05 March 2019

Seven-Spirit / Seven Rays

So, what is the Seven-Spirit?

Simply put...at the start of every Day of Manifestation, the Creator, the Ineffable, the Unknowable, the Great Invisible, the Father-Mother, emanates cosmic root substance. This cosmic root substance contains within it all potentialities, infinite possibilities. This is the matrix from which Creation will arise.

Following this primal emanation, seven powers are established by the All. These seven powers are charged with administering the Divine Plan of Creation in accordance with the desire of the All. They are known by different names in different philosophies:

the Seven Rays, 
the Seven Rectors, 
the Seven Rishis, 
the Seven Spirits Before the Throne. 

These are Divine Powers, endowed by the Creator with all of Creator's attributes and abilities, along with the authority to execute the Divine Plan.

From The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. II, we read:


What actually is Pymander, or the Spirit-Soul, or the Holy Spirit? Is it possible to distinguish this Spirit when it has manifested itself? Ye, it is possible. the following explanation may be useful.

Seven rays emanate from the Logos, seven activities, seven immense streams of power, which move the entire All. By the word "All", you should understand it to mean "primordial substance". The entire universe is filled with primordial substance. This, together with all the life that awakens from it, is moved by seven streams, seven rays, the seven Lords of Fate, as they were once called by the classical Rosicrucians. All of the biological activities of nature, including animal life, are to be explained by the activities of the Seven Rays.

All that takes place in the dialectical universe, all that moves and develops, no matter how and where, is subject to a plan. Everything is awakened and crushed again, everything rises and wanes, including the human kingdom which, apart from its ability to reason, does not differ in any way from the animal kingdom. Everything is subject to a plan, which is aimed at awakening a possibility of a new development in all of biological life. If this project fails or cannot as yet succeed, then what has been created is dissolved again to awaken, later, out of he womb of eternity, to be given a new opportunity.

The plan of the Logos and its Seven-Spirit concerns the awakening of a new possibility in us all. If this fails, we will perish. We are then subject to the law: "You are dust and to dust you shall return". We shall then remain chained to the effect of the wheel of life and death.

The rhythm and periodicity of the Cosmic Days and Nights, of the tidal movements of the All, are controlled and put into effect by the seven rays of the Logos. Thus the Seven Rays have an elevating effect on the creature. If this process of elevation does not succeed, the creature will be denatured. "You are dust and to dust you shall return". Animal man, natural man, is constructed in such a way that he can be elevated and can react positively to the Seven Rays, in this way rendering denaturation and death unnecessary. So the prize for the Perfect Souls is freedom from death.

When the Soul purifies and regenerates itself, when it is reborn and carries out the transmutation of the personality in harmony with this Soul-birth, then, as a matter of course, the Soul-man will also be confronted by the seven rays of the Logos in an entirely different way.

As soon as you entrust yourself to the gnostic Light and start to walk the Path, a transmutation, an atomic change will develop within your nature-born state, in the body that you now possess, a change which will primarily affect the head and the heart sanctuaries. Your head sanctuary will be prepared to receive the Seven-Spirit in a positive way. As soon as the Soul has been born, the seven streams of the Seven-Spirit will penetrate the seven cerebral cavities. It is thus obvious that the Perfect Soul will receive the seven radiations in a different way from that in which the man of nature receives them.


The Divine Seven-Spirit, the Divine Seven Rays, the Healing-Whole-Holy Spirit....they are all one and the same.

In this physical universe, we can say that the seven sacred planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn) are the physical representations of the Divine Seven-Spirit here in this undivine universe.

~ g

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