31 May 2018

Proof of Unreality

"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. Everything you think of as the material world 
dissolves on the sub-atomic levels. 

Literally, reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent illusion" 

~ Albert Einstein ~ 

It is often mentioned that this nature-order is (in no particular order):

- an illusion
- a delusion
- an unreality

There are those who will respond to this assertion with the argument of: if I can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it or smell it then it must be real.

Why so? All of those so-called "proofs"  are simply the result of our five natural senses reporting back to us information on natural phenomena that they were specifically designed to detect. That is not proof of a reality, it is the proof of a system.

Here's how you can know that nature-order is not real:

Real def.

1. existing or occurring as fact; actual rather than imaginary, ideal, or fictitious

2. being an actual thing; having objective existence; not imaginary:

A child is born and, in measured succession, grows into adolesence, young adulthood, adulthood, middle-age, then "old age".

Question: What happened to the child?
Answer: The child is gone. He "grew up".
Question: Well, if the child is gone, if he is no longer here, does that mean he was never real?
Answer: Correct. If the child were real, he would still be here. Instead, we are left to imagine him.

An apple is plucked from a tree and set on a table. Over several days it ripens, then spoils, turns brown and withers. Eventually nothing is left except for a mushy mass.

Question: What happened to the apple?
Answer: The apple is gone. It disintegrated.
Question:Well, if the apple is gone, if it is no longer here, does that mean that the apple was never real?
Answer: You catch on quickly.

If something is real, it is always real. It exists in its realness for eternity. It does not come and go. It does not rise, shine and then fade. It does not disintegrate, dissolve or "die". It remains static, permanent, forever real.

This nature-order has its basis in Unreality. Nothing is permanent. All is changeable, temporary. Nothing stays the same. These are your proofs of the unreality of the physical universe. No matter how "real" this nature-order may appear to you, it is not.

So, why are you clinging to it so tightly?

~ g

27 May 2018


Apparently, the European Union has mandated that consumers must be explicitly and loudly notified about the use of cookies on websites that they visit and must be given the option of consenting to the use of cookies before continuing their browsing experience.

Every thinking human-being should know by now that our movements on the Web are tracked for advertising and "other purposes". There's not much that we can do about it, as the internet is the playground of earth's controllers and they make the rules. The Web is their data collection resource. 

That said, do not be fearful. As there exists a dark cabal dedicated to the deception and mental enslavement of mankind, so also there exists a Brotherhood of Light. It is that Brotherhood that watches over both sleeping humanity and those who walk the Path. 

Just want to let you know that the use of cookies is primarily linked with advertising and that this site carries no advertising. The "other purposes" we'll have to live with.

For information on the types of cookies used by Google, see Types of Cookies Used by Google.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by the European Union's quest to promote transparency on the Web.

~ g


A young boy goes for a walk in the woods with his parents, wanders off and gets lost. He tries to find his way back to his family but cannot. Night falls and he sleeps in the woods. The next day, he tries again to find his way back. No luck. He is tired, hungry and worn-out. He resigns himself to his fate and lays down to die. Sleep overcomes him.

At some point, the boy is awakened by the feeling of wetness on his face. He opens one eye and can hardly believe what he sees: it is a wolf, a female, and she is licking his face. He is too weak to scream but soon realizes that he does not have to. The wolf bends down, places an apple in her jaws and offers it to the boy, who gratefuly accepts.

The relationship grows from there. The wolf leads the boy back to her lair, where the rest of her pack are assembled. They all take turns sniffing at the boy until they are satisfied with his presence.

And so, his new life begins.

From that day on, the boy lives as a a wolf. He hunts with the pack, he eats what the pack eats. He barks, growls and howls in the language that only wolves understand. Over time, he completely forgets his origins, how he came to be in these woods, what his true identity is.

Some years later, two hunters come across the boy as he roams with the pack. At first, they are startled by the sight of the disheveled, hairy, human-like figure. Then they gather courage and decide to capture him. They fire a stun dart to subdue him. As the hunters approach the boy, they hear threatening snarls and growls. They have to be very careful to avoid his sharp nails and flashing teeth. The two men cannot believe what they are seeing - the boy is more wolf than human! They remember a story from some years ago that told of a young boy who had been lost in these woods. Could this be him? They carefully tie his hands and feet to a pole and begin to carry him out of the forest.

The wolf-boy howls and screams for his life. His pack members circle about but cannot get close as the hunters are quick with their guns. The wolf-boy is in mortal fear. He is being taken away from his home, his family. What will happen to him now?

