05 May 2019


Once one has learned we live in a fallen nature order and that every human-being's True Purpose is to disconnect from this material realm and return to the immortal Divine realm, a special type of desiring may develop. After Insight, comes Yearning.

A Yearning for what? A Yearning for Salvation. A Yearning for deliverance from this earthly prison. A Yearning to return Home.

The seeker who feels this way has realized that s/he is more than just a random collection of flesh-and-bones, more than simply a living rag doll that is too lowly and stupid to be anything other than a foot-wipe. The seeker sees that s/he is the image-bearer of a Divine Human-being and is called to a high task: that task is the Rebirth of the Divine Human-being.

If the seeker demonstrates a sincere desire to undertake this liberating task, not just with words, but with action, tremendous changes will begin to take place within the life-system of the seeker. For one thing, the thymus gland, which is situated in the area of the heart and is normally inactive, will begin to excrete a different kind of hormone. That hormone, charged with pure gnostic vibrations, will travel via the blood to the head, where a new type of thinking will be born.

Yearning, coupled with the new Thinking, unites the heart sanctuary with the head sanctuary. The head sanctuary is able to interpret and understand the Universal Teachings. This is known as the rational touch. The heart sanctuary provides an "inner knowing" that supports this rational understanding. That "inner knowing" is referred to as the moral touch.

Touched by the Gnosis in this way, the seeker will be urged on by a strong inner need to discover what is next. How can this Liberation be achieved? How can s/he find the Path that leads to Freedom?

Like attracts like. The vibration issued by the yearning of the heart will seek out a like-vibration. Yearning for release from this world does not originate from an earthly desire, so it will not attract an earthly response.This yearning for salvation is an answer to the Divine Eternal Call that has been issued to mankind for ages. And, just as sure as someone will pick up the phone after you've dialed their number, the Gnosis will respond to one's yearning for salvation in a flash, in an instant. From that point on, those things that need to happen in order to place one firmly on the Path will begin to happen. The seeker will be put in touch with the right people, places and/or situations. One has to live consciously in order to recognize these cues and act upon them. One will also have to augment one's Insight and Yearning with the next step on the Path:


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Unknown said...

Greetings Bro G. Haven't heard from you in a long time. Hope all is well. regards -m.

Anonymous said...

Brother gee,

I haven’t heard from you in a while and I Willy missed your writing, Can you please continue to shed
some light for us.

Do you have any ideas when this harvest season will end ? When we will be free from this old world into
The new Atlantis.

I feel like a broken down car on the side of the road and I don’t know when the tow truck will arrive and
Removed me from the side of the road and take me home to the new world.

Beyond me