05 February 2014

The Very Ancient One - Conclusion


The Universal Doctrine says that the Original Substance, both in this world and the one above it, is sevenfold and that every situation and principle is divided by degrees into seven gradations of density and of nature. And so it goes on, until there is a, for us, unknown number of spaces within the Original Seven which in turn are to be considered a unity. This unity, seen as a whole, reveals the entire universe. everything is contained within it. The Divine Breath flows within this unity of substance.

However, mankind identifies its experience of space and order, its dualistic life reality with the one absolute Divine Purpose. We know that the substance from which mankind lives is totally different from the other substances. That is why the inhabitants of the earth who only experience their own material manifestation or substance and who therefore look through the other substances with unseeing eyes, think that the Universe is just an empty space. Yet there is not a millimeter, not an atom of empty space. An entity of another space in the All-Revelation transferred into our order of time-and-space would not be able to express himself in our order and would not be able to live in it. If such an entity in "his" space was living an eternal life, then he, being imprisoned in ours would come to know death as a life sensation. Yet, as an eternal being, he would not experience death in our sense. His end would therefore be like the outer darkness.

It appears from all accounts given by the Universal Doctrine and the Holy Language that a very large, unknown number of entities from  a higher, more absolute field of manifestation did indeed sink down into our own, and afterwards were unable to express themselves because of the totally different nature of the dualistic field of manifestation. Thus they were irretrievably lost. Once they were Children of the Light; now they became children of the darkness. All this can be explained perfectly from a natural scientific point-of-view. Natural potentials always have limits. We, as lung-breathing beings, cannot breath in water or live in a vacuum. If our state-of-nature is fundamentally violated, we cannot maintain ourselves. It is the same in the multitude of spaces in the All-Revelation. It is utterly impossible to transfer a creature from its own natural space into another space which is not in agreement with its nature. One revelation is not compatible with another.

Now it may be known to you from the philosophy of the Rosycross that the dualistic space in the All-Revelation was never intended to be a life-space for human entities. The dualistic space had, and in fact has, a totally different purpose. However, when in the ancient past many entities were submerged in this dualistic space, this chaos of contrasts, and without help would have been irretrievably lost, it pleased the Logos to bring to development a Revelation of Salvation for them. A Revelation of Salvation, of healing, is of course always temporary, subject to time; it is not meant to last. Therefore all our microcosms are subject to this Revelation of Salvation. This accounts for our presence in our microcosms, the presence of the time-space entity. We, living so vitally in this nature-order, are being called to pass through the Rose-gate and vitalize the imprisoned, submerged, frozen pre-man, the "Very Ancient One"; to drive him, as forerunners, across the border of this nature-space; in this way enabling the Submerged One in our microcosm to return to his Fatherland.

The Revelation of Salvation for the "Very Ancient One" is at the same time a message of salvation for us. To us, beings of time, subject to nature, born for and dedicated to death, is promised eternity in the Fatherland of the Very Ancient Ones if we dedicate ourselves to the task for which we were created. Totally absorbed in our Companion, being one with him, we shall leave the spaces of time and enter the space of Eternal Life. When we, as true servants are willing to fulfill our tasks to the microcosmic House of Service, then the Great Miracle will occur, the temporary will be swallowed up by the Eternal. By non-being according to nature, by non-action according to the "I" of nature, we are all elected, through the Rose-gate, to be the Children of God. In order to be able to go this highly joyful way we only have to break through all the delusions inherent in time-and-space. At the point of separation, at the borders of time, we have to take leave of the forces of time-and-space. These forces, driven by their nature, try to maintain us in the nature of their earth.

From "The Very Ancient One and the Legend of Hoel Daht" - There Is No Empty Space - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Those heavenly beings who fell from grace? That's us, many, many millions of years ago. As microcosms, we've been stuck here since then, our glorious Origins forgotten. Blissfully ignorant of our Past and our Purpose, we send one personality after another to wallow in the muck of earth-life, happily embracing the perpetually swinging Pairs of Opposites, repeatedly nailing ourselves to the cross of matter.

We are unable to remember where we came from. We cannot see or experience anything of the Sixth Cosmic Domain, our Original home, even though it is nearer to us than hands and feet. A terrible state-of-affairs.

"My people are lost for lack of Knowledge".

There is only one way out. Time and again, a rope of salvation is let down from Above. It has been lowered once more for all of mankind during the end of this major world-cycle. Is anyone trying to grasp that rope? Does anyone even know that a rope has been lowered? For those who see the rope, do they know what it's for? Will they grab hold or turn away, yet again?

The Call resounds. The Ark has been prepared and is now set for departure. Who among us is ready to put away their earthly toys and return Home?

~ g

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