02 September 2017

Purification Of The Thought-Life: Thought-Forms & Thought-Vibrations

"For to no other creature in the kingdom of the Earthly Mother is it given the power of Thought, for all beasts that crawl and birds that fly, live not of their own thinking but of the one Law that governs all. Only to the Sons of Men is it given the power of thought, even that Thought that can break the bonds of death.

Do not think because it cannot be seen, that Thought has no power. I tell you truly, the lightning that cleaves the mighty oak, or the quaking that opens up cracks in the earth, these are as the play of children compared with the power of Thought. Truly each thought of darkness, whether it be of malice, or anger, or vengeance, these wreak destruction like that of fire sweeping through dry kindling under a windless sky. But man does not see the carnage, nor does he hear the piteous cries of his victims, for he is blind to the world of the Spirit." - The Essene Gospel of Peace

When we have a thought, two things are created: a tangible form, made from matter of the mental plane, and a definite radiating vibration. Both of these thought-creations can travel great distances, depending on the power of the Thought that birthed them. The thought-vibration carries with it the character of the Thought. The thought-form is a representation or image of the Thought itself.

The thought-vibration will radiate from the thinker in all directions and travel until it encounters a person whose mental body vibrates in harmony with it. The thought-vibration will link up with that person and impart to him the character of the original thinker's thought.

Let's say that the original thought was of eating a hamburger. The person who picks up the thought may not like hamburgers but because the vibration carries the nature of the thought, the recipient may think of eating something else, like a salad, or a candy bar.

The thought-form has a slightly different existence. At first, it will remain in the vicinity of the thinker, taking up a position at about eye level, waiting for the thinker to act upon it or increase its life with the force of attention. If the thinker does not continue to vivify the thought-form with his attention, the thought-form will either slowly dissolve or wander off into the surrounding vicinity, where it will attach itself to the mental body of any person whose thinking vibrates in resonance with the thought-form. If such a person is found, the thought-form will discharge itself into the person's mental body. This will result in the person thinking the same thought as the original thinker, and moreover, believing that the thought is something that originated in his own brain-mind.

A couple of things can be extracted from the above:

1. your thoughts are living creations that persist long after the activity that created them

2. your thoughts have the ability to affect the thinking of others

Taking the foregoing into account, we should quickly realize the solemn responsibility that we have to our brothers and sisters when we formulate our thoughts. The more powerful the force of the thought, the wider and more long-lasting influence it will have on those around us.

Thus we have another important reason why we should work to purify our thinking. We are responsible for the invisible forces that radiate from us, and must take care to not propagate thoughts that will only serve to multiply humanity's negativity and pain.

Those who walk the Path of Return in humility and sincerity are walking in self-surrender and a new attitude of life. We are our brother's keeper. Or focus is away from the self and always cognizant of the effect of our thinking, willing and feeling upon the wider world. Candidates who do not begin to think and live in this manner are only play-acting. You will know them by their fruits.

Yes, it is a hard duty to try and evaluate each and every one of our thoughts before giving birth to them, but it can be done. The key is that you have to want to take the steps necessary to control your thinking. It is hoped that this extremely brief explanation of the effects that your thoughts have on others will inspire you to do what is necessary to radiate only those thoughts that are pure and helpful to the large numbers of people you will never see or meet.

- To Be Continued -

~ g


Anonymous said...

It has been estimated that an average brain has anywhere from 25,000 to 50,000 thoughts a day and 70% of them are believed to be negative.(Source Psychology Today) You say it is our duty to try and evaluate each and every one of our thoughts before giving birth to them. Wow seems like a full time occupation to me!
But thank you very much for all your articles, I look forward to reading them.

BrotherGee said...

My friend,

Not sure how those numbers were compiled but if you think about it (no pun intended) a large majority of those 25,000-50,000 thoughts have to be of the common, routine variety. Walk here, sit here, look at this, look at that, evaluate this, compare that, open refrigerator, etc., etc. According to my math, those numbers translate to one thought every two or three seconds. Not all of those thoughts are of the type that need to undergo purification.

