with the expression "Death is a part of Life". This ancient axiom can be improved upon if we say "Death is Life expressing itself in a manner that is not easily apprehended by humanity". A bit long for an axiom, I know, haha. Let's take a deeper look at this statement.

Hermes states that "Man mistakes transformation for death". This is a true and accurate statement because the activity that we human-beings see as "death" are actually the life processes of disintegration manifesting before our eyes.

Let's start at the Beginning. Before anything was created, there existed only the Uncreated, the Source, the Birthless, Deathless, Infinite All. The All is everything that has ever been and the potential for everything that will ever be. It is the Uncreated Source of every Created thing.

Every atom of the primordial substance that is used by Source to create is ALIVE. This has to be so because these primordial atoms emanate from the Source, which is the essence of True Life. 

Every atom of Creation is IMMORTAL. This has to be so because these primordial atoms emanate from the Source, which is Birthless and Deathless.

All created things are composed of these LIVING, IMMORTAL atoms. Certain universal laws initiate attraction among these living, immortal atoms and certain intelligences work to ensure that these living, immortal atoms are assembled in such a way as to manifest as universes, galaxies, constellations, solar systems, planets, human-beings, flora, fauna, and minerals.

Of course, here we are talking about creative activity on the physical plane, the Seventh Cosmic Domain, the most crystallized part of this Creation. The physical plane is a TEMPORARY nature-order. There is nothing that is permanent about it. The only constant here is CHANGE. Things evolve and then devolve. There are constant beginnings and endings. Everything Rises, Shines, and then Fades, only to Rise again on a future turn of the Spiral

The human-being is not excluded from this Law of Temporality. We are born, flower in maturity and then we "die". I prefer to state that we "relinquish the physical form and return to the more subtle regions of the physical plane. The manner in which this takes place can be explained thusly:

Rising: When we are "born" into Earth-life. a physical body is built by the forces of ATTRACTION. The minerals and vital energies necessary for building a physical body are attracted via the foods that the mother eats, the air that she breathes, the thoughts and emotions that she surrounds herself with as well as the vital energies inherent in the union of the creative fluids of the woman and the man. All of these things are ruled by a force of Attraction which ultimately results in a physical body.

Shining: During growth and maturation, this force of Attraction grows stronger due to the focus of the indwelling consciousness. The living, immortal atoms are held together by this force of Attraction and so we see growth and maturity.

Fading: As the human-being moves towards the final segment of Earth-life, the force of Attraction begins to wane. This is due in part to the Consciousness beginning to release its focus on the incarnation and turning its gaze to a return to the move subtle spheres of the physical world. Also, the heart of the Earth is exerting its own attractive forces, pulling and tugging at the mineral elements of the human-being. Remember, LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. Thus, a separation is beginning to manifest itself.

"Death" (So-called): 'Death' is merely what happens after the mortal Soul that animated the physical body is withdrawn by the Consciousness. When this happens, the forces of Attraction that held all of the living atoms together in a cooperative unity are relaxed, and the atoms become "disorganized", for want of a better word. The Soul returns to its regions where a further dematerialization will take place over time. The LIVING, IMMORTAL physical atoms return to the Earth, where they will essentially be recycled to assemble new physical creations.

We call this process of disorganization "decay" and associate it with the permanent loss of Life. This is far from the case. What we are seeing are LIVING, IMMORTAL atoms being released from their task so that they can await their next task. 

The "dust to dust" phrase so ominously pronounced by the churches refer to nothing more than the physical atoms, the minerals that constitute the human body (of which there are said to be twelve) being returned to their mineral sources. Because we are NOT our bodies, this process of decay does not mean that the human-being is "dead". It only means that the human-being has discarded its physical garment. Where the remains of the human-being go after "death" the physical body cannot go. The etheric, emotional and mental bodies, as well as the consciousness have withdrawn but remain alive as ever in more subtle forms. Because we cannot see these forms, we erroneously postulate that the human-being is "dead".

With that said, I will leave you now with the following quote, excerpted from The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 4, by Jan van Rijckenborgh:

"People are accustomed to calling the pronounced intervention of disintegration 'death'. But in essence, 'death' is nothing else than the stimulation of living metabolism. A body disintegrates into living atoms. The atom itself, the Unit in the universe, is never lost. Atoms combine to form bodies and then they separate again. Life remains Absolute. 'Death' is all in the mind." 

That which is IMMORTAL can never die. Remember that.


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