20 August 2017


The following is posted in response to a question posed by reader JM.

Astronomical events are not a main focus of this writer. That said, what follows will attempt to bring some perspective to what is scheduled to take place on 21 August 2017.

One should always return to the past if one wishes to search for a sliver of truth. Eclipses are not a new phenomenon, although you wouldn't be able to tell that by the excessive hype that is taking place in the United States at this time. Man was once quite familiar with them and their effects. By most accounts, these effects were not characterized in a positive light. Eclipses were considered to be evil and were also believed to be an omen or foretelling of future negative events.

As with most things involving ancient races and civilizations, the "authorities" of current mankind dismiss this long-held knowledge as superstition and myth. They want you to believe that, for the most part, those who went before us were ignorant savages who had no understanding and were afraid of their own shadows. Our so-called "authorities" maintain that in order for the ancients to manage their cluelessness and fear, they invented stories about evil portents and dark omens.

Consider the fact that everything that we are taught, from grade school to grad school, has been carefully compiled by the agents of the aeons of this nature to deceive and mislead mankind into accepting the false premise that civilization began a mere few thousand years ago. All evidence to the contrary is suppressed, debunked, or assiduously ignored. They do not want you to even remotely entertain the possibility that higher and more advanced civilizations than the one we currently experience in have preceded us, and had expansive knowledge about things that current humanity can only guess at. Please do not fall for their game. Be advised that earthly education is of little value to all earthlings. It shuts you off from the Truth of things and serves only to breed more robotic minions ready to "take their place in society" and keep the machine going for the archons that control the earth-spheres.

Pardon the digression. We shall now get to the point of this post.

The Sun is the Source of Life in this solar system. Without the Sun vigilantly radiating its life-sustaining energies to all corners of this solar system, the different kingdoms of life on all of the planets, visible and invisible, would not exist. The Sun, which is the physical representation of the Logos of this solar system, is indispensable in regards to life in this solar system. It does not take anything from humanity. It is a Giver of Life only. That is one of its main duties and it fulfills that duty every second without interruption. The Sun cannot "take a holiday". It cannot say, "Man, am I ever tired of this Life-Giving stuff. I think I'll take a few months off". One can only imagine the effect that such a decision would have on all of the kingdoms of life on this planet, and others. Not only would physical death of all created things ensue, but the inner worlds would also be severely disturbed and/or damaged.

A total solar eclipse has the effect of interfering with the functioning of the Sun for a short period of time. During this short period of time, the moon acts as a barrier between the Sun and the earth, as it were. The Sun's Life-Giving rays are temporarily obstructed from reaching certain portions of the earth. Let's face it, nothing good can happen when the Sun is prevented from doing its Duty. What follows is darkness.

What is embedded in this darkness? First, remember that as the Source of all Life, the Sun is the provider of vitality to all created things. When it is obstructed in such a way, there is an interruption in the process of vital forces reaching the earth. This results in a weakening of man's subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental) leaving him susceptible to lower-vibrating energies and entities. Man becomes like a soldier on the battlefield who puts down his shield and removes his armor. For a time, he is vulnerable and defenseless to a degree.

As we know, there are negative entities of all types hiding in the reflection-sphere who are constantly working to influence mankind in one way or another. Most of these attempts are selfish in nature and are a great detriment to humanity. An event such as a partial or total solar eclipse serves to temporarily "open a door" for nefarious energies and influences to wash over mankind without being mitigated by the power of the Sun's radiations.

Where there is no Light, Darkness rules.

The effects of a partial or total eclipse are long-lasting. The negative subtle energies distributed as a result of the event slowly radiate in all directions until the subtle spheres of the earth have been polluted by them, to a greater or lesser extent. These effects can linger for many months.

It is said that just before, during and after an eclipse, an individual may experience lethargy, tiredness, sickness etc. at a physical level. At the psychological level, there may be excess emotional and negative thoughts.

An aspect not discussed is the fact that the Sun has etheric, astral, mental bodies, as does man. These subtle bodies are also eclipsed on these finer, more attenuated planes of existence, and the result probably cannot be classified as "good".

It is interesting to note how the advance discussions regarding the 21 August 2017 eclipse have worked to push millions into a frenzy, of sorts. People are foolishly flocking to towns and cities that lie in the path of the eclipse, spending exorbitant sums for over-priced lodging and food. People are pitching tents and setting up lawn chairs on the side of highways, days in advance, just to get a glimpse of this event. Unknowingly, all are placing themselves in direct contact with celestial forces that they cannot possibly understand because their "authorities" have never bothered to help them understand.

For the candidate on the Path, all that can be said is: take little notice of what is about to occur. Do not get caught up in the hype. We have bigger fish to fry. Remain neutral, objective, unattached to any outcomes related to this event. Continue to monitor your thinking, willing and feeling. Our focus lies elsewhere. We are engaged in the task of purifying the microcosm and liberating the Other One from its long-standing imprisonment. Nothing should be allowed to obstruct or interfere with the Great Work that we are striving to accomplish.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Thank U so much for this, dear brother. Much appreciated... Love from JM

The Finance Dude said...

I'm on saint louis - we get "kissed" by this deathless death :)

just wanted to offer my two pennies of thought - as one who has studied babylon's science since my youth - there is something to be said of the judge's in the sky and the horse trading they do among each other across regular intervals...

i'm using the opportunity, the first of my thirty four+ solar years, to honor the universe, where we find the house of Sol/sun - in a cosmic womb of darkness :)

all the dark/light discussion is splitting hairs in the end, er beginning - hahahahahah :)

one love!!!!

Anonymous said...

You mention purifying your thinking, willing and feeling which I understand are forces of the soul.You say we should monitor these forces. My question is how is this actually done?

You say 'Our focus lies elsewhere',with our current level of consciousness there is no elsewhere!

BrotherGee said...

Will reply to the thought purification question via a new post. Please stand by.

~ g