30 November 2013

A Stranger On Earth III


Non-Conflict, No Criticism, No Judgement
When you read about the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelations (Rev. 21:23), you will understand that for the new-born Soul there is no longer day and night -- there is one uninterrupted life in the Light.

The astral necessities of life of most pupils are increasing at an accelerating pace; their lives are moving very clearly in the intended direction. So, for all of them the compelling question arises: 'How can we enter the new astral field, the new Body of the School?' 'How can we make use of this great mercy?' Well, in order to participate in the gnostic astral field of the Spiritual School, it is necessary that you completely free yourself, inwardly, of the ordinary daily grind in the life-signature of mankind and that your entire day-life be in the sign of the Soul. Your day-life should be one continuous experience of pupilship in selfless service, borne by the undeniable love of mankind of the true Soul and supported by the complete absence of conflict.

You cannot impress it too deeply into your consciousness that the normal life-attitude of conflict -- being continually possessed by all kinds of passions, irritations, moodiness and similar mental states, completely destroys everything that has been built up in you of the new astral consciousness. Therefore, a life without conflict is absolutely necessary.

Such a day-life, in itself, is already an intense grace, a dynamic environment for the growth of the Soul. It is to a high degree instructive to be an objective person, able to let pass the things that used to take hold of you compellingly, to stir your temper to the boiling point, and simply to observe without reacting -- not on account of indifference, but because of the state of the New Birth of your Soul.

When you see a person do something stupid or nasty, you can posture with Pharisaism, haughtiness, or indifference, with a "Thank God I'm not like him" or "There but for the grace of God go I". However, you can also observe that person objectively and send him, through inner compassion, the entire love of your Soul. Then, you will not only avoid a binding with his state-of-being (which would have occurred in the first case), but also support him in that very moment with the radiation of your Soul. In this way you will help your fellow pupil from moment-to-moment and lighten his way on the so-often rocky path that leads to the breakthrough, to the Living State of the Soul.

He who knows the blessings of such a day-life will no doubt at night be able to repeat from within the words of Hermes: "I, however, wrote Pymander's benefaction within me; and when I was completely filled with this, a supreme joy came over me".

From "The Awakening Of The Soul (I)" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


These words are posted in the home of this writer, as a reminder prior to starting each day:


                                                       No Criticism

                                                                  No Judgement

~ g

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