06 June 2015

Hollow Earth, Open Mind


This post was originally meant to be a response in the Comments section of The Scales Shall Be Balanced, The Debt Will Be Paid but grew too long to fit within the character limit set for comments. The decision was made to post it here.

~ g 

The theory of the Earth being hollow has been advanced and supported by great (and open-minded) thinkers for many centuries. It is not a "new" theory. Edmond Halley in 1692 put forth the idea of Earth consisting of a hollow shell with a crust about 500 miles thick. Like everything else that threatens to enlighten humanity about ourselves and our True Purpose, these theories are suppressed, ridiculed or mostly ignored.

The fact that this "theory" reamins on the fringes of mainstream scientific discussion is proof that there is something about this can of worms that your controllers do not even want to open up for discussion (see "Where Is The Love" for a post regarding one such massive deception).

This writer is not a mainstream scientist. Thank heavens for that because most scientists simply parrot everything they have been taught, and tailor their investigations to fit within the confines of their restrictive and erroneous teachings. All else is discarded. Scientists are among the most pathologically close-minded and rigid thinkers in the world. As our "authorities" they pass this rigid dogma onto humanity, thus closing the minds of millions as well. That is how it was planned.

Though we may not be earth-scientists with a bunch of meaningless and useless letters following our names, we are blessed with plenty of Intuition. Most humans can tell when something is being hidden from them and when they have been sold a bill of goods.

As 'm stated, this writer does not indulge in fancy or wistfulness. An effort is made to avoid advancing speculative information at all costs, as it is not the intent of this blog to mislead anyone at anytime. In addition, when it comes to speculation about matters on the horizontal plane that have been hidden from us for so long, although it is good to be aware of these things, such knowledge will ultimately not lead anyone to Liberation.

That being said, if something 'odd' is mentioned here, you can be sure that a significant amount of prior research went into the matter way before this blog ever came into existence. Many years were spent by this writer seeking on the horizontal plane prior to taking 'pen in hand' as it were...much was uncovered. There are things that will never be posted here because they would just not be believed. It would serve no good purpose. Occasionally, such unmaskings may end up being discussed in this blog. Hollow earth is one such example.

Think of all the so-called "science exploration" shows presented to humanity. Not one has ever been presented that discusses this theory. Not one! That is because your controllers do not want to expose this suppressed but compelling "theory" to free minds the world over. Hundreds of millions will then begin to conduct their own investigations, brilliant minds will be scattered among them. In no time at all the genie will be out of the bottle and your controllers will be unable to prevent a total unmasking of a fact they have worked diligently to hide for so long.

Therefore, your mass-communications media, which is completely controlled by the vassals of the aeons of this world, will never allow free discussion of this topic or any other that threatens the vice-grip they have around the minds of collective humanity. It will remain on the fringes of academic and scientific thought, which leaves it up to you to investigate and unmask on your own, with mind wide open.

The following is quoted from a comment posted in the link provided at the end of this post.


This Awareness indicates even though you have been taught that the earth has a molten core, with a cool surface, that it is possible to logically conceive of an earth that as a spinning ball of molten lava, began to cool on the outer crust, and that as it spun in space, because the outer crust was cool, it perhaps stretched to create breaks in the surface which then led to more cooling, and while these breaks in the surface were occurring from the centrifugal force of the spinning earth, in the center of the earth there was an expansion of space of this molten lava, which created a hollow cavern in the center that followed the surface outward as it spun against the outer shell that had cooled, plastering the inner lava up against the outer shell that becomes solid as it cools, thus creating a HOLLOW EARTH over millions or billions of years.

This essentially has been the subject of a number of books, and legends and stories down through history, and it is actual. In general, all planets have a hollow core, some having a larger opening and core than others and some planets have subterranean caverns permeating the area beneath the surface. It is not possible for this to be proven at this time, but there has been considerable evidence from entities who have traveled beyond the poles to find themselves entering into a world of green vegetation.

What is really necessary is the general understanding and recognition that there are many things on earth that will always remain as a mystery and that entities need to keep their minds open and not assume that just because the government has not told you so, it must be so. Likewise, there are those who think if it isn’t in the Bible, it can’t be so, or if it IS in the Bible, it has to be so. Entities who look to authority for answers may be fooled by authorities who do not really know or do not care to give proper answers.

It doesn’t matter whether you can be absolutely certain of all of the things you explore. What matters is that you have information that you can ponder and consider in filling in the blanks of your reality. With this approach you may consider the possibility of a HOLLOW EARTH. You do not have to tell others you believe in a HOLLOW EARTH. You can simply put it in as a possibility in the puzzle that you are exploring in regard to total reality.


There are no publicly available images of the North Pole.

all love,

~ g

P.S.: Although a quick Google search on "Hollow Earth Theory" will return a significant number of hits, the link below (which this writer had not visited prior to today) does a good job of presenting the evidence: https://thetruthbehindthescenes.wordpress.com/the-hollow-earth-theory/

Images can be reviewed here: Google Search Hollow Earth Theory - Images



Anonymous said...

There are are many theories suggesting the Flat Earth Dome......does this mean that we are right now existing inside the 'hollow' earth?

Anonymous said...

Every one offers irrefutable proofs for their theory....so what gives. Are we whizzing by on a blue marble or is it a domed flat earth separated by the 'waters' of the heavens. We are in the 21st century yet there is still no consensus on where we are presently living?
It would be interesting to know what the Gnostic theory has to say about it.

BrotherGee said...


We'll start by stating that Gnosticism is not a theory. Theory implies conjecture, experimentation, being in need of proof. The Gnosis is none of those things.

As for the so-called Flat Earth Theory, people are entitles to believe what they wish. It is a shame that there are minds who are choosing to retreat backwards in time through the use of incomplete thinking.

The Creator creates via a Divine Pattern. The predominant patterns are the 360-degree Circle and the Spiral. There are no "corners" in the Omniverse.

As above, so below. Planets, suns, stars are spheres. They receive cosmic energies via their North poles, and eliminate waste via their South poles.

Planets are "spun out" of their central Sun when that Sun is spiraling into form. As each planet finds its orbital distance from their Sun, they are also spinning into form.

The Sun and all the stars in heaven do not revolve around the earth. During the aptly-named Dark Ages, men gave their lives trying to return this basic truth to humanity. The mere fact that people were murdered for daring to say that the world was not flat indicates that some entities were so desperate to keep the masses in ignorance that they were willing to resort to torture and murder to ensure their aims.

Ultimately, the shape of the earth is not what should concern us. It's finding our way off of the earth that is of the utmost importance.

That last statement is how a gnostic thinks.


~ g