24 July 2016

Radiation And Rebirth

If one has any doubt about the ability of a Divine radiation, the Gnosis, to penetrate and awaken the power of the latent, sleeping Divine Spark, perhaps the following may be of help.

The key word in the previous sentence is the word 'radiation', the definition of which, follows:


a.the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves.
b.the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and absorbed by another body.

Every second of every day we are bombarded with multiple radiations. Some of these radiations we absorb and assimilate, with or without some measure of difficulty or dis-ease. Other types of radiation pass through us without notice.

At this very moment scores of different types of radiation are streaming through your physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. There are the more mundane ones, such as radio, telephone and wireless transmissions. Then you have etheric, astral and mental radiations emanating from the light-vestures of incarnate human-beings and from entities beyond-the-veil. Beyond that, you have inter-cosmic radiations from planetary bodies and star systems.

Yes, the stars do emit energies and these energies find their way to you. You cannot 'feel' them the way that you 'feel' the light that comes from our nearest star, the Sun, because you do not yet have senses that are attuned to detect and inform you of such subtle radiations. This does not mean that these radiations do not have any effect on you, the human-being. It just means that you are presently unaware of their influences or their origins.

From planetary systems and star-systems we can extend this phenomena to include the influences of nebulas, quasars, supernovas, galaxies and higher planes of existence. Cosmic Domains above our 7th also radiate energies to us. It is from these higher densities of the All-Manifestation that the pure Christine radiations originate.

Here on earth, humanity is immersed in these radiations. This is especially true now that we have reached the end of a major world-cycle. A cosmic revolution is taking place that is pouring unprecedented quantities of this Divine radiation upon mankind. This is the Age of Aquarius, the symbol of which is that of a man with a pitcher, pouring out Living Water.

'It will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh...' Acts 2:17

The radiations of the Gnosis surround and interpenetrate all microcosms. Some may ask: if this is so, then why isn't all of humanity on the Path? It is because man does not properly utilize these energies for the purpose they were intended for. A Divine energy cannot be harmoniously assimilated by an un-divine personality. There is but one way for a personality to trap and make use of these Divine radiations. He or she must awaken the only part of them that has an affinity for these Divine radiations. He or she must awaken the sleeping Spark in the center of the microcosm, the Divine Atom that is aligned with the human heart.

If one can succeed in experiencing this special awakening, the Divine radiations will then have a place to go. They will no longer pass through the human-being or cause disruption to the human system. Instead, a process begins whereby the amount and quality of these radiations will increase and take up residence in the microcosm. If the candidate is aware of the requirements of the Path and consciously walks it, the Gnostic light-power will begin its work of transforming the astral, mental and etheric bodies. The light-vesture of the candidate will undergo a gradual purification. The weaving of the Golden Wedding Garment will be the final result. With this garment, the candidate will be able and prepared to meet the Bridegroom.

To "meet the Bridegroom" simply means that the reborn Soul will reunite with Spirit, which is the prerequisite for the ultimate transfiguration of the microcosm.

~ g


Andrew said...


Could you please explain with regard to the diagram about the damaged microcosm the difference between the Seven Magnetic Rings (Impersonal Karma)and the Higher Self (Personal Self)Does the impersonal karma mean the collective karma of humanity? Or is it the karma of previous inhabitants of the microcosm?
Thank you.

BrotherGee said...


Please refresh my memory. What diagram are you referring to? Do you have the title of the post in which it appeared?

~ g

Andrew said...


No I got the diagram from the web. The thing I wanted to know is there a difference between personal karma (Things that my I caused) and impersonal karma (Like dropping the atomic bomb on Japan)I can control my actions but can't really control whats going on in the world.

BrotherGee said...


There are different types of karma: personal, ancestral (parental, familial), racial, national and global.

The only difference is in degree. Personal karma, developed by the causes put into motion by previous personalities in the microcosm, stings more because it is direct and aims to balance a previous wrong, usually by inflicting the pain of that wrong upon the personality.

Due to the ties of the blood, some measure of the karma of parents and ancestors will affect us.

There is a racial karma, peculiar to the race that the personality happens to be a part of.

All nations carry their own karma and there is also a global, or planetary karma.

All of these affect the personality in some way. As the microcosm incarnates new personalities many times into different families, races and nations, a portion of the karma accumulated by these different groups always becomes the share of the current personality (you), in addition to the accumulated "personal" karma and any new karma that the current personality creates via his or her own actions.

~ g

Andrew said...

Do the 12 Apostles of Jesus symbolize the Zodiac? The Divine one.

BrotherGee said...

The short answer is yes, with one caveat.

It might be more accurate to say that they represent both aspects of the zodiac. The aeonic, nature-born aspect and the purified, liberated aspect. Remember, when Jesus met the apostles, they were regular people, with everyday faults and foibles. It wasn't until after the Transfiguration of Christ that they experienced what has come to be known as Pentecost, where each received a touch of the Holy Spirit. From there, they dispersed to spread the Good News, that the Power to free the personality from this earthly vale of tears lies within the heart of every spirit-spark human-being.

There is another symbolism that can be applied here. The Twelve Apostles also symbolize the twelve pairs of cranial nerves that originate in the head sanctuary and extend to exercise control over the human body. Before a candidate gains the necessary insight, these twelve cranial nerves are of the earth, earthly. If the candidate is successful in awakening the Rose of the Heart and endeavors to walk the Path in steadfastness and humility, the process will eventually lead to a purification of the head sanctuary. Those twelve pairs of cranial nerves will undergo a change just as the Twelve Apostles did. The aeonic, nature-born aspects of the zodiac will no longer impel the personality. The higher aspects of the zodiac will be firmly linked with the New Man.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

Thanks for the post.
Can you please elaborate on the below:
"The radiations of the Gnosis surround and interpenetrate all microcosms. Some may ask: if this is so, then why isn't all of humanity on the Path? It is because man does not properly utilize these energies for the purpose they were intended for. A Divine energy cannot be harmoniously assimilated by an un-divine personality. There is but one way for a personality to trap and make use of these Divine radiations. He or she must awaken the only part of them that has an affinity for these Divine radiations. He or she must awaken the sleeping Spark in the center of the microcosm, the Divine Atom that is aligned with the human heart."

How do we awaken the divine spark

BrotherGee said...


Will respond shortly.

~ g