21 June 2015


Dedicated to those on The Path ~ g

"Recognize failure -- if it is there -- but then, with a face lifted to the Light and a smile upon your lips, turn your back upon such failure and go with steadfastness forward".

"The only regret that is justifiable is based on failure to learn the lesson of failure".

"Failures, where they may be found, need not persist, for the Group Love  can offset them all; personality weaknesses, mistakes and faults are overlooked and forgotten in the urgency of human need; they do not even penetrate into the Ashram. I would ask you to remember this, and with humility in your hearts, persistence in your efforts, and love to all men, pass on your way".

"You will note that the Brotherhood is not preoccupied with your mistakes or failures. These are inevitable and relatively unimportant, because a disciple at your point of development is ever aware of them, and can be trusted to take the needed steps towards adjustment".

"You did fail, my brother. But why stay overwhelmed by failure for year after year and remain with your eyes concentrated on the Lower Self that failed? All have failed and will again along some line. But the failure is scarce recognized; the effort is made to recognize what caused the failure".

"One thought only will I give you to repeat whenever you are discouraged, tired or weak:
At the center of all Love I stand, and naught can touch me here, and from that center I shall go forth to Love and Serve."

From the chapter on "Failure" - Serving Humanity  - Alice Bailey

As we endeavor to walk The Path of Return in self-surrender and in a new attitude of life, Failure is inevitable. Do not get down on yourself or treat yourself harshly. Seek always to uncover the root cause of the failure, then put it behind you and continue working to overcome the weakness that led to the failure.

It is not the failure that will define your pupilship; it is how you utilize the lesson presented by that failure which will make all the difference.

all love,

~ g

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