14 April 2012

** Important Message To All Readers **

Time is getting short. This writer is not certain how much longer contact with you will be possible. Has The Message been delivered? Is anyone listening. If they are listening, do they understand? If they understand are they putting that understanding into practice by living it?

The Message has always been what's most important. Having spent years navigating the cesspool of New Age spiritual nonsense, occult trickery and mystic meanderings, this writer knows, first-hand, how easy it is for seeking mankind to be misled. The intent, therefore, has always been to take great care to avoid misleading anyone who happens to read what is posted here.

That said, the first couple of years worth of posts were all well-intended. However, due to the writer's dualistic state-of-being, some inaccuracies did manage to creep in. There are days that erasing all posts from 2006 thru July 2009 seems like a good idea, but then the realization sets in that such an action would be akin to throwing the baby out with the bath-water. Inaccuracies aside, all of those posts carried some measure of usefulness. So, they remain.

Towards the end of 2008 and in the beginning of 2009, this writer was made aware of an objective Truth, via The New Call website, which has recently been taken down. This objective Truth sprang from Gnosis, which is the true secret teaching of all ages. Gnosis means "true knowledge of God". It can be written down, but it is not the written word. It is a radiation, a power not-of-this-earth that surrounds and inter-penetrates this material-sphere, ceaselessly calling to every man and woman, "come home, come home". That Call will go unheeded unless and until the candidate, via self-surrender, opens his/her heart to receive it.

For this writer, that moment was signified by the July 25, 2009 post "A Paradigm Shift For BrotherGee".  From that point on, the focus of this blog shifted from "our salvation may come from without" to "our salvation must comes from within".

The writings at The New Call revealed much. They were valuable, authentic and divinely-inspired. But the caretakers of the website decided that after 15 years of unselfish service to humanity, that it was time to close things down. On the surface, this would appear to be a loss for those who seek Truth, who want desperately to find The Golden Thread that will lead them out of the insanity we erroneously call "life". Gratefully, this is not the case.

The Gnosis belongs to all of humanity. It is available for all to partake. Its flame is always kept alive somewhere in the world. Down through innumerable ages, this has ever been so. At the end of this Major World Cycle, things are no different.

With that in mind, the following information is put forth:

There is a gnostic group of international scope that exists as the material manifestation of the divine, Living Body of the Gnosis here on earth. The New Call itself was inspired by this larger group. All those who link themselves to this young gnostic body, in sincere self-surrender, will be linked with the Universal Brotherhood and will have made available to them all of the power needed to help them make the switch from duality to divinity. What the individual does with this assistance will be completely up to them. Some measure of work will have to be done, as nothing worth attaining ever comes without effort. But all those who sincerely desire to make this important evolutionary leap, will be given what he or she needs, when he or she needs it, as long as they remain dedicated to The One Goal.

This writer discovered the group in question some months ago. A deep investigation of the group, their origins and their published revelations have left no doubt that contact had been made with the planetary representatives of the Divine Hierarchy. As stated above, there is no desire to lead anyone on a wild-goose chase. This writer has done his homework, and the following recommendation can be made without the slightest bit of doubt or reservation.

If you are interested in making contact with the Living Body, please read The International School of the Golden Rosycross - An Introduction . It is hoped that after reading this short, but powerful introduction, you will (a) recognize that the Truth you have sought for most of your life is being revealed to you and, (b) make the choice to begin your journey to liberation in earnest.

'It was His will that the link with the Spirit should be placed within reach of all souls, however, as a prize for the race. He sent down a great Mixing Vessel, filled with the powers of the Spirit and He appointed a herald and bade him proclaim to the hearts of men: 'Immerse yourselves in this Mixing Vessel, you souls who can; you who believe and trust that you will ascend to Him who sent down this Vessel; you who know for what purpose you were created.'

May you all be led to The Good End.

all love,

~ g


acehipdx said...

Hello Bro. G

I must say I am very happy to read your postings. I happened by your blog after doing a google search for information on the Photon Belt, which I did find very informative on your blog. After reading other posts I couldn't stop, lots of good stuff here. Well while reading your series about "The Goal of Humanity", the term 'Rose of the Heart' peaked an interest in me. After doing a search for that term, I was directed to that very website...http://usa.lectoriumrosicrucianum.org/index.html. As I read more and get caught up with your blogs, I do agree that the older post stay, because I can see your evolution in your learnings and teachings and that will help my evolution the better. After onlt a week of reading your blogs, I can feel the direction you take in your blogs is the right one for me. Please keep up the good work as I will continue to follow your blogs.

BrotherGee said...

hello, ace.

Ahh, the Photon Belt. That brings back memories of my early seeking. This cosmic "band of light" that our space brothers have referred to often, and through which our entire solar system is reported to be passing during this time is another name for the cyclical, cosmic Christine radiations that are now penetrating the planet and all life thereupon. Different names, different sources, same phenomena.

You made a good point about being able to notice a sort of evolution regarding the older posts. That's one of the reasons they have remained.

As for LRC, there will be more given on that in upcoming posts.

Good meeting you, friend.

~ g

acehipdx said...

So you say memories of your early seeking...do your seekings no longer include the Photon Belt? The Photon Belt is something I find interesting and believe it is what Jesus spoke about when he was talking about the sign of the times.