20 September 2017

Why Things Go Wrong

No matter how hard we try to build something of lasting earthly value, eventually what we are trying to build will fall apart in our hands and crumble to dust. That is the way of dialectics, the natural world. Rising, Shining and then Fading are constants in every aspect of our physical lives.

Man's purpose on earth is not to create varying levels of "happiness" for himself. Man's purpose on earth is to recognize that he must leave this earth via the transfiguristic process, the Path of Return. Any endeavor that does not have this aim as its ultimate Goal will always be doomed to failure. We will be forced to experience pain, hardship, sorrow and disappointment life after life until eventually, a personality will appear in our microcosm that will finally become sick and tired of being sick and tired. It is this personality that will yearn for something other than what earth-life has to offer, and it is then that the heart will call out and the Gnosis will respond.

This is why failure is a constant in this world. If we are not pursuing the One Thing Needful then we have to fail. If we were successful in building a paradise here on earth, we would never want to leave. Our microcosms would crystallize beyond help. Therefore, our figurative castles of sand must be kicked to pieces over and over and over until we finally wise up and make the decision to stop building them.

Failure is the Gnosis trying to get your attention. Go, sell all that you have, and follow Path that leads to Freedom.

"Seek first the Kingdom within, and all else will be added unto you."

~ g


Anonymous said...


We enter this world with nothing and leave with nothing. But during our short time here a lot of energy is spent with physical things such building temples and conference centres.

"Seek first the Kingdom within, and all else will be added unto you." It appears that the human being was designed so as there was a possibility that he could find this kingdom within. Practicing mindfulness allows one to go within and observe the mind in operation with all the thoughts clamoring for attention as well as the feelings.

School recommends to purify your thinking, feeling and acting and then you come in contact with the voice of the silence, but few pupils have come in contact with this spirit spark. I have found mindfulness useful in detaching oneself from the physical realm. Why does school not teach it? Thank you.

BrotherGee said...


The practice of "mindfulness" demands that one focus upon one's thoughts and "the present moment", as it were. This is a form of meditation and concentration.

The School strongly discourages meditation and concentration exercises. These are occult practices that serve only to tie one that much more closely to the earth-sphere or put one in touch with the reflection-sphere.

The School teaches that one should direct one's thoughts away from the self.

The School teaches non-attachment, neutrality and objectivity in all things.

The School teaches the Path of the True Way, the transfiguristic Path of Return. It does not teach occult methods designed to improve or enhance the quality of the nature-born human-being. It teaches the liberation of the microcosm via a reunification of Spirit with the reborn Spirit-Soul. In order to achieve that goal, the pupil must decrease, while the Other One increases. The pupil seeks purification of the mental, astral and etheric bodies not for himself, but for the Other One within.

~ g

Anonymous said...

The School teaches non-attachment, neutrality and objectivity in all things.

I would agree with the above. The problem from personal experience is that only from a tranquil mind can we start to practice the above. Meditation to me is simply stilling the mind. When this tranquil state is reached then the inner other one or Atman can become active again.

The inner other one of an individual is beyond identification with worldly phenomena and so the above of non-attachment, neutrality and objectivity becomes automatic.

Unknown said...

hi from Greece...i have read many books of L.R. I have student the 12 lessons...not understend how this school works.Not meditation,not affirmations,not whriting journal,not pray;only vegeterian-not tv-not
sex for pleasure..not drugs-alchool..this is good.But what is your echoteric praktice;i dont undestent.
only read the holy books; because this i praktice now Engar Cayce material, i thing is the same principles from another source.(sorry for English...)

Unknown said...

Cayce said that Jesus had a secret prayer that he repeated to himself, “Others, Lord, others.”

Unknown said...

The School teaches that one should direct one's thoughts away from the self...The same principle...

BrotherGee said...


If you are looking to silence the mind, fine. Meditation becomes a problem when one is seeking to "open the mind" to inspiration from the Inner Planes. Those Inner Planes are of this nature-order, and the entities that inhabit those regions are light-spirits, astral imposters or worse.

As long as one is not trying to link up with reflection-sphere entities and their brand of "enlightenment" there should be no harm. But one should still be careful, as a mind that is unoccupied by thought can serve as an open invitation to mischief-makers from Beyond The Veil.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


The School does not "possess" a philosophy. It does not "own" what it teaches. The things that are revealed by the School emanate from the Universal Doctrine, which has been with mankind since the dawn of time, long before the time of Christ. Lectorium Rosicrucianum did not invent the Doctrine of Transfiguration or the Path of Return. Previous brotherhoods have carefully passed on the Gnosis down through the ages until it rests here today with LRC. The classical Rosicrucians, the Cathars of southern France, the Bogomils, the Manicheans, the Essenes, and so many more. The list of preceding gnostic brotherhoods is extensive.

If you've read the literature of the School then you have to be aware of the critical point of departure, which is as follows: there are two nature-orders. One nature-order is Divine, Absolute, Eternal. The other nature-order is fallen, changeable, finite. Our humanity is imprisoned in the Un-divine nature-order and will not be able to escape until we activate the Rose of the Heart, the