29 March 2020

The Banquet of Fear

Will try to keep this simple so that everyone can approach an understanding of the situation.

There is an Invisible War being waged upon humanity. One facet of this Invisible War has been supervised and prosecuted for many hundreds of thousands of years by Dark forces. These Dark forces cannot be perceived by the human-being because our five natural senses are normally unable to "see" into the lower astral and etheric planes, which is where these entities reside/hide.

These Dark forces do not eat and drink food as we know it to nourish and sustain themselves, the way that human-beings do in the physical world. They do not have the necessary physical organs and, quite frankly, don't care to have them. They feed off of the energies radiated by human-beings when we have a feeling or an emotion.

This collective astral vibration of Fear was once quite plentiful here on Earth, as humanity moved further away from our link with Divine Source and cast ourselves before idols and superstitions. Trace all of mankind's ancient history and you will find the keynote of Fear running through every epoch. In ancient times, the majority of towns were built behind a huge wall that encircled the entire village. What was the purpose of the wall? To keep out what they feared. Before the Christ appeared, the people feared their many "gods". After the Christ departed, they feared the false Church that sprang up three centuries after His ascension. Then it was fear of other nations, other races, different political ideologies, nuclear war, etc.

Now it is the Fear of a purposely-mutated cold virus.

Yes, this virus was purposely manufactured and weaponized against humanity. Why? Because, as humanity is enmeshed in a critical period of our evolution where the vibration of Love is sweeping the planet, the "food supply" (our lower-vibrating emotions) that these Dark forces depend upon for sustenance has dwindled down to a critically low level. The temporary storehouse of lower astral energy that was created with the staging of  the 9/11 fear event has just about run out. These entities are literally starving. Thus, it is time for them to re-stock their pantry.

Due to this emergency state-of-affairs affecting the Dark forces, this current plan was given the green light. By prior, advance conditioning, humanity has gradually been prepped to respond to this event in a certain way, in a fearful way. This is the reason behind the proliferation of pandemic movies and zombie movies in the years leading up to this one. They were programming Fear into you, embedding into your psyche a predisposition to respond fearfully to anything that even resembled a global pandemic, or "panic-demic", as it probably should be called.

Notice how the elderly and the unhealthy are being targeted by this virus, almost selectively so. That is not an accident. These Dark forces do not wish to eradicate humanity. Humankind is an exceedingly valuable commodity to them. They NEED our energy to survive. Our survival is their survival. But the elderly and the unhealthy are expendable. Many times, nothing frightens our senior citizens because they've practically seen it all and are not easily fooled. Most no longer fear death. It is those who are young and healthy and in their natural prime who are prone to fear death, as they feel that they have not yet "lived".

Notice how quickly the virus spread across the globe. Air travel cannot account for the speed of transmission. That's what they want you to believe. Make no mistake, this virus was carefully seeded in different countries. One or two infected persons or objects sprinkled here and there and presto! you have an outbreak.

Notice how a rigid "quarantine" was the immediately recommended solution-of-choice? This flies in the face of a proper response to a new virus. There is a prominent epidemiologist, a Dr. Knut Wittkowski, who maintains that "social distancing" and quarantine will only prolong the virus by preventing the natural development of "herd immunity". He states:

"All respiratory epidemics end when 80% of the population have become immune. Then, if a new person gets infected, the person doesn't find anybody else to infect." 

Dr. Wittkowski holds that senior citizens and the unhealthy should be isolated. Everyone else (children included) should be allowed to resume their lives. They may experience a mild case of the virus, similar to a cold but will develop a natural immunity. Instead of allowing nature to take its course, we are cowering inside our homes, in Fear.

Remember that Light offers true information with no strings attached. Darkness withholds or falsifies information, with deception and control as its objectives. It is your job to use your God-given powers of discernment to sort that which is True from that which is False. Not the "authorities", not the  "officials". You must not give that responsibility away to others. Think for yourselves.

There is a Banquet of Fear now taking place in the astral realms. Dark entities are greedily gorging themselves on the Fear that has been generated in humankind due to this so-called "outbreak".You have not been invited to this banquet because you are on the menu.

The number one thing that human-beings must do at this time is: Do Not Give In To Anxiety, Worry And Fear! These and other low-vibrating emotions serve only to feed and sustain those who wish to enslave us. These lower emotions also serve to lower your vibration, the aura that radiates from your hands, feet and head. That aura is your true immune system!! A healthy aura will repel all external, low-vibrating organisms, without exception. So, remain Cheerful, Positive, Optimistic and Confident! Eat properly, get plenty of rest, keep the physical body meticulously clean. Do not allow others to infect your positive mental and emotional state.

This is only the beginning. The planet is rapidly moving towards the manifestation of certain events that will be designed to bedazzle you with glamour. Literally, Shock and Awe. Humanity will be struck dumb with uncertainty mixed with wonder. When the Time comes, remember to keep your head when all others are losing theirs. Remember that there is a complex plan in the works to deceive humanity on a global scale. Do not fall victim to the program that they have prepared for mankind, The Great Play. Remember that Impersonation, Falsification, Flattery, Deception and Spectacular Presentation are the tools of the trade used by the Dark forces to mesmerize, manipulate and control humanity.

End of transmission.

~ g


Primrose Chanett Edden Devonne said...

Thank you. This is much appreciated. All love, Chanett

Anonymous said...

Wow, think you covered it all. Thanks so much for taking the time to share.

To focus on the positive, what are Light Forces up to during these times? Are christine energies increasing to offset the fear and other lower vibe energies? As we are home self-isolating, how can we help the world so that less people fall for the manipulation and trickery? Or is it sufficient that we are working on our individual auras by just being positive and loving?

Thanks again!

BrotherGee said...

God, too, has a Plan. Will comment in next post.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Eager to hear GOD's plan in this mad drama that is unfolding.

BrotherGee said...


The post on God's Plan is almost complete.

Just realized that i never really answer questions from Anonymous that were presented on 3/30.

Q: To focus on the positive, what are Light Forces up to during these times?

A: The Universal Brotherhood is radiating their immense Light-power into the material realm and placing that Light-power at the disposal of mankind. They cannot directly interfere in matters taking place here on earth but can indirectly and objectively radiate this Light while maintaining a state of neutrality.

Q: Are christine energies increasing to offset the fear and other lower vibe energies?

A: The Christine radiations are here to bring all human entities to a point of Choosing. Those who reject these radiations will move even further away from the Light and suffer the resulting consequences of their choice, while those who are looking to raise their vibrations for the good of humanity will receive every help in that direction. Remember that the Christ Ray is impartial in its scope. It is how we choose to react to these radiations that matters.

Q: As we are home self-isolating, how can we help the world so that less people fall for the manipulation and trickery?

A: Live without Fear. Remain cheerful and optimistic. Be objective and neutral in your Thoughts and Feelings. Take advantage of every opportunity to unselfishly serve your fellow human-beings.

Q: Or is it sufficient that we are working on our individual auras by just being positive and loving?

A: Yes, we should remain positive and loving but not simply out of concern for our own personal development. It is more important that we radiate these Divine frequencies into the world where others can be touched by them. The Christ energy that we are able to assimilate should be transmuted by us, stepped-down and then radiated back into the world that surrounds us. That is one of our tasks during this Time of the End: to act as transmitters of this Divine Energy.

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

~ g