What is the point of this story? The symbolic point of the story is that we, collective humanity, are like that Wolf-Boy. Due to our own self-will, we strayed from our True Divine Home and fell into this emergency-order, the Seventh Cosmic Domain, the Cosmic Physical Realm. We learned to wallow in astral and etheric filth. We adapted to it and now consider it a normal state-of-being. "Such is life", we say, not knowing that our existence here in the emergency-order is not True Life at all, but a living death. We severed our link to All That Is and anointed ourselves as the Center of Creation. We polluted our microcosms as we learned to lie, steal, cheat, kill, over-indulge our appetites and disavow The Creator. We completely forgot our Divine origins, how we came to be in this fallen realm, and what our true identity is.

Now, when there are those sent to rescue us, we hide from them. We snarl and growl at them. "Don't take me away from my "home". Don't take me away from filth, disease, inhumanity, grief and sorrow! I am happy here! I am content here! Leave me alone!"

It is hoped that the symbolism behind this short story will find its way into the hearts of those who have forgotten their Origins. Work every day to answer the Call of the Gnosis. Awaken from your Sleep of Death. Seek the Way Home.

Remember: you are not a wolf.

~ g

17 May 2018

Awakening The Divine In Man - Conclusion


But, there are warnings that must be given. The Path of Return is indeed a narrow road. Attention must be paid every step of the Way. It is not easy to rid one’s personality-system of habits that have been built up over many hundreds of incarnations. Your “I-being”, the entity that you refer to as “you” must disappear. The “I” must relinquish its position as King of the Personality. It must step aside and make way for the emerging New Man that is in the process of being reborn.

Warning #1: We are reminded in advance to make sure that we “count the cost” before embarking upon the Path. For the Path is All or Nothing. Once we begin to walk the transfiguristic Path of Return, there can be no turning back without dire consequences.

Warning #2: Remember that the “I” Cannot Kill The “I”. The “I” knows that it is involved in a battle for its very existence and will fight against this process of self-surrender using every means at its disposal. Beware of the deceptive powers of the “I”. It will work tirelessly to trick you into thinking that “I am doing so well on the Path”.  It will also try to introduce Fear and Doubt into the system, as it attempts to weaken the resolve of the Candidate. Therefore, constantly examine your Thoughts, Desires and Emotions for any trace of self-maintenance.

Understand that the Endura is not a personal battle between the Candidate and is/her "I-being". It is, in fact, an electromagnetic conflict involving two opposing vibrations; one is dialectical, earthly. The other is Divine. The clash of these two diametrically-opposed vibrations results in something like a Fire within the microcosm. That Fire must rage. We, as personalities, cannot step in to do anything about it. The best that we can do is to remain neutral and stay out of the way. We must let the Christ-Power Within Do the Work. The following quote from Light on the Path by Mabel Collins is presented to help reinforce this point:


1. Stand aside in the coming battle, and though thou fightest, be not thou the Warrior.

2. Look for the Warrior and let him fight in thee. 

3. Take his orders for battle and obey them.

4. Obey him, not as though He were a general, but as though He were yourself, and His spoken words were the utterance of your secret desire; for He is yourself, yet infinitely wiser and stronger than yourself. 

Look for Him, else in the fever and hurry of the Fight you may pass Him, and He will not know you unless you know Him. If your cry reaches His listening ear, then He will fight in you and fill the dull void within. And if this is so, then you can go through the Fight cool and unwearied, standing aside and letting Him battle for you. Then it will be impossible for you to strike one blow amiss.

But if you do not look for Him, if you pass Him by, then there is no safeguard for you. Your brain will reel, your heart will grow uncertain, and in the dust of the battlefield your sight and senses will fail, and you will not know your Friends from your Enemies.

He is yourself, yet you are but finite and liable to error. He is Eternal and sure. He is Eternal Truth. When once He has entered you, and become your Warrior, He will never utterly desert you, and at the Day of Great Peace, He will become One with you.


As mentioned earlier, this stage of Self-Surrender, this path of Endura, if completed successfully, will lead you to a New Attitude of Life, one where the needs and wants of the “I” are no longer important, or even entertained. The things that once mattered so very much in your life, will not matter anymore. The personality ceases to Take and becomes a Giver in all things. It radiates unconditionally, a gnostic Light-Power into a darkened world.

CONCLUSION: To awaken the Divine in us, we must work to purify our Light-Vesture. The entire tone of the personality must change from one of self-focus and self-maintenance to one of Love of Giving and Selfless Service. That is the Great Aim of the Endura.

Thankfully, all earnest and SINCERE Candidates who make the decision to walk the gnostic Path of Return will receive help from the Living Body of the School. This Living Body is a Power-Field. It is a Field of Vibration, a vacuum consisting of pure Divine ethers, stepped-down to a Frequency that each Candidate can handle. This Power-Field provides for all the needs of the candidate as he/she tries to accomplish this difficult turnaround.

What is important to remember is that the Candidate must truly WANT to effect this turnaround. He or she cannot be forced or coerced into making this Choice. The Choice must be arrived at voluntarily by the Candidate, and that Choice must spring from an intense, inner yearning to do whatever is required to walk the Path of Return to the Good End.

