25 September 2020


Stumbled upon this today while looking for something else. Because there are no coincidences and due to the exigencies of the times that we are now experiencing, this post is being re-published. The original post date was June 26, 2012. 


"Esotericists down the long corridors of mankind's history have always been aware that negative and self-centered thinking and emotion are responsible for all disease; it is ever Thought and Feeling which are the essential cause of physical-plane effects, for Action always follows these.

To give an example of the positive advantages of an informed awareness: mainstream science has not ascertained why killer-viruses are fatal to some but not all. The reason is clear, however, to anyone who possesses elementary occult knowledge. Everything in the universe consists of energy at varying frequencies of vibration. Viruses arise due to the low and deleterious vibrations of our own negative thinking and emotion; viruses thrive at low vibratory rates. Those with an altogether higher vibration of consciousness who are positively-oriented toward selflessness and love are generally immune from the so-called killer-diseases, and without the need for harmful inoculations!

'Miracle cures' have been repeatedly recorded throughout history, and all such remedies were made possible by raising the patient's vibratory rate of consciousness so that healing forces could flow unimpeded from within the ailing person themselves. This has been the case whether the cure was labeled faith-healing, white magic, 'God's blessing' or whatever else; the true reasons are always the same, and it is ever the frequency of one's consciousness that is the key to success.

The easiest and quickest way to raise the vibration of consciousness - and certainly the safest for most people - is to make contact with the Divine in oneself, and this may be done by focusing out of and away from the personal self  and upon some higher and worthy purpose. In fact, if in aligning with universal law mankind were to adopt and maintain such an inclusive and expanded focus, perfect healing on all levels would eventually ensue in the world, and in most cases without the need for intermediaries like doctors or drugs etc. For the majority of the planetary population this is a vitally needed education today, and it is this lesson which the impending inner and outer upheavals prior to the birth of the New World will endeavor to impart to all who attempt to continue living within the shadows of selfishness and fear."

From "Causes and Effects - The Birth Of A New World" - The New Call


"Man, Know Thyself".

Over the centuries, humanity has been led to believe that we are helpless and weak, with no God-given powers or abilities. It has been drilled into our heads that all threats to humanity come from without and that all remedies for the ills of humanity must be applied from without. These lies have been  methodically supported and advanced over many millennia in order to shape our consciousness in such a way as to deceive us into believing that we are indeed helpless creatures.

BE ADVISED: Illness and dis-ease manifest from the inside, out...not the other way around.  Medical science continues to diagnose and treat symptoms without giving much consideration to root cause.

Your Thinking, Willing and Feeling are responsible for creating your state-of-consciousness. An overall high rate of vibration is your shield against dis-ease. As stated above, viruses, bacteria, etc. that may be potentially harmful to human beings cannot thrive or survive in a high frequency environment.

"Physician, Heal Thyself".

~ g



Anonymous said...

As always a very timely update for me. Thank you. All love Primrose

Anonymous said...

Thank you brother gee I am going through some very hard time right now and this post is
exactly what I was looking for.


Anonymous said...

The question is: 'why do you want health?' Do you want health for yourself? Or, do you want health so that you can serve The Divine Plan of Salvation? Careful now.

BrotherGee said...

Thank you for your comment.

Our bodies (visible and invisible) are instruments of the Spirit, even though most of us are not aware of this. We have a responsibility to keep them in good working condition, fastidiously clean, properly fed, and as pure as possible. We do these things to the biological minimum necessary.

We do not do these things for the sake of vanity, or for profit, or for fear of dying. We are all going to die. Our exit from this world has already been ordained, right down to the date, time and manner of death. But there are forces in this world that are working to impair our vehicles so that we are unable to awaken the Rose, pursue the Path or do the Work. These efforts are designed to sicken the world and to ultimately lower our overall vibration. We have the permission and the right to protect our vehicles from this astral interference.

The gnostic Rosicrucian knows that we do not not try to extend our lives when Death calls us. But prior to the moment of our lawful transition from this nature-order, we have every right to defend our vehicles from dis-ease. These vehicles are our responsibility and are required to be in optimum working condition if we wish to effectively radiate the vibration of Spirit that is being received via our awakened Divine Spark.

~ g