31 March 2012

Radiation Laws and Prophecy


Now, in the Universe there are certain laws which provide a regularity and are called: radiation laws. Throughout the entire dualistic universe the radiation laws regulate the living conditions of all entities and the great respirating and exhaling processes of the stars and planets., of the planetary and zodiacal systems. One might speak of a gigantic clockwork, which indicates the course of things in the order of time and space, and from which nothing and no one can escape.Everyone must submit himself  to these radiation laws, which govern the entire Universe. Therefore, it is quite evident that the possibilities whereby a gnostic-minded group may follow and reach its aim, also answer to suchlike laws.

When a gnostic body submits itself exactly according to the indications of the relative radiation laws, then this group will be able to travel its way and reach the aim of the path, without any hindrance, without any obstacle.

A group of gnostic-minded persons does not just come to the fore at a given moment in world history. No, the gnostic groups also come and go according to natural laws, according to radiation laws which regulate all of this, just as all other things and developments come and go according to these same laws. Thus, it is possible that people, who have studied those laws and who understand their workings and who have also investigated the course of these laws in the order of space and time, can point --  with their fingers upon the inter-cosmic clockwork, as it were -- toward happenings which will irrevocably come. When they do so, this, however, is no prophecy, no astrology, but a conviction based upon knowledge of the universal governing Law; a sober and business-like taking into account of the irrevocable natural and lawful course of events.  Neither are there any mysterious whispering voices, spiritualistic controls or anything of that sort; no mysterious hocus-pocus, but only some knowledge of the radiation laws which govern the Omni-revelation.

When the ancient prophets spoke about God, the coming Interventions or the coming Punishments, then they alluded to the nature-powers of which we have spoken, which powers are irresistably active. They knew, that if one accumulates tensions the explosion is bound to come at the appointed time. One can very often establish the moment of the explosion beforehand.

Now, one can ask: is it any use prophesying? If the course of things in the entire Omni-revelation is indispensable, why should we find it necessary to warn each other beforehand? Yes, for the man in the mass, for man as a herd-animal, that has indeed no point. But it has for the seeker who, when he is seized by the Gnosis, might find the Path of Liberation!

For the seeker it is really of importance, that a warning should reach him or her at the right time and in the right place. If you still exist in the seeking stage and hungrily feel for the One Way of Liberation, without being able to see this clearly before you; if all sorts of doubts press upon you, in consequence of which you remain still in indecision, then, in this condition, a warning is quite definitely in order: 'Take your places now upon the Path and submit yourselves to the urge of the Logos!'.

One can escape from the fate of duality by going the way of the true destiny of mankind. That is why it is also a question of love for God and mankind, to go out and spread the warning when it has come and has been understood.

From Unmasking - J. van Rijckenborgh


The inter-cosmic and cosmic radiation laws are as regular and reliable as the second hand on a clock. To get an idea of the regularity of such radiations, picture in your mind's eye a lighthouse, with its cyclopean beam sweeping the night in a slow, regular 360-degree circle. The weather may change, the condition of the sea may change, as may the vessels that sail past; the lighthouse-beam, however, does not change. It comes, goes, and returns again.

So it is with the inter-cosmic radiations, the Christine radiations mentioned so often here. These radiations are regular and periodic. The wise are aware of the duration of the spiraling cosmic cycles and are able to offer prophecy based on a combination of this special knowledge and objective observation of mankind's state-of-being. No crystal balls, no seances or tarot cards, simply a prediction, based on the reality of these regular, periodic, cyclic radiations that have swept this solar system since the first Day of Manifestation and will continue to do so until this World Period has come to a close.

~ g

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