09 April 2020

Re: Ascended Masters

Question asked: What about ascended masters? How can you tell the difference between ascended masters, like Jesus and Buddha, and light spirits. 

This is a good question and one that needs to be answered so that a subtle form of spiritual deception can be exposed.

First off: the so-called "ascended masters" that work through channelers and mediums to relay messages to humanity are Light-Spirits. Remember, light-spirits are deceased "good" human-beings who have transitioned to the heaven-worlds of this nature-order where they work from behind-the-scenes to inspire humanity to perform "good" works.

A little background about the after-death experience. When a person dies, the only thing that changes is that the physical body is dropped. The remaining vehicles (etheric, astral and mental bodies) are still viable and the deceased withdraws with these vehicles into the heaven-worlds, what we call the reflection-sphere. Nothing about the deceased changes. The deceased person is the same as he or she was two minutes before passing. His/her thoughts. beliefs, likes, dislikes, desires, etc. all remain the same.

If a deceased person had certain interests during life, those interests persist after-death. What's more, being present in the reflection-sphere provides the deceased with access to information that is not available to the human-being while on earth. Occult wisdom and secrets from the deepest antiquity, magical workings, etc., can all be accessed there. The deceased person can continue educating himself/herself on whatever subject desired and actually gain new insights. Their deep desire to do "good" still burns within them so they look for a way to share their newfound knowledge with humanity.

Fortunately for the light-spirits, there are humans on earth who work to contact the so-called dead. Because like attracts like, the human medium is easily able to connect with a light-spirit when both entities vibrate to the same frequency (i.e., share the same interests). The human contact will enter a trance state and establish a connection with the light-spirit. The light-spirit is then able to speak through the human entity.

Light-spirits are also able to communicate mental images directly to the mind of a human go-between. The human-being will interpret these thought-forms or thought-pictures to the best of its ability and then relay the ideas of the light-spirits to others. Both methods require that the human "channels", so-called, are clear and without taint of personal prejudice or fear. If the channel is not knowledgeable or pure, the message that is being transmitted can be distorted.

Light-spirits can pretend to be anyone they wish to be. Because they have access to historical information that incarnate humans do not have, they can easily portray "ascended masters", "space brothers", Alexander the Great, Abraham Lincoln, ancient Egyptian priests/priestesses and yes, even Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and the like. Anyone can be anyone in the after-death experience. The knowledge-base is there and can be tapped into by anyone who so desires to do so. Astral matter is very pliable and it is child's play  for the deceased to take on the physical features of a famous personage.

Now, because the light-spirits believe that they are working for the "good" of humanity from beyond the veil, they do not feel as if they are deceiving humans. They feel that the ends justify the means. Another thing to note is that although the light-spirits are just pretending to be ascended masters, that does not mean that the information they provide has no value. It is possible to obtain very good information from a light-spirit if the entity is knowledgeable enough, has a pure intent and can find a human channel that is also pure. Still, no one gets "smarter" just because they have passed on. Light-spirits are prone to make errors, just as physical human-beings do. Therefore, any transmission from them has to be taken with a grain of salt, not as gospel. The human-being who receives such information must still use keen discernment in order to properly evaluate what a light-spirit disguised as an "ascended master" or some other historical personality is relaying to him/her.

As for Jesus the Christ, Buddha, etc., these entities who formerly walked the earth now inhabit a Divine realm that lies far beyond the reflection-sphere. Having served their exalted purposes on this earth, they have withdrawn from the earth-spheres (material-sphere and reflection-sphere). They are unable to contact the human-being by either conventional or occult means because they vibrate at a frequency that is far above that of 99.999% of humanity. These entities will not be returning to earth in the flesh. If any entity represents himself  to you as Jesus, Sananda, Emmanuel, Yeshua, Archangel Michael, Gabriel, or whoever, you can be sure that entity is a light-spirit.

Again, there are no "ascended masters". There are only deceased human-beings masquerading as such from beyond the veil, trying their best to do "good" for physical humanity.

You have now been exposed to more spiritual wickedness in high places, although with the best of intentions. As we know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so beware.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Brother Gee,

I hope you doing well my brother, I have a few questions for you
I hope you don’t mind, Do you ever have doubts? It seems like
this story will never ends for another one to take It’s place.

The all hold all thie answers but he doesn’t seem to want to share
it with any of us, How much more material do we have to collect ?
I know that you know what I mean anyways to be or not to be I
want this nightmare to end, I am totally mentally exhausted,
How Do we most keep suffering on the cross ?


BrotherGee said...

Answered. Apologies for the delay in response, my friend.

~ g