11 November 2013

"The Food Of The Gods"


As we know, the reflection-sphere hierarchy is in great distress because their demand for light-force exceeds the supply of light-force being produced on the material-sphere.

All entities living in the material-sphere and, consequently, making use of a physical body, generate earthly light-force; which means that they transform the ethers which they themselves receive from the cosmic regions surrounding us. This transformation or transmutation of inter-cosmic light-force takes place through

- the blood,
- the internal secretions (hormones),
- the nerve fluid,
- the serpent-fire, and
- the consciousness fluid.

This light-force thus transformed by human-beings, both individually and in groups, constitutes 'the bread of life' for all of those who dwell in the reflection-sphere. The dwellers of the reflection-sphere themselves are unable to transmute inter-cosmic light-force for their own use, for the reason that they lack the necessary personality organism. They no longer have use of the indispensable physical body, since their densest vehicle consists of the etheric body. Therefore, if they wish to maintain the remains of their personality (g: astral body, mental body and perhaps a portion of the etheric double), they have to do this by absorbing light-power which is either put at their disposal voluntarily or is simply stolen by them.

All great religious, idealistic and occult groups in the material-sphere furnish their counterparts in the reflection-sphere, either voluntarily or involuntarily, practically all the light-power which they produce through their activities. Collectively, those who live in the physical life-field thus maintain a gigantic parasitical group in the reflection-sphere.

Now, what do we see developing in the practices of the present time?

We notice that in the past century, as a result of all kinds of terrible events which hit mankind so hard, a general decline of the religious and idealistic inclinations of the masses, and a widespread slackening of related activities. Humanity, to a considerable extent, is becoming 'realistic' and completely a-religious. By this we mean that, although  humanity holds a theoretical faith, as a sort of mystic decorum, this faith no longer has any concrete influence over them, nor does it lend any force to the life of the multitude, in the sense of its original purpose. The religious and idealistic tendencies have been completely diverted in a political, social and economic direction.

The churches are becoming nearly empty, and the light-force operations from the reflection-sphere, as applied to church-goers, do not give such a rich harvest as before. Idealism becomes more and more extinct; and practical idealism manifests itself in the form of contributions to various organizations. Moreover, these organizations, out of political considerations, are more than ever being taken over by the governments, who know that poverty and need breed revolution and revolutionary factions. This is why, at present, the general humanistic practices usually are not based on philanthropy, but prompted by purely matter-of-fact, 'realistic' considerations.

Now, as a result of all this, of which you are fully aware, humanity has brought about, either through individual activity or that of groups, a very great change in the transmutation processes of light-power.

The present transmutation processes produce excessive chemical-ether and life-ether and a very great amount of reflecting-ether of very dubious quality, but very, very little light-ether!

Here the reflecting-ether (or thought-ether) is only attracted and converted insofar as man needs it for projects of a grossly material nature, whilst the light-ether, which formerly was abundantly unleashed by religious, humanistic, and idealistic waves and mass movements, is now only attracted for the immediate maintenance of the body. Only the two lower ethers -- the chemical-ether and the life-ether -- which are to take care of the formation of creatures and things and their maintenance, are produced in sufficient quantity.

In view of this situation, we can now affirm with certainty that the dwellers of the reflection-sphere have no use for the two lower ethers, except those entities belonging to the lowest gradations of earth-bound beings (g: known as "shades"). But those entities have never yet had to complain about a lack of 'food' or the possibility to obtain it.

However, the light-ether and the pure reflecting-ether -- the so-called "higher" ethers -- are the ones that constitute the bread par excellence for the dead who desire to maintain themselves on yonder side, because the remains of their life-bodies, at the moment of passing, are composed of those ethers. Therefore, it is clear that when humanity, in the material-sphere, no longer supplies sufficient light-power composed of the two higher ethers, the entire reflection-sphere hierarchy and their vassals are brought to very great distress, compelling them to exert themselves to the utmost to reactivate the production of light-force, which is indispensable for maintaining themselves in the reflection-sphere.

Now, the Great Play that is to be performed finds its ground in this particularly deadly struggle for life.

From "The Shadow of the Coming Events" - Unmasking - Jan van Rijckenborgh


The human personality-system attracts and assimilates various ethers from the surrounding cosmos. This is one of the main functions of the chakras. The five fluids listed above and certain ductless glands also play key roles. What is required for the maintenance of the human personality is transmuted and retained. Anything in excess of that is thrown off from the body, or liberated. This excess portion of light-force is what Greek "mythology" referred to as ambrosia, the Food of the Gods.

~ g

In ancient Greek mythology, ambrosia (Greek: ἀμβροσία) is sometimes the food or drink of the Greek gods (or demigods), often depicted as conferring ageless immortality upon whoever consumed it. It was brought to the gods in Olympus by doves, so it may have been thought of in the Homeric tradition as a kind of divine exhalation of the Earth - Wikipedia


Anonymous said...

What is said here is nu-equivocally correct. However, now it seems the 'great plan' is not sustaining the reflection sphere but completely taking over the material realm and eliminating all physical incarnations that are not conducive to the sustenance and maintenance of the these 'living dead'. The shift is already well in progress and the plans to immortalize themselves in physical body is much advanced with collaborative efforts between the elite and other so called ET's. Such a 'take-over' seems imminent.
What are your thoughts `g?

BrotherGee said...


Although it appears that the dark may be "winning" that is simply appearances. Because they own and control the ways and means of global communication, we are allowed to view only what they want us to view. And what they want us to view is decidedly negative.

