13 May 2018

Awakening The Divine In Man

“The human being suffers the afflictions of Delusion.
He is tormented by Unreality.
He lives in Time, but Time is a fiction, and thus he does not live in the Absolute sense.

Yet, buried deep in his microcosm, 

A tiny Spark is left of the Original.
And if that tiny Spark has not yet been entirely extinguished, a Call can resound in him, like a Voice from afar; a Call to return to the Original Nature, which still exists in all its Pristine Glory, and in which the Spirit can be active, IS active.”

 Catharose de Petri - The Living Word

I. Introduction

The next series of posts will attempt to define and explain a little bit about the Process of Self-Surrender and the role that it plays in awakening that which is Divine in the human system.

First, a brief reminder as to humankind’s predicament. The point of departure is that there are two (2) nature-orders: one of these nature-orders is Divine, Eternal, Unchanging. This is the realm that we, as microcosms, originated from.

The other nature-order is where we are at present. This nature-order is Undivine, Temporal, Changeable. It is a Universe of Death, of constantly alternating Pairs of Opposites, of repeating cycles of Rising, Shining and Fading. Long ages ago, as a result of our own self-will, Humanity, as a collective life-wave, fell from the Divine nature-order. By “fell” it is meant that we fell in overall vibration. As fallen microcosms, we became trapped in the undivine nature-order, this Physical Universe.

Thankfully, within the center of our microcosm, situated in a location that corresponds with the upper right ventricle of the human heart, is a tiny atom. We call this singular atom the Spirit-Spark Atom, the Divine Spark, the Rosebud, and, as it blooms, the Rose of the Heart. This tiny Atom is the only part of the human system that is Divine, Immortal, Eternal. Due to the Fall, this Spirit-Spark Atom has lost its link with the Divine nature-order and thus lies dormant, asleep in the hearts of most of humankind.

However, if we can awaken this Spark, a Great Power will be released. This Power – what we call ‘the Gnosis’ - grants us the Opportunity and the Means to undergo a Process of Transformation that will enable us to break the chains that bind us to the Physical Realm. The Power of the Rose can only be released when we make the voluntary decision to walk the Path of Return to its completion.

The Path itself consists of five (5) main stages. In order, they are:

1. Insight
2. Yearning for Salvation
3. Self-Surrender
4. New Attitude of Life
5. Resurrection in the New Life-Field

We will now take a brief look at each of these five (5) stages: 

Insight: this is the stage of the Rational Touch where the Seeker obtains critical knowledge of the two nature-orders, of mankind’s predicament, of the true nature and purpose of the power centers, organs and soul-fluids of the human system. The Seeker is introduced to the Mystery of the Liberating Path of Return. This stage equates with the Delphic quote: “Man, Know Thyself”.

Yearning for Salvation: guided by this newly-acquired Insight, if the Seeker has been affected by the Rational Touch, he/she will begin to yearn intensely for a release from this fallen nature-order and a return to the Divine Realm. This is the stage of the Moral Touch, and is characterized by the following verse from Psalms: “I will look to the Hills, from whence my Salvation shall come”. (Psalms 121:1)

Self-Surrender:Here the work begins in earnest. Ignited by the fire of the Rational-Moral touch, the Candidate resolves to assist in the twin processes of Purification and Transformation by doing that which is necessary to neutralize the influence of the “I-being” while turning over control of the personality to the growing Other One Within. We are reminded here of the words spoken by John the Baptist: “He, the Other One, must Increase, while I must Decrease”. (John 3:30)

New Attitude of Life: when the Candidate has succeeded in surrendering the nature-born self to “The Other”, the results will be evidenced by a fundamental reversal of type, a “turning around”, if you will. The will of the personality is now aligned with the Will of the Gnosis. The Candidate’s Thoughts, Desires and Actions will stand as proof of that fact. Here we come to understand the meaning behind the words found in Luke 22: “Not My Will, but may Your Will be done”. (Luke 22:42)

Resurrection in the New Life-Field: This final step will find the microcosmic personality of the Candidate transformed and living out of the Divine radiations of a New Field of Life. From this point onwards, the chains have been broken. Although the Candidate continues to experience in this fallen nature-order, he/she is now effectively IN the world, but not OF the world. In this new state-of-consciousness, he/she will use the physical body to carry out God’s Will among fallen mankind, working as harvesters to save that which threatens to be lost. “Why do you look for the Living among the Dead? He is not here, He is risen.” (Luke 24:5-6)

These are the stages of the fivefold gnostic Path of Return. Every true candidate will move through these five stages on his/her way to Final Liberation.

Next: The Endura - the Path of Self-Surrender

~ g

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