03 April 2012

The Undecided


Two Types of People

...We speak of dualistic consciousness and gnostic consciousness and, also, of two absolutely distinct types of people, showing not only spiritual and moral differences but also bodily differences. The differences between these two types are, at a given point, so basic, that finally they can no longer live in the same world. Each type needs a different life-field, a different respiration-field, a different vibration-field. This is why, in the history of the world, we witness from time to time a parting of the ways between the earthly human type and the human type belonging to the New Field of Life. The Holy Language calls it 'the separation of the sheep and the goats', of the righteous and the un-righteous.

During a new Day of Manifestation in the realm of fallen mankind, the Christ Hierarchy begins by affecting, in a process of regeneration, those who at that time belong to the same human type. In this process, the Hierarchy influences, among other things, the elements of remembrance that are more or less active within certain persons. As this process advances, more and more persons begin to react positively while, conversely, others show negative or contrary reactions. As a static condition is impossible, it is logical that this procedure should ultimately lead to a spiritual and a natural scientific crisis; to a historical, final separation between the two divergent types.

Two Halves of Mankind

To be optimistic, let us speak of two halves; then one half of mankind will remain in the nature order with which it is so familiar, incurring all the consequences, while the other half will pass into a New Field of Life, which has been prepared cosmically, atmospherically and spiritually by the Christ Hierarchy. From all of historical, natural-scientific consequences of such a separation, which has already occurred many times, it was always evident that the half of mankind that clung to the earth-earthy did not pick a winner. Also, at the present time mankind is nearing such a historical separation and this is why the two states of consciousness are now apparent and an inevitable confusion of tongues prevails.

It may be regretted that there is such a confusion of tongues, for it would be desirable if mankind were to speak only one tongue, this being an indication that all might be lifted up in the New Field of Life. On the other hand, this confusion proves that the Christ Hierarchy has not worked in vain. It is only logical that the two human types no longer understand one another. Apparently, the line of demarcation is drawn arbitrarily, as it often runs right between the members of one family, between blood relationships, driving the two factions apart without any resistance being possible.

We now stand again in such a state of severance. To a certain extent, this is a pity; it is regrettable, tragic, but it is the sign of the Great Revolution. We notice it in all domains of life. Let us suppose that we belong to the segregated human type and you do not. As this separation has already advanced so far, all talking, all preaching and philosophizing is to no avail. Then we may as well leave each other in a courteous and friendly way, expressing the thought, 'Let us not waste each others breath; leave us alone'.

The Third Human Type

However, the fact is that in this era there also exists, temporarily, a third human type, steadily decreasing in number. This is the type of whom it may be said, 'it is neither fish nor fowl'; 'not positive and not negative'; 'neither hot nor cold'. The person of this disposition possesses a mystically and mentally cultivated remembrance and shows a corresponding interest, being able to sense  and to understand to a certain degree, the things of the New Field of Life. But such a person has not yet come to a final choice; he has not yet decided to face the consequences and so, has not yet set his foot upon The Path. People of this type are touched from two sides: from the side of the Christ Hierarchy, to lead them fundamentally and structurally into the New Life, and from the side of the adversaries to prevent them from going such a path, to nail them down to this earthly nature. The third human type exists in a temporary group, because it is still undecided as to whether it will belong to the new or the old nature. As this group is extremely small by comparison, it indicates how close at hand the great historical revolution is.

We must caution you against your emotional and intellectual life. These two states of being are not of real value in a liberating sense. They are very illusory water-wings on which your biological life floats; the feelers with which we explore our surroundings, like insects. If a person appreciates or understands the aspects of The New Life, it does not at all mean that he stands in The New Life. Clinging to biological mysticism or intellectualism and stopping at that is self-binding to the highest degree. If you agree with us in this respect, you are sufficiently prepared to approach the wonderful garden of Gethsemane.

In all ancient wisdom, Gethsemane is the garden of the soul, the rose garden in which the clear image of the Path of Liberation presents itself to the pupil and is etched into him.

From The Universal Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri


We are urged to take ourselves in hand and make a decision. "Fence-sitting" will not do. We must choose while we have time, or have the choice made for us.

~ g


dave1010 said...

"The third human type." It seems to me, that this "undecided", "temporary group", is the majority of the people I come in contact with."neither hot nor cold." "fence-sitting." I don't know.

BrotherGee said...


i believe that the author was referring to those who know of and are aware of The Path, but can't decide whether to voluntarily and consciously commit to going The Way.

What we encounter in everyday humanity are

a. those who have never given any thought to a Higher Life, and cling tightly to duality

b. those who are clueless, confused and/or complacent

c. those who are seeking, but on a horizontal, cultivating level (New Age types, occultists, mystics, etc.). This false path invariably leads to dead-ends and false "enlightenment".

Groups (b) and (c) could be helped with exposure to Right Knowledge coupled with a sincere desire to learn The Truth. However, that same exposure would only irritate members of Group (a).

That said, i totally get what you are saying. A large portion of humanity knows that something is wrong with life on earth, but do not know what it is or what to do about it. In frustration and hopelessness, they throw up their hands and resign themselves to the grind of life, taking the path of least resistance and following that false path to its inevitable end.

~ g

dreamwalker said...

Brother Gee, thank you for posting this material. Sounds like "biological mysticism or intellectualism" as the focus of body/mind complex in comparison to focusing on spirit complex (or more accurately taking them as a whole). Also the "garden of Gethsemane" sounds similar to Agartha, in this context. Once you've been there you never forget.