08 December 2021

The Worst That Could Happen

What is it about death (so-called) that causes us to fear it so much? What is the worst that can happen?

1. Pain

2. Missing Our Loved Ones

3. Unfinished Business

4. Failure to Find the Path

Let's take a quick look at these factors.

1. Pain 

Fear of the pain that we associate with death is something that we try to push to the back of our minds. But this pain is evident all around us, we see it happening everywhere to our dying brothers and sisters, so naturally, we assume that when our incarnation is winding down, pain will be our lot as well. 

Generally, physical pain will accompany us as we near the end of our incarnation if it is part of our karma to experience it. For most of us, the end will arrive quietly. Our consciousness will withdraw its focus on the physical plane and relax the magnetic attraction that binds the etheric/physical particles of the body together.

If you want to know what death (so-called) is like, then simply monitor yourself as you fall asleep at night. As your eyes close and you relax, at one moment you will be physically present and in the blink of an eye you seamlessly transition into a blessed sort of unconscious state. Your consciousness withdraws from the physical plane and intensifies its focus on the astral planes of the planet, where you have experiences during the night that we call "dreams".  Your perception has moved from one reality to a different reality.

There is an old expression that states: "Sleep and Death are like brothers". There is much truth to that axiom.

Finally, for those who may have to experience pain at the end, medical science has created powerful anti-pain medications that will numb the nerves and block the pain messages that the body sends to the brain. These ones will not feel much at all.

In cases of violence or accident, there are usually karmic reasons for incarnations to end in such uncomfortable ways.  The reasons are revealed to us when we reach The Other Side.

Take care of the body. Purify your thoughts and emotions. Live a life of Love and Service to others. Do not become attached to the things of this world. Non-attachment will make it easier for us to let go when it comes time for us to transition from the physical plane.

2. Missing Our Loved Ones

The primary reason for this fear usually does not hit us until we are very near the end. While we are alive and healthy, we ignore our loved ones, we mistreat them, we take them for granted, etc. To avoid feelings of regret at the end, we should show Love to our friends and family every moment that we can. Never leave a friend or loved one without showing them that you love them, either by word or by deed. Treat each moment with a loved one as if it were the last time you were going to see them. This will help to prevent these fears from arising. 

3. Unfinished Business

There are so many things that we are juggling on a daily basis. We toil to create favorable lives for ourselves and our loved ones. We plan for the future. When confronted with our transition from the physical plane, we fear leaving so many plans unrealized, projects unfinished, hopes and dreams unfulfilled. 

It helps to get our affairs in order in the here and now, even if we are in excellent health or in the prime of life. This is the best we can do for those we leave behind. As for future plans and unfinished projects, these things should not be of serious concern to us. When we reach the Other Side, all of these things that we think are so important when our consciousness was focused on physical plane reality will be seen in their proper perspective.

Live fully in the Now. As the Christ stated "....do not worry about Tomorrow, for Tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own".

4. Failure to Find the Path

This is actually not a true Fear that occurs to us as we approach death (so-called) because most human-beings are completely unaware that there is a Path that will remove us from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth and will sever our obligation to incarnate over and over again. 

This Path can only be located if we open our heart centers and allow the immortal divine Spirit-spark to reconnect with the Universal Spirit. This re-linking will inhale the Living Waters of the Universal Spirit into the life-system of the human-being, purifying and transforming the human-being from Man to Manas, the state of the Original, Divine Human-being.

But as it is said, "You can't miss what you have never had". Since we do not have knowledge of the Path, we do not regret in not having found it. When we reach the Other Side and things that were hidden to us during physica life are revealed, we will understand that we missed our True Purpose while we were on Earth and that we must return yet again, in a new body, in similar or different circumstances, and in total forgetfulness, to try to find the Path once more. 

We will remain on the Wheel of Death and Rebirth until we find our True Purpose while on Earth, until we find the Path of Return and follow it to a Good End.

Thus, the fear that we are least aware of should actually be the one of greatest concern.

In conclusion, it is not Death that we fear. It is the Fear of Death that we fear.

Contemplate the first three Fears and try to see if you can find any wisdom within them. 

Contemplate the fourth Fear and see if it inspires you to find the Path that leads to freedom before you put the body aside.


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