Most common thoughts do not require monitoring. It's the thoughts we think when we are listening to someone speak, or while watching a television program or motion picture, or after someone has mistreated us, or when anything happens that either does or does not benefit us directly that we need to evaluate.

A crude, unscientific review estimates that we entertain selfish thoughts at the rate of perhaps once every two minutes. This makes for a total of approximately 700 such thoughts daily, an amount from which we can subtract a third (due to the hours of sleep), resulting in a total of about 480 consciously negative thoughts per day, which is a much more manageable number than 50,000.

If we look at this as monitoring a selfish thought every 1-2 minutes of our waking life, we can see that the task is not so daunting after all. It all begins with understanding the reasons behind the need to purify our thoughts and then voluntarily choosing to roll up our sleeves and take on the task of doing so.

We must pay attention to that which we are creating. Once we establish new habits of purified thinking, the process becomes increasingly easier and will become almost automatic, which is the goal.


~ g

Anonymous said...

Brother Gee.

First and foremost I want to thank you for this wonderful blog

Doing Time in Alcatraz is very troublesome, are they any bright spot over the horizon for a fellow traveler ?
All I see is great darkness and despair.....Most thing are obvious but some are unforeseen, mental transmutation
Is a very complex endeavor , sometimes I wonder if I will ever make it home.

My home is right before my eyes ,when will I get there I don't know but the everyday pain and suffering are unbearable.
Sometimes I feel like this is just a big joke or a big nightmare.


Anonymous said...


Are the thoughts that appear in our minds, pictures? If I met a Russian who could speak no English and spoke the word cat to him, he would not understand me. But if I took a picture of a cat and showed it to him he would instantly understand me. Reading an article about hieroglyphics (Greek for sacred writing) only the pharaoh, nobility and priests could understand the deeper meaning of what it conveyed. The minute I say cat in the mind it seems that I loose interest in it because by saying the word cat I then think I know all about cats! But as they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Something Off topic with regards to one of your earlier posts "The Zodiac - A Twelvefold Prison" (http://time-to-choose.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-zodiac-twelvefold-prison.html)

There is much frenzy leading up to 23rd September, 2017 which many believe to be a direct prophetic fulfillment of Revelations 12. People seem to be looking for outward signs when the entire book of Revelations seem to be talking about an inward process that is to be individually experienced.

Would appreciate your insight on this my friend.

regards `m.

BrotherGee said...

To my Brother In Alcatraz:

It is only the physical body that can be imprisoned by physical walls. Never the mind, and never the Divine Spark that glimmers within the center of your microcosm.

No matter where he or she may be in physical life, for the candidate on the Path, the task remains the same:

(a) purification of the mental and astral bodies by Right Thought, Right Feeling, Right Action.

(b) awakening the Divine Spark and giving birth to the purified New Soul, the Spirit-Soul.

(c) through Insight, Yearning and Self-surrender and a New Attitude of Life, reconnect the Spirit-Soul with Spirit, flooding the microcosm with Light and initiating the Great Transformation.

(d) live the life of the Two-In-One. Outwardly, to all who observe you, you will appear to be the same. Inwardly, where the common man cannot see, you are transforming. You are repairing and replacing your old microcosmic state with a Divine one.

Do not despair, do not give up. Surround yourself with thoughts of the Gnosis. If you are allowed to read, read the works of Jan van Rijckenborgh, or beautiful gnostic works such as Pistis Sophia. Immerse yourself in the Great Work.

Do you realize that even where you are, you are performing a great service? As you draw the Divine Light of the Gnosis into your microcosm by your yearning and striving, you radiate that Light in all directions into your surroundings via your aura. This affects the aura of others in a positive manner, even though they may not be aware of being Touched. You are bringing Light into a dark world, one of the darkest that can be found on this plane of existence. Servants of the Gnosis are needed everywhere...on the "inside" as well as the outside. Know that your journey on the Path benefits those around you in ways that you may not be able to imagine.

