03 March 2015


"Like anybody, I would like to live a long life - longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will"
Martin Luther King, Jr.

26 Know that Life is unimportant unless properly lived. A noble death is better than a wasted life. He who exchanges a life of wickedness for a worthy death makes amends, and the scales are adjusted. Accordingly, let your aim be to live as long as you should and not as long as you can.

29 The span of man's life is neither long nor short but sufficient for its purpose. Whatever benefits a man wishes to attain for his soul may be attained in his lifetime. A lifetime is sufficient to fashion the soul to Ultimate Glory or ultimate horror.

30 What end would a longer life serve? To the wicked an opportunity for more evil, to the selfish more time to hurt others and to the miserly ones more time to lay up worthless things. The slothful ones would rejoice, for there would be more time for their idleness but the burden of the industrious ones would be that much greater.

31 The good may say, "Why, then, should not our lives be lengthened and years added unto us?". Know they not the goodness of the labor done in their lifetime shall have been sufficient and no more is required of them here? If they have served well on Earth, they are candidates for higher service in the Regions of Light, for the opportunity for service ceases not at death.

 32 To what end would you live longer, to do the things you have not done or repeat the things you have already done? What you have been unable to do will be done by others, and does not man experience repetitious pleasures with decreasing enjoyment? Would you increase your knowledge or develop your skill? Who, then, shall teach you more than is to be learned on Earth, or where on Earth can practice carry you beyond perfection? He who would go further must go to a higher place of instruction. The works done on Earth pass away and the fruits of man's labor are reaped elsewhere.

33 Each man's life should leave its impress on Earth, and each man should depart a better man for having lived. Repine not for lost opportunities, for opportunity does not perish at death. Do your best here and you will do better Elsewhere. Be wise here and you will be wise in Another Place.

34 Earthly success is not the measure of a man's achievement, for a gain here may mean a loss elsewhere. An earthly loss may mean a spiritual gain. The Scales are always just.

35 When in old age you say, "Alas that life is short!", then consider the way you abused and wasted it in your youth, is not your reward fitting? Remember that the paths to pleasant old age are chosen in youth. They are the paths of Simplicity, Moderation, Cleanliness and Virtue.

36 Consider the ruthlessness of rulers, the greed of the rich and the willfulness of the powerful. If these dare to enslave the Earth and wreak misery upon the people, knowing they can enjoy the fruits of their oppression but a brief span of years, what would they not set out to achieve were their span of life doubled or were they immortal?

37 Therefore, the Great God in His wisdom has ordained the proper span of man's life. If, then, you think life is short, why dissipate it so and why waste the precious days? Is it not economy that makes a man rich, and not abundance?

From The Kolbrin - The Book of Morals and Precepts - Chapter 4 - Life

Take full advantage of the time you have here on Earth to locate the Path that leads to Soul Rebirth and Immortality.

~ g

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