24 March 2011


The lowly caterpillar. Not too glamorous-looking. No one writes songs about it. Spends its life munching leaves and trying to stay "not-squashed". Then, in response to something from within, it finds a perfect leaf, attaches itself to it, and begins to spin a cocoon around itself. When the caterpillar has completed its labor, it suspends activity...and waits.

As it "sleeps", changes begin to take place. The caterpillar morphs into something unrecognizable at first. When it finally breaks its cocoon and clambers out into the day, it is no longer a caterpillar.

As above, so below. If the divine, Creative hierarchies could see to it that such a lowly creature could change its form as naturally as you please, why should we think that the same could not be done for Man, the beings created in the divine image?

Within each one of us, is the "plumbing" required to transform ourselves into something Higher. However, it has to be activated. The activation is a result of a "hand-shake" between ourselves and the Divine. Humble, earnest seeking and selfless, loving service will open a channel between us and Christ-Consciousness. As one lives these ideals in daily active service, changes will begin to manifest, as if by magic. Words give only the barest outline of what can happen. To be known, it has to be experienced, it has to be lived.

For many of us, our plumbing is in very poor shape. This is because we have been thinking wrong, feeling wrong and acting wrong. This has caused our equipment to rust and atrophy, making transformation of any kind difficult, if not impossible.

Fortunately, that situation can be reversed. With Right Knowledge, Right Effort and Right Aspiration to be a part of something Higher, we can learn how to cleanse our clogged plumbing, spin our cocoon and achieve the promised metamorphosis.

Goodbye, dirt and crawly things. Hello, sky and gossamer wings.

~ g

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