01 September 2017

Purification Of The Thought-Life

"Thought Is The Horse That Draws The Cart"
"Energy Follows Thought; What Is Focused Upon, Grows"
"Thoughts Are Things; They Go Somewhere"
"You Are What You Think"

A key requisite for success on the Path is the purification of the thought-life of the candidate. You may be surprised to learn that purification has less to do with "dirty" or "unclean" thoughts, and more to do with the ordinary thoughts that one entertains every moment of the day.

When we think, when we have a thought, we light a sort of fire in our mental body. That fire, that spark, has a vibration that is peculiar to the thought that created it. Coarse, common, self-directed thoughts will generally carry a low vibration. Unselfish, loving thoughts, or thoughts rooted in the Gnosis, will vibrate at a higher frequency. When one's thoughts are of a very high nature, the vibrations generated by them can be very beneficial to one's astral, etheric and physical bodies.

The vibration of the thought in the mental body bleeds over to the astral body and conditions it to match the frequency of the thought. The astral body then conditions the etheric double in the same manner. Because of its relationship as the mold for the physical body, the etheric double instantly passes ethers matching the vibration of the thought to the physical body.

If one gives the above some consideration, one should be able to realize that it's fairly apparent that what we think, the quality of our thoughts, determines the quality of our astral, etheric and physical body, including the blood. This by itself is an important thing for people to know and remember. For good or for ill, our thoughts always come home to roost.

In order to purify our thinking, we first have to change the way we look at Thought. We must take ourselves in hand and resolve to take charge of the thinking process. This requires a great deal of discipline because we are not used to taking the time to evaluate the quality of the thoughts that randomly pop into our heads. We simply think away, without any regard for where our thoughts come from or where they are going. Did you know that a large majority of "your" thoughts are actually the discarded thoughts of others? Man is literally surrounded and victimized by a sea of thought-forms and thought-vibrations. This will be discussed later.

Instead of accepting the thoughts of others as our own, or entertaining thoughts that are not entirely positive or helpful, we should first take a look at the kinds of thoughts that need to be expunged from our thinking lives in order to obtain the necessary purification.

1. Selfish thoughts
2. Criticizing thoughts
3. Judgmental thoughts
4. Angry thoughts
5. Jealous /  Envious thoughts
6. Greedy or Covetous thoughts
7. Ambitious thoughts
8. Prideful thoughts
9. Thoughts of Revenge
10. Lustful, Carnal thoughts
11. Depressive thoughts

May have missed a couple but you get the general idea.

Most of our thoughts are rooted in selfishness. Perhaps "self-focused" is a better description. Self-focused as in: "What is best for me in this situation?" or "How does this affect me?" or "How do I feel about this?" These are not conscious thoughts, we seldom hear them rattling around in our heads, but they are there. We are always processing the stimuli that comes to us from the external world in terms of how it relates to us and our past, present or future condition.

Self-focused thoughts like those listed above are generally low-frequency thoughts. Low-frequency thoughts negatively affect the mental, astral, etheric and physical bodies. When one constantly thinks in this way, a type of pollution occurs in one's subtle bodies. There is a general slowing of one's overall rate of vibration. Consistently entertaining poor-quality thoughts will render one unable to link up with Divine energies, which vibrate at much faster frequencies. In this way, one eventually cuts himself/herself off from the Gnosis by making it difficult to perceive and react to its ever-present, high-frequency radiations.

It is hoped that the above summary will enable you to get an idea of the critical relationship between the quality of our thought and the quality of our soul-bodies; between what we think and what we are. There is a direct connection. In addition, it is hoped that you may begin to recognize the important role that purification of the thought-life must play in helping the candidate to succeed in establishing a link with the Divine Gnosis.

- To Be Continued -

~ g

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sharing... Thank U, Brother G... Love from Denmark, JM