23 May 2012

A New Solar System


You know that this solar system, to which our earth belongs, forms a unity co-operating in all its aspects. The radiations of this system can be completely defined and foreseen as to their influences and their effects. Together, all those mighty radiations of our well-known solar system have, among other things, given birth to the human being as we know him today on our earthly plane. We are speaking here about the human being in his physical appearance, his sevenfold personality, equipped with great power and talents, with the nadir of matter as the limit of his achievements.

But you know that the human being is called to rise above this field of life, which has become a prison to him, and that later on, he will have to possess a new personality for this, a personality that has been transfigured and that is generally called the soul human being. So you will have to achieve resurrection and continue after this resurrection. You understand that achieving resurrection in and with the old personality, in and with the personality you now possess, is completely impossible. Therefore, rebirth is necessary. And because every rebirth takes place through radiations, through intercosmic radiations, for which until now, among other things, the planetary radiations of our solar system have served, it is clear that for the necessary resurrection that we are now approaching different radiations are needed from those we have at our disposal now.

That is why a different solar system will now appear and become active in the human life: a different sun, other planets and another zodiac. That is why it is said in the veiled and prophetic language of Revelation 21:

'I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more'.

This great change is already fully under way. The complete revolution of the whole universe is now in progress. And we have often spoken in our School about the three mystery planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, three planets belonging to the new solar system that will assist us in the coming development.

These three planetary influences will in the coming years, but within the foreseeable future, be joined by three other planetary powers, three influences not yet active for humanity and therefore still unknown.

Accordingly, six mystery planets will make themselves felt in the future. They will constitute the six steps of the path that the New Man will have to ascend. Together, these six will form the seventh aspect that the New Man will have to realize.

Every pupil will have to take seven steps, will have to ascend seven rungs, will have to attune himself harmoniously to seven mighty new influences. And the fact that we are gathered here explains why we are going to reflect on the third mystery planet, Pluto. For Pluto occupies a key position in the sevenfold series, and will change the appearance of the whole world, of the whole of humanity.

We will not be given free choice in this, as was the case in the past. In the past, we could be religious, or not. In the past, we could choose between different faiths. In the past, humanity wandered in the nadir of materiality and was kept in equilibrium as well as possible by our well-known solar system.

But all of this is going to change now. The whole of humanity is being driven in a particular direction. And the point is whether you want to follow, or not. If you decide, as the old human being sometimes did, to wait a little longer, to sit on the fence for a few more years, you will regret it later, because such a delay will cause great damage.

We can and must say to you: that is what is going to happen! It has been granted to us to prove this to you in the coming days.

"A New Solar System" from The Mighty Signs Of God's Counsel - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri (August 1965)



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