18 January 2019

As If It Were Your Last

Overheard someone say this the other day:

"Live each day like it was the last".

Of course, he was referring to partying non-stop, indulging himself to excess, doing whatever with whoever, whenever, wherever and however.

"Live each day like it was the last".

The opposite meaning bears exposure here.

This should refer to living one's life in the fullest devotion to the Other One within. Living to serve others, forgetting the self, preparing for True Liberation from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth. Because no man knows the day or the hour.

You can be taken at any moment. When that moment arrives, you want to be ready. You want to have a clear idea of what is going to take place next. Will it be another miserable turn on the Wheel, another draught of oblivion? Or will it be a joyous and victorious Return to Immortality?

You choose the ending...or the Beginning.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Brother gee,

I hope all is well, You haven’t post nothing in a while.


BrotherGee said...


All is well, my friend. New responsibilities have arisen that directly affect my ability to post regularly. Working hard to adjust.

Thank you for checking up. This unexpected sabbatical will end soon.


~ g