16 November 2013

Men of Remembrance

The following question was asked recently:

Andrew: You mention, "To approach the truth, one must look from the inside-out." What is doing the looking?

Answer: Your question appears to be born out of the observation that if man is asleep and not in full control of his personality, then what part of him is doing the seeking?

With each life, there is an accumulation of experience. After death, this life-experience is added to the previous life-experiences of all prior personalities that inhabited the microcosm. During many thousands of incarnations, some personalities of the microcosm may have come across the truth of the Gnosis at some point. Perhaps there was merely an interest shown during a certain life, or perhaps a personality began walking the Path in one life only to fall away during another life; but the association with the Gnosis, the Truths learned, the experience of attempting to awaken the Divine Spark were not lost, can never be lost. That remains a part of the accumulated life-experience of the microcosm, to be re-born within each future personality constructed therein.

So we come to the present life. One may have an urge, a stirring, a feeling of restlessness with the world that one cannot explain. He seeks and he seeks, as if urged on from within...where does this urge to seek originate? It originates from the microcosmic memory spoken of above.

Somewhere within the personality is the memory of Truth. The personality is driven to seek this Truth. Sometimes they seek in the wrong direction, like the churches or some form of humanism. Such searches on the horizontal level of duality are ultimately unsuccesful and do not bear fruit.

However, when their seeking brings them once again to the doorstep of the Gnosis and the Path of Liberation, it is not as if they have found something new, rather it is as if they have regained something which had been lost, long ago. We call such persons Men of Remembrance.

Not all people fall into this category of human-being. The term is reserved for those who find the Gnosis after what is sometimes a tireless, driven, relentless seeking during the physical life. ~ g

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Here is what The New Call has to say on the issue of "Remembrance":

Q. Is each personality new, experiencing physical life for the first (and only) time? And is the personality required to somehow or other hear and respond to the promptings of its divine spark, necessarily in the absence of any prior accumulated experience other than that deriving solely from its own lifetime? Have I got that right?

A. Not quite. Although the personality is fresh and new, its soul's memory is not. A man of remembrance is one who, through lifetimes of dualistic experience (which is recorded in the soul), gradually hones his 'spiritual senses' to recognize Truth, and thus he also comes to discern the nature of the fallen world. In the vast majority of cases such a remembrance is derived from experiences in previous lifetimes.

This is the usual way in which souls 'progress' towards remembrance in the universe of death on the wheel. However, it is a very slow and arduous road involving much pain and suffering (via reincarnation) in duality. When the Christ-Consciousness appears on Earth at the end of cycles, the Way is opened for humanity and the 'express train' - the Ark of Christ - offers all true candidates for harvest a very quick and permanent egress from the fields of darkness: the Final Liberation, which is the ultimate goal of all fallen life.


All of us gathered here are actively engaged in this process of Remembering. This time around, may we all obtain The One Goal and be lead to The Good End.

~ g

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