17 May 2018

Awakening The Divine In Man - Conclusion


But, there are warnings that must be given. The Path of Return is indeed a narrow road. Attention must be paid every step of the Way. It is not easy to rid one’s personality-system of habits that have been built up over many hundreds of incarnations. Your “I-being”, the entity that you refer to as “you” must disappear. The “I” must relinquish its position as King of the Personality. It must step aside and make way for the emerging New Man that is in the process of being reborn.

Warning #1: We are reminded in advance to make sure that we “count the cost” before embarking upon the Path. For the Path is All or Nothing. Once we begin to walk the transfiguristic Path of Return, there can be no turning back without dire consequences.

Warning #2: Remember that the “I” Cannot Kill The “I”. The “I” knows that it is involved in a battle for its very existence and will fight against this process of self-surrender using every means at its disposal. Beware of the deceptive powers of the “I”. It will work tirelessly to trick you into thinking that “I am doing so well on the Path”.  It will also try to introduce Fear and Doubt into the system, as it attempts to weaken the resolve of the Candidate. Therefore, constantly examine your Thoughts, Desires and Emotions for any trace of self-maintenance.

Understand that the Endura is not a personal battle between the Candidate and is/her "I-being". It is, in fact, an electromagnetic conflict involving two opposing vibrations; one is dialectical, earthly. The other is Divine. The clash of these two diametrically-opposed vibrations results in something like a Fire within the microcosm. That Fire must rage. We, as personalities, cannot step in to do anything about it. The best that we can do is to remain neutral and stay out of the way. We must let the Christ-Power Within Do the Work. The following quote from Light on the Path by Mabel Collins is presented to help reinforce this point:


1. Stand aside in the coming battle, and though thou fightest, be not thou the Warrior.

2. Look for the Warrior and let him fight in thee. 

3. Take his orders for battle and obey them.

4. Obey him, not as though He were a general, but as though He were yourself, and His spoken words were the utterance of your secret desire; for He is yourself, yet infinitely wiser and stronger than yourself. 

Look for Him, else in the fever and hurry of the Fight you may pass Him, and He will not know you unless you know Him. If your cry reaches His listening ear, then He will fight in you and fill the dull void within. And if this is so, then you can go through the Fight cool and unwearied, standing aside and letting Him battle for you. Then it will be impossible for you to strike one blow amiss.

But if you do not look for Him, if you pass Him by, then there is no safeguard for you. Your brain will reel, your heart will grow uncertain, and in the dust of the battlefield your sight and senses will fail, and you will not know your Friends from your Enemies.

He is yourself, yet you are but finite and liable to error. He is Eternal and sure. He is Eternal Truth. When once He has entered you, and become your Warrior, He will never utterly desert you, and at the Day of Great Peace, He will become One with you.


As mentioned earlier, this stage of Self-Surrender, this path of Endura, if completed successfully, will lead you to a New Attitude of Life, one where the needs and wants of the “I” are no longer important, or even entertained. The things that once mattered so very much in your life, will not matter anymore. The personality ceases to Take and becomes a Giver in all things. It radiates unconditionally, a gnostic Light-Power into a darkened world.

CONCLUSION: To awaken the Divine in us, we must work to purify our Light-Vesture. The entire tone of the personality must change from one of self-focus and self-maintenance to one of Love of Giving and Selfless Service. That is the Great Aim of the Endura.

Thankfully, all earnest and SINCERE Candidates who make the decision to walk the gnostic Path of Return will receive help from the Living Body of the School. This Living Body is a Power-Field. It is a Field of Vibration, a vacuum consisting of pure Divine ethers, stepped-down to a Frequency that each Candidate can handle. This Power-Field provides for all the needs of the candidate as he/she tries to accomplish this difficult turnaround.

What is important to remember is that the Candidate must truly WANT to effect this turnaround. He or she cannot be forced or coerced into making this Choice. The Choice must be arrived at voluntarily by the Candidate, and that Choice must spring from an intense, inner yearning to do whatever is required to walk the Path of Return to the Good End.

If the Candidate is successful in achieving this complete reversal of type, then Transformation, Transfiguration and Final Liberation from this fallen nature-order will become his or her share.

 We close with a quote from The Voice of the Silence:

“The self of Matter and the Self of Spirit can never meet;
One of the Two must disappear.
There is no place for Both”

And from the Christ:

"Go, sell all that you have, and follow Me" 

~ g