13 October 2009

Man, Control Thy Thoughts - More On Aeons

There are times when humans will commit acts without really thinking about why they chose to commit them. Few recognize that invisible, human-created and human-nourished entities known as aeons are responsible for surreptitiously goading them to act against their better interests.

"Why did I yell, scream and curse at that driver?" -- The Rage Aeon
"Why did I have that jelly donut even though I know that I am diabetic?" -- The Glutton Aeon
"Why did I sleep with that complete stranger - unprotected?" -- The Lust Aeon
"Why do I hate <________________>? (insert any number of racial groupings, creeds, political and national affiliations, etc.)" -- The Superiority Aeon
"Why do I go to church on Sunday, thanking Jesus for 'forgiving' my sins (in advance)?" -- The Jesus Aeon

To review, an aeon is a gianormous thought-cloud created by the strong, persistent thoughts of human beings. Once thought-forms are discarded by one human they can be picked up by
another, where its life is renewed and possibly strengthened. Eventually, these thoughts, through "like attraction" find their way back to their particular Aeon, which are in turned nourished and strengthened by the vibratory energy field of the human's discarded thought-form. The Aeon grows more powerful and its energies become more insistent, reaching more humans. On a higher level are the Archons, who control the aeons and nourish themselves from the lower vibrations collected by them.

Aeons surround the planetary sphere. They constantly bombard humanity with their inimicable impulses, probing and searching for humans susceptible to their peculiar energies. For example, during a traffic jam, there is a collective tension/frustration/aggravation among drivers. These vibrations serve to attract negative aeonic forces. Let's call this one "The Rage Aeon". Not everyone responds to it, thankfully. But if it finds two drivers who unconsciously seek the "energy" of Anger and Rage, the auric fields of both drivers will pick up the vibration of the Rage Aeon and next thing you know, there's yelling, physical assault or worse.

Most people are remorseful after a road-rage incident and frequently will acknowledge that they "don't know why" they did that.

The above holds true for the Diabetic Donut-eater, the Reckless One-Night-Stander, the Racist/Bigot/Nationalist, etc. They will commit acts that are completely to the detriment of their physical health or spiritual growth out of ignorance. Ignorance of the fact that they are attracting and nurturing invisible energies which are designed to influence humans to act out their lowest, basest desires.

Think of any crowd situation you've been in. Aeons are at attendance there as well. Whether it is a hockey game, a rock concert, a political rally or a religious service, a gathering of humans with a more-or-less common focus will attract the corresponding aeon (in these cases the Sports Fanatic Aeon, the Satanic Forms Aeon, the Political Fanatic Aeon, the Religious Aeon). At such events, aeons are able to feast on a veritable smorgasbord of nourishing energies, all multiplied exponentially by the rising crescendo of the particular gathering.

Actually, physical proximity is not really necessary. The recent death of Michael Jackson was yet another opportunity for the Global Mourning Aeon to gorge itself on humans cluelessly expressing grief for Michael's passing. If only they realized that "Death" is not the end of anything and that Mr. Jackson is fine and well beyond the veil. In fact, the strength of the world out-pouring of grief actually poses a hindrance to the departed's ability to move on, as it will still feel the strong tug pf materiality each time his name is invoked. It is quite possible that there is a Michael Jackson aeon already in existence, created via years of sold-out concerts and world-wide adoration (or not) for this iconic human figure.

Think of how humans behave in the few scenarios laid out above. Hockey games, rock concerts, political rallies, religious ceremonies, anything having to do with MJ. What is the common denominator for behavior in these scenarios?


fren·zy (frěn')

1. A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement.
2. Temporary madness or delirium.
3. A mania; a craze

The Matrix Connection

Returning to "The Matrix", that allegorical gift left to Mankind to help us to remember the Truth during these Ending Cycles. Remember how the humans were enclosed in pods, floating in liquid and hooked up at the base of the skull to The Matrix? Remember the tentacled "machine-creatures" that came to tend these pods and secure energy from them? It would appear that

Aeons = The Matrix
Archons = the Tentacled Uglies

As long as the humans were hooked up and dreamily reacting to the pumped-in stimuli (aeonic forces), the machines had all the energy they could ever want. But once a human was "un-plugged", The Matrix would immediately detect this and take measures to destroy the "rebel". This same modus operandi takes effect in our current "reality". As soon as someone makes a conscious decision to to dispassionately divorce themselves from reacting to the constant bombardment of stimuli afforded to humans, as soon as one makes the decision to "stop feeding" these aeons, that human will be mercilessly attacked in an attempt to "whip" the human back into conformity.

Once we become aware of how we are coerced into thinkng and acting in a negative manner, once we realize that our dark thoughts and lower desires are feeding unseen enitities whose goal is to keep human souls enslaved for ages, we may begin to take care to choose our thoughts a bit more carefully. It helps if we try to think and act in accordance with the Will of the Creator. This is no easy task, as humans are accustomed to reckless Abuse of Free Will and, as such, we basically feel that we have the "right" to do whatever the heck we want. Well, we can see where that mindset has gotten us, can we not?

Perhaps it's time to give Dispassion, Detachment and Discrimination a try.

For more on this subject, read "The Invisible War on Humanity" http://www.thenewcall.org/ri_invisible_war.htm. See also, my post dated September 22nd.

All Love,

~~ G


Kevin said...

WOW, Brother Gee. It all makes sense, for instance,why a human being would become a human bomb, as in Iraq.

Does that mean we created these aeons and archons in the first place from our thoughts? and if so-- it looks like we can remove them the same way? 'With our thoughts'!

I never really liked being in a crowd much and completely avoid them altogether now... I now know why!

Thanks Brother Gee for all you do... and for sharing your knowing.

BrotherGee said...

Hi, Kev.

Re: The suicide bombers, I've personally always theorized that these "people" are clones. However, your postulate makes perfect sense as someone with fanatical tendencies can easily be urged to do such a horrendous thing via the proddings of the proper Aeon.

Re: "Does that mean we created these aeons and archons in the first place from our thoughts?"

Yes. We're talking thousands and thousands of years worth of Humanity's basest thoughts and desires (i.e. War, Conquest, Greed, Desire for Power, Desire for Fame, etc.) Every human thought and emotion, even our so-called "good" thoughts have a corresponding Aeon. Thoughts ARE things. They do go somewhere.

The key to eliminating the aeons and archons (and this is difficult) is to stop mindlessly reacting to all stimuli presented to us. Maintain an equilibrium by not getting too excited or sorrowful in response to a given stimuli. If Humanity had the collective discipline to do this, the aeons and archons would starve (although they would put up a very strong fight).

As the saying goes: Be IN the World, but not OF it.

Re: "I never really liked being in a crowd..."

Crowds take on a life of their own (well, maybe not their own). If humans could view a crowd from on high with Enhanced Vision, we would be surprised at the enormous clouds of thought-energy hovering over the crowd. We would also see that the crowd itself has an aura and that the color of that aura changes hues depending on the mood of the crowd.

If one is strong-willed, then one can keep their peace in the midst of a crowd, no matter what the mood. However, if one can avoid getting caught up in one, it might not be such a bad idea.

If you get an opportunity to read "The Astral World" by C. W. Ledbeater, grab it. The concept is explained in a manner that can be easily grasped.

Peace to you, my friend.

~~ G