If the Candidate is successful in achieving this complete reversal of type, then Transformation, Transfiguration and Final Liberation from this fallen nature-order will become his or her share.

 We close with a quote from The Voice of the Silence:

“The self of Matter and the Self of Spirit can never meet;
One of the Two must disappear.
There is no place for Both”

And from the Christ:

"Go, sell all that you have, and follow Me" 

~ g

15 May 2018

Awakening The Divine In Man II


The preceding gnostic brotherhood of 800 years past – the medieval Cathars of southern France – used a special term to describe this phase of the Path: they called it the Endura.

We’d like to offer a definition of the gnostic concept of “endura”, as explained by Jan van Rijckenborgh:

[QUOTE] Endura – def.

The Path of “I-demolition”, the path of the “final death”, through the surrender of the “I” to the “Other One”, the Immortal Man, the Christ within. It is the Path of John, who “makes straight the paths for his Lord”. It means putting into practice the words: ‘He – the Heavenly Other One – must increase, and I must decrease. I must perish so that the heavenly Other One may live in me’.

The Path of the Endura is the age-old path, along which the fallen human-being rises towards his True Immortal Self. The fire of Purification brings about a complete reversal in his life and then he returns to the Father.

Life in dialectics is “life” leading to death; the Path of the Endura means a voluntary “death” leading to True Life. It is the part of the true, God-seeking human-being. ‘He who will lose his life for My sake, will find the Life’.

He who wishes to possess the Spirit must lose the self. As soon as the self, the “I”, comes to the forefront, the Spirit withdraws” 



The Endura has been referred to as “a daily dying” and “a Death unto Life”. These are symbolic terms, not to be interpreted in a literal sense. They refer to the death of the “I-being” – the nullification of the human ego along with the so-called “higher self”.

How Do We Live the Endura?

The aim of the endura is to neutralize the influence of the nature-born self while helping to raise the overall vibration of the microcosm. Everything about us that is focused upon the things of the earth must be released. We must cease to respond to earthly stimuli beyond that which is absolutely necessary. To do this, we need to adopt new ways of Thinking, Willing and Desiring; new habits that are in line with the requirements of the Path. 

The Candidate should look to adopt the following core attributes

(1) an honest and unceasing desire to render Selfless Service to Humanity  

Live to Serve your fellow man. That Service need not be large. Many times, the Small Thing that we do for others is the thing that yields the Highest Value. Opportunities to serve present themselves to us practically by-the-minute. We routinely miss them, usually because we are too busy focusing on ourselves. We must learn to recognize those opportunities for service and render such service accordingly. 

(2) Neutrality                                                  

Learn to be neither for, nor against anything. Do not take sides. 

(3) Detachment, or Non-Attachment      

Learn to Dissociate from earthly affairs. By this we mean do not attach yourself to events or their outcomes. Observe, but do not partake. 

(4) Objectivity 

Avoid being Judgmental towards others. Also avoid the twin vices of Gossip and Criticism.

Judgment, Gossip and Criticism are detrimental to the progress of any Candidate on the Path. These vices serve to harm not only ourselves but others, as well.      

(5) Self-Denial

Cease to indulge the thoughts and desires of the “I-being”.

What the Physical, Astral and Mental bodies want for the human personality is not what the Divine part of us wants. However, do not try to forcibly suppress selfish thoughts and emotions. This will only create new tensions that will build up elsewhere. Rather, learn to recognize those Thoughts and Emotions that are not in line with the requirements of the Path and do not give them your attention. “Energy follows Thought. What is Focused upon, Grows”. So, learn to ignore the persuasive pleadings of your selfish “I”.

.(6)  Eliminate Anxiety, Worry and Fear from your Thinking.

Anxiety, Worry and Fear are low-vibrating Thoughts and Emotions that only serve to lower the overall vibration-quality of the microcosm , when we are, in fact, working to raise that vibration.

(7) Always live from the idea that others are more excellent than yourself. Also, no matter how objectionable a person may seem, learn to speak to that which is Divine within that person. “Like Attracts Like”. The Divinity that is growing within us can and will silently connect with the sleeping Divine part of our fellow human-beings.

This path of Self-Surrender serves to help purify the vehicles of the personality and raise the vibration of the Head, Heart and Pelvic sanctuaries. This process of Purification will enable the Rosebud to bloom energetically, radiating its Divine fragrance throughout the entire microcosm. In this manner, the Divine part of the Human System can awaken from its ages-long Sleep of Death and begin to flourish.

By way of an example, let's take a pitcher filled with water. If we pour the water out of the pitcher it will appear that the pitcher is slowly being emptied, but it is not. For as the water is leaving the pitcher, air is rushing in to occupy the vacated “space”. Eventually, the entire original contents of the pitcher (the water) will be replaced by a substance of a higher vibration (air). 