Never give up. Never give in to your earthly circumstances. Yes, we have lives that must be lived, karma that must be liquidated, obstacles that must be overcome, but above all else, there is a Path that we must find in this life and once found, that Path must be followed to its Good End.

Forgiveness is assured. Liberation from this earthly vale of tears awaits you and all who begin the Great Work while in the physical. But you must continue to follow the Golden Thread that will lead you out of this hell, no matter what the obstacles. Do not falter.

Jack London wrote a novel ("The Jacket") about a man who was put in a straitjacket and locked for years in solitary confinement. He learned how to travel astrally and, upon sleep, would leave his body and journey to wondrous and far-away places. His jailers would peer into the cell and see him lying on the floor, wallowing in filth, trussed up in his straitjacket, but with a smile of extreme peace on his face. Although his body was their prisoner, his mind was free.

The above is meant to serve as an allegory. You must remember to be in the world, but not of the world. Inside, you are free. A New Man is under construction within your microcosm. Focus on that, remember to serve your fellow man unselfishly, continue to purify your vehicles, and the time will fly.

Yes, there is a bright spot. The bright spot is that by starting this process you have already guaranteed yourself a place in Shamballa. Your future is one of Transmutation, Transformation, Transfiguration. You have found the One Thing Needful and have linked yourself with the Universal Brotherhood. Not a hair on your head will be harmed without the will of the Father. Give thanks, my brother, and add Joy to your Joy. You are free.

all love,

~ g

BrotherGee said...


re: thought-forms

Two things are created when we have a thought:

(1) a definite form that takes on the image of what we are thinking about, and

(2) a vibration that radiates outwards in all directions.

The thought-form can and will travel, if we do not vivify it by giving it our attention. If we do not strengthen the thought-form with our attention, the thought-form will float freely about until it happens upon someone whose mental body resonates with the vibration of the thought-form. Because Like Attracts Like, the thought-form will impinge upon the mental body of the receiving mind and the receiver will think the same thought as the original thinker.

Contemplate that for a while and you should be struck by how staggering and far-reaching are the consequences of our random, unbridled and uncontrolled Thinking.

This is the principle behind telepathy, mesmerism and hypnotism. A hypnotist is simply someone who knows how to project very strong thought-forms into the mental body of a relaxed and passive subject. The hypnotized subjects are merely acting out the hypnotist's thoughts, thoughts that they believe to be their own. Hypnosis is a form of black magic whose practice is to be discouraged. Never allow yourself to be hypnotized. The effects of this so-called parlor-game can eventually prove harmful to the hypnotized subject. This warning applies to hypnosis used for medical or psychiatric purposes as well.

Long ages ago, man did communicate via the projection of thought-images. As you mentioned, if one wanted to communicate "cat" to a stranger from another land, the thought-image of a cat would be clearly understood by the receiving party. As Man fell deeper into Matter, we lost that ability, for the most part, although some are still able to utilize this power, for good and for evil.

Once Man lost the power to communicate telepathically, it became necessary to physically write, paint or carve the thought-forms onto some medium in order to communicate. These glyphs devolved into symbols and the symbols devolved further into alphabets.

Mankind is gradually approaching the day when this faculty will be restored to us. Even now you can see signs of this happening via the world-wide use of emojis. But before this faculty can be restored to us we must first prove ourselves worthy by purifying our Thinking and learning to utilize Thought wisely and properly.


~ g

BrotherGee said...


re: 23rd September, 2017

No man knows the day nor the hour. Those words were not written idly. They were written to expressly discourage future humanities from engaging in just this sort of speculation.

People should forget about trying to pinpoint a date and do the following:

Live life as if today was The Day. Then one will always be ready.

re: "Revelations"

Yes, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, Revelations is a deeply symbolic yet complete treatise on the successful culmination of the Path of Return, the Re-birth of the Other One, the New Man revealed to us and the transfiguration of the microcosm. It was written in heavily veiled allegory and symbolism in order to keep the profane from misusing what is being revealed therein.

You have obviously begun to pull aside that veil. Gnosis - the Divine Knowledge of God - is revealed to those who seek such Knowledge and prove themselves worthy of same.


~ g