05 November 2019

The Smallest Part of Evil

All symbols have more than one meaning and can be correctly interpreted in different ways. The Yin-Yang is one such symbol.

Yin-Yang can be interpreted as a symbol that shows mankind the inherent nature of this dualistic nature-order. So-called "good" (white area) and so-called "evil" (black area) co-exist in perfect balance, or at least they are supposed to. The dots of opposing color that appear within the white and black fields are there to symbolize that good is the smallest part of evil and that evil is the smallest part of good.

What does this mean?

How can "evil" be found in a "good" act and vice-versa? Easy. Cosmic law states that this duality that we live in must always maintain the balance that you see above. If anything happens to increase the influence of "good", the influence of "evil" decreases. This upsets the precarious balance between the two and so, "evil", or rather the forces in this world that support evil, will be moved to actions that will push back against "good", in order to regain its share of the pie, so to speak.

In effect, you have one action birthing its opposite as soon as it has been executed. 

What does this mean for mankind? It means that whatever "good" that we do in this world only maintains evil. The moment we do something "good" its opposite polarity, "evil", will respond. This can be a disappointing revelation. What do we do then? Do we stop performing acts of kindness? Do we cease all humanitarian efforts?

No, of course not. Man, driven by the Call of the Rose, even if unaware of that Call, will always try to do something to help his fellow-man. This pendulum of opposing forces was set in motion long ages ago and will be difficult to bring to a halt. It is recommended that we not attach ourselves to any act of "goodness". That is to say, we should not try to characterize or classify the "good" things we do as being "good". Do not do "good" in order to feel good about the act. Do what is right because it is the right thing to do. Attach no undue interest to the outcome or what the act may mean for your own personal growth.

Neutrality. Objectivity. Non-attachment. No judgement, no criticism. Cultivating these qualities is the way to still the Pendulum, to stop the incessant swinging between these two poles.

Yin-Yang can also be interpreted as illustrating the balance that should exist between Spirit and Matter. This is what we are trying to achieve as we walk the Path of Return: an absolute balance between that which is Divine and that which is Man.

Understanding this symbol and working to obtain the necessary balances are the keys to Victory.

~ g

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