This is what we are working to accomplish with the endura.

Next: Warnings and Conclusion

~ g

13 May 2018

Awakening The Divine In Man

“The human being suffers the afflictions of Delusion.
He is tormented by Unreality.
He lives in Time, but Time is a fiction, and thus he does not live in the Absolute sense.

Yet, buried deep in his microcosm, 

A tiny Spark is left of the Original.
And if that tiny Spark has not yet been entirely extinguished, a Call can resound in him, like a Voice from afar; a Call to return to the Original Nature, which still exists in all its Pristine Glory, and in which the Spirit can be active, IS active.”

 Catharose de Petri - The Living Word

I. Introduction

The next series of posts will attempt to define and explain a little bit about the Process of Self-Surrender and the role that it plays in awakening that which is Divine in the human system.

First, a brief reminder as to humankind’s predicament. The point of departure is that there are two (2) nature-orders: one of these nature-orders is Divine, Eternal, Unchanging. This is the realm that we, as microcosms, originated from.

The other nature-order is where we are at present. This nature-order is Undivine, Temporal, Changeable. It is a Universe of Death, of constantly alternating Pairs of Opposites, of repeating cycles of Rising, Shining and Fading. Long ages ago, as a result of our own self-will, Humanity, as a collective life-wave, fell from the Divine nature-order. By “fell” it is meant that we fell in overall vibration. As fallen microcosms, we became trapped in the undivine nature-order, this Physical Universe.

Thankfully, within the center of our microcosm, situated in a location that corresponds with the upper right ventricle of the human heart, is a tiny atom. We call this singular atom the Spirit-Spark Atom, the Divine Spark, the Rosebud, and, as it blooms, the Rose of the Heart. This tiny Atom is the only part of the human system that is Divine, Immortal, Eternal. Due to the Fall, this Spirit-Spark Atom has lost its link with the Divine nature-order and thus lies dormant, asleep in the hearts of most of humankind.

However, if we can awaken this Spark, a Great Power will be released. This Power – what we call ‘the Gnosis’ - grants us the Opportunity and the Means to undergo a Process of Transformation that will enable us to break the chains that bind us to the Physical Realm. The Power of the Rose can only be released when we make the voluntary decision to walk the Path of Return to its completion.

The Path itself consists of five (5) main stages. In order, they are:

1. Insight
2. Yearning for Salvation
3. Self-Surrender
4. New Attitude of Life
5. Resurrection in the New Life-Field

We will now take a brief look at each of these five (5) stages: 

Insight: this is the stage of the Rational Touch where the Seeker obtains critical knowledge of the two nature-orders, of mankind’s predicament, of the true nature and purpose of the power centers, organs and soul-fluids of the human system. The Seeker is introduced to the Mystery of the Liberating Path of Return. This stage equates with the Delphic quote: “Man, Know Thyself”.

Yearning for Salvation: guided by this newly-acquired Insight, if the Seeker has been affected by the Rational Touch, he/she will begin to yearn intensely for a release from this fallen nature-order and a return to the Divine Realm. This is the stage of the Moral Touch, and is characterized by the following verse from Psalms: “I will look to the Hills, from whence my Salvation shall come”. (Psalms 121:1)

Self-Surrender:Here the work begins in earnest. Ignited by the fire of the Rational-Moral touch, the Candidate resolves to assist in the twin processes of Purification and Transformation by doing that which is necessary to neutralize the influence of the “I-being” while turning over control of the personality to the growing Other One Within. We are reminded here of the words spoken by John the Baptist: “He, the Other One, must Increase, while I must Decrease”. (John 3:30)

New Attitude of Life: when the Candidate has succeeded in surrendering the nature-born self to “The Other”, the results will be evidenced by a fundamental reversal of type, a “turning around”, if you will. The will of the personality is now aligned with the Will of the Gnosis. The Candidate’s Thoughts, Desires and Actions will stand as proof of that fact. Here we come to understand the meaning behind the words found in Luke 22: “Not My Will, but may Your Will be done”. (Luke 22:42)

Resurrection in the New Life-Field: This final step will find the microcosmic personality of the Candidate transformed and living out of the Divine radiations of a New Field of Life. From this point onwards, the chains have been broken. Although the Candidate continues to experience in this fallen nature-order, he/she is now effectively IN the world, but not OF the world. In this new state-of-consciousness, he/she will use the physical body to carry out God’s Will among fallen mankind, working as harvesters to save that which threatens to be lost. “Why do you look for the Living among the Dead? He is not here, He is risen.” (Luke 24:5-6)

These are the stages of the fivefold gnostic Path of Return. Every true candidate will move through these five stages on his/her way to Final Liberation.

Next: The Endura - the Path of Self-Surrender

~ g