12 February 2012


This word is often used to describe the environment that humanity experiences in. This post attempts to offer a deeper insight.

Rising, Shining, Fading

The nature of the True, Divine Kingdom is immovable, immutable, unchanging, ever-lasting.

The nature of the earth is temporal, ever-changing, finite, not lasting.

We buy a new car, eventually it rusts and crumbles.

We place food in the refrigerator, and despite this effort to preserve it, eventually the food will rot.

We "fall in love" and although the flame burns fiercely hot in the beginning, this too, eventually wanes to a steady burn or fizzles out altogether.

No matter what it is, no matter how long it takes, if it is of the earth, it will return to the earth. This is the pattern: Rising, Shining, Fading.

The Pairs Of Opposites

Secondly, duality manifests itself by the fact that every attribute in this fallen universe has its polar opposite. All attributes have a positive and a negative pole, which can be observed by their qualities: positive-negative, up-down, in-out, good-bad, pleasure-pain, etc. This means that attributes are relative...they can be identified only in relation to something else. If there were no 'bad', how would we know 'good'? How can one describe the concept of 'in', if one does not know what 'out' means? 'Pleasure' could not be identified if we were not able to compare it with its polar opposite -- 'pain'. Indeed, the Pairs of Opposites are an essential quality of the dualistic realms.

The Divine Kingdom, which is separate and outside of this emergency order, does not entertain duality with its pairs of opposites. There are only Eternal Absolutes. There is no Rising, Shining and Fading. There is no decay, no lessening. There is only an eternal progression from power to power, from glory to glory.

'The Smallest Part Of...'

The Pairs of Opposites do not oppose one another. However they do maintain one another. As mentioned above, one cannot exist without the other. They are two sides of the same coin. This is why the Universal Doctrine reveals that "good is the smallest part of evil; evil is the smallest part of good". That's what is behind the yin and yang symbol. Here is where man, due to ignorance of this law, perpetuates 'evil' in the world when he strives to do 'good'.

No matter how altruistic, good-hearted or well-meaning an action or thought may be, somewhere in the earthly realm are those who are completely and vehemently opposed to that altruistic, good-hearted well-meaning thought or action. We can take the constant religious wars throughout man's history as an example. The result of this will always be that when one tries to do so-called "good" in this dualistic world, an equal amount of so-called "bad" will be generated, not only by others who oppose the "good", but within the aura of the man himself!

The only way to avoid this "correcting" effect, is to perform all actions without attachment to the results, or to whom it may benefit. Learn to do what is right because it is right, not because "it makes me feel good" or "it helps the world", etc.

Do you realize that there were those who disapproved of the work of Mother Theresa? To these ones, helping the poor and disenfranchised is the height of foolishness. They refer to such people as "useless eaters", and conspire over ways to eliminate this segment of humanity, via surreptitious, but deadly effective means. Thus, even the ultimate examples of dualistic, earthly good will only encourage extreme responses from its opposite pole, dualistic evil.

Even the so-called "heaven"-world of mankind, the "great beyond", is only temporary in its nature. The reflection-sphere is simply the other side of "life" in duality. It is a period of "not-life" for the microcosm; a withdrawal, for a time, from physical, sensory existence that ultimately ends in the inevitable return to material existence. Re-incarnation is simply a Wheel that revolves endlessly - until, of course, one finally makes the decision to learn how to get off of it.

Temporal Beyond The Veil

So, an  "eternal Heaven" does not exist in duality. The churches and myriad religions are either lying or confused when they inform their followers that a permanent, "Great Reward" awaits them in heaven. No! All religious followers, when they die, will simply transition to the reflection-sphere and, depending on what they've been brain-washed to believe, will be led to a huge magnificent cathedral, or mosque, or temple, or meeting hall, bedecked in beautiful marble, granite and jewels of indescribable beauty. They will hear the strains of lovely music, smell glorious fragrances and think to themselves: "I've made it to Heaven!". Then, they will climb the golden stairs to their personal Great House of Worship, enter the massive doorway, and see sights and wonders within.

Then the great doors will close, and it's "Gotcha!".

These souls will be 'captured' by one of the Great Aeons which rule the dualistic spheres. Here they will stay for a few hundred years, becoming a part of the Aeon, helping these unholy creations to siphon and leech light-energy from humans still in incarnation. When the time comes around for a return to incarnation, it is guaranteed that they will be forced to incarnate in the home of a catholic, christian, muslim, jewish couple, etc. This guarantees more light-energy for these Aeons of the reflection-sphere, and the cycle of vampirism continues.

These are the characteristics of the duality in which we are trapped. The deck is completely stacked against humanity, which makes it difficult for us to find our way Home. Until man learns to see what's truly behind the screen that we view as 'reality', it will be impossible to work up the desire required to do what is needful to leave this order.

Change. Impermanence. Temporality. It is how things must be in this emergency order of existence. If nature-born man, in his present degenerate state, were allowed to live forever in this material realm, could you imagine the damage that could be caused to humanity, the earth and the solar system? If man were able to permanently attain all that his lower-self desires, he would never want to leave this miserable earth. This is the core reason behind the temporal, changeable nature of things. It is designed to break the human will, to mire us in one disappointment after another until we finally decide that we are tired of The Show, and want to go Home.

That's duality.

~ g

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
