07 December 2021

Fear Not

"People live in fear of death, when in truth there is no death. 
It is only a change from one condition to another."

This unreasonable fear, rooted in ignorance, is responsible for probably 90% of the poor decisions that we make as human-beings.

We see the short life-span and do our best to cram as much "living" into our existence as possible. 

We see the inevitable end to what appear to be meaningless lives and strive to "leave our mark" by aspiring to become rich, famous or powerful.

We see death as the end of a hopeless existence and so we devalue our lives and lash out at others or cavalierly attempt to end our own lives, as if that will solve anything. In truth, that only results in more problems when we reach the Other Side.

We see our existence as a "hell" and so we throw caution to the wind and abuse our bodies with powerful hallucinogens in order to escape physical reality and focus our consciousness on the astral worlds, the reflection-sphere.

Our present state-of-consciousness cannot perceive anything further than the physical realm. It keeps us thinking that existence is this tiny box called Earth and that there is nothing beyond life and death here in this vale of tears.

Nothing can be further from the Truth. We are immortal beings trapped in a mortal existence. We have forgotten our former existence as Co-creators, our close connection with the Universal Spirit.  Without the impeccable guidance of Spirit, we are unable to properly navigate our circumstances or remember our true purpose for being here.

That is why we must first learn to silence the Fear that comes from not-knowing. We must obtain critical self-knowledge about our true nature. 

One of the first things we must learn is that we have nothing to fear from "death" (so-called). At our core, we are eternal beings. We have to begin thinking with an Eternity Consciousness and stop counting the days until our withdrawal from the earth-plane.

Be Still, and hear the Voice of the Silence that calls out to you from your Spirit-Spark. It is this Voice that will guide you to the Path. It is this Voice that will lead you back to your True and Eternal Home


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