Secondly, over and above the carefully contrived plans of the reflection-sphere hierarchy stands the Divine Plan of the Logos, which cannot and will not fail. Even after the Final Act of their plan has been executed and a large portion of humanity is enthralled, entranced and helplessly under the spell of The Great Play, the final chapter will not have been written.

The aim of this phase of the Divine Plan of the Logos is to move this earth-sphere from a material-plane vibration to the astral-etheric plane vibration. Earth is under-going its own Transfiguration. As a part of this process of cosmic transmutation, the etheric, astral and mental spheres of the earth will be purified and cleansed. Also, the physical plane will cease to exist, as will man's dense, physical body. On the New Earth, man's lowest vehicle will be the etheric double.

What does this mean for the light-spirits? It means that all of their efforts will be for naught. They will be dissolved, wiped away, because the New Earth must be born, and will be born in a pristine condition. All pollution and contamination must be removed. We are witnessing an entire New Beginning for the Earth and for Mankind -- at least the portion of Mankind that makes the proper Choice.

So, although it may appear that the dark brothers are "winning" at the moment, these are but hollow victories, temporal in nature. Because these entities have no knowledge of the unassailability of God's Plan, they think that they will be successful, as they were at the end of past minor cycles. However, we are at the end of amajor world-cycle. The reflection-sphere will be purged by an all-consuming astral fire, and the light-spirits, along with all other unholy denizens of the 'hereafter' will no longer be allowed to victimize humanity...at least not on this planetary sphere.

The dark is thrashing about in a frenzy of activity because, as you stated, the "shift" is already taking place. Christ Consciousness has already invaded the astral and etheric realms. The chaos that is now being manifested on earth is a direct result of the panic and desperation being experienced by the reflection-sphere hierarchy. It is but a long-anticipated prelude to the inevitable Divine Victory.

Dei Gloria Intacta!

~ g

Andrew said...


After the microcosm has emptied itself after death, does that mean it contains a natural soul and a divine soul? It then adopts another personality. What is the souls purpose with regard to the personality? Do we have a soul body which governs the etheric, astral, mental etc? I am finding it hard to picture what the soul is after reading a book on genes and how a single cell becomes a human being. Science does not recognize the soul in the process.

BrotherGee said...


The soul is the intermediary between Spirit and matter. Its purpose is to link Spirit with its physical vehicles, to connect Eternity with Time.

At present, Man has a mortal soul which is dissolved after death and then re-vivified for every new incarnation. While the man is alive, the mortal soul controls the physical personality and its vehicles. In actuality, the mortal soul is controlled by the aeons of this nature, not by Spirit. Man is mostly a marionette, a slave to the unholy powers that surround him on all sides.

The Immortal, Divine soul principle is currently bound and imprisoned within the Spirit-spark Atom. It must be freed in order to be re-born. When we awaken this Spark, we give the Divine Soul the opportunity to re-link with Spirit. The unified Spirit-Soul will then take charge of the personality, as it once did ages ago.

As the New Soul grows in influence, the mortal soul will recede until at some point, it will cease to have any infuence at all over the personality. Then, the triumvirate of Spirit, Soul and Body will be re-unified, immortal and free.

Right now, man is only a combination of mortal soul and physical body, with the mortal soul being a puppet in the hands of the aeons.

Science is a poor teacher. Their approach is backwards, as they look from the outside-in to develop their theories. To approach the truth, one must look from the inside-out.

~ g

Andrew said...


You mention, "To approach the truth, one must look from the inside-out." What is doing the looking?

BrotherGee said...


Your question appears to be born out of the observation that if man is asleep and not in full control of his personality, then what part of him is doing the seeking?

With each life, there is an accumulation of experience. After death, this life-experience is added to the previous life-experiences of all prior personalities that inhabited the microcosm. During many thousands of incarnations, some personalities of the microcosm may have come across the truth of the Gnosis at some point. Perhaps there was merely an interest shown during a certain life, or perhaps a personality began walking the Path in one life only to fall away during another life; but the association with the Gnosis, the Truths learned, the experience of attempting to awaken the Divine Spark were not lost, can never be lost. That remains a part of the accumulated life-experience of the microcosm, to be re-born within each future personality constructed therein.

So we come to the present life. One may have an urge, a stirring, a feeling of restlessness with the world that one cannot explain. He seeks and he seeks, as if urged on from within...where does this urge to seek originate? It originates from the microcosmic memory spoken of above.

Somewhere within the personality is the memory of Truth. The personality is driven to seek this Truth. Sometimes they seek in the wrong direction, like the churches or some form of humanism. Such searches on the horizontal level of duality are ultimately unsuccesful and do not bear fruit.

However, when their seeking brings them once again to the doorstep of the Gnosis and the Path of Liberation, it is not as if they have found something new, rather it is as if they have regained something which had been lost, long ago. We call such persons Men of Remembrance.

Not all people fall into this category of human-being. The term is reserved for those who find the Gnosis after what is sometimes a tireless, driven, relentless seeking during the physical life.

~ g

Andrew said...


So the seeking comes from the microcosmic memory. This microcosmic memory seems to be running all the time in everything we do, its in the back-ground but we seem only to notice it when a conscious decision has to made. A recent example from my own experience would be, when I was at the checkout paying for goods in a supermarket I offered a $20 bill to the checkout girl and she mistakenly gave me change for $50. At that moment I could of done two things. Walked away and been $30 richer, justifying my action by saying the supermarkets make large profits anyway. Or pointing out to the checkout girl her mistake and handing back the $30 which I did. At that moment my conscience kicked in and I did the right thing. So your conscience which could be called the microcosmic memory is there all the time but we seldom use it. Although the law of karma came into my decision as well, knowing you can't get away with anything in the long run, so its better to do the right thing.
Thank you for your answer.