08 May 2012

Keep On Walking, Don't Look Back

The Path to True Life can appear to be a lonely one, at times. The mass of humanity are totally oblivious to it. They are happily engrossed in the endless variety of delusions that the material-sphere offers. Good or bad, the sensation of "living" is what they crave. They have no idea that, in truth, they do not live but are actually 'living dead'.

Just as when we were children and were forced to stay home and study while the 'cool kids' hung out on the block, those who are sincerely trying to walk The Path may now and then have moments of melancholy, perhaps tinged with a bit of envy. "How come they get to play outside and I don't?", we would whine. And what would our mothers say in reply? "There's nothing out there for you in those streets. You're going to study so that you can grow up to be somebody!" (or words to that effect). If we look back on our lives, we can kind of see that our parents were mostly right. The 'cool kids' aren't so cool anymore, as they struggle through life. We struggle as well, but in a slightly different manner.

We struggle because we have come to understand that even the idea of "making something out of ourselves" on the physical plane is a false ideal, destined to trap us into one of the many imprisoning social roles that duality has defined for us to inhabit. We have come to realize that nothing in this material realm is lasting --- nothing. "All is vexation and vanity", as the Buddha so succinctly put it.

Now that the trappings of earth-life have been stripped away and revealed for what they truly are, it's normal for one to occasionally feel a bit out-of-sorts. After all, the only things that brought one any sort of  'enjoyment' at all in this nature-order have now been exposed, unmasked, so that in essence, there's nothing left. Well, almost nothing left. We are still left with the un-appealing prospect of indulging in the fruitless struggle between 'good' and 'evil' until we reach the end of this life, only to pass over to the reflection-sphere for a time before returning by birth, yet again, to this same Treadmill of Futility. The hand-maidens of duality, 'good' and 'evil' both serve one and the the same purpose, although in markedly different ways. They serve to bind us here, bind us to a delusion.

One feels lonely and out-of-sorts only because one does not yet have a strong enough faith in the Path, does not yet truly believe in the journey of the rose and the cross. The gnawing question becomes, "what now?". There's nothing for us in this nature-order, yet the Original Realm for which we are yearning cannot be perceived, physically. It can only be felt, but not if we maintain our attraction to the old kingdom. We must endeavor to live by what has been revealed to us, by what our hearts have resonated to, and have faith that all that has been revealed to us is true. With this faith, we will persevere, resolutely moving forward, not stopping to look back. Moving ever closer to The Goal, and farther from that which lies behind us, we will develop the ability to "see" where it is we are headed. The Truth will shine forth as a mighty beacon whose illuminating Light will erase all of our lingering doubts and fears.

Self-forgetfulness is the key. We should lose ourselves in service to others, no matter how small, insignificant or anonymous that service may be. The less time we spend thinking about our own perceived 'troubles', the less likely we are to be affected by those thought-forms which seek to drag us back into the mire we are trying to escape.

Loneliness? Do not waste precious time in self-pity and hand-wringing! Look ahead! Look closely! Can’t you see? Our true friends and relations have all gathered at the Great Gate, where they have been waiting for, literally, eons. Waiting with infinite patience and love for us to arrive safely Home from a long, long journey in a distant, foreign land. That long vigil is nearly over. The Great Reunion is upon us. We are almost there.

Keep on walking, don't look back.

~ g

1 comment:

Delta Inspire said...

Hi Brother Gee - it's Delta Inspire. It's been a long time. I have found a path to making a huge impact to humanity. If you are interested in making a journey to become more than you ever thought possible, let me know. Contact me at deltainspire3@hushmail.com. Delta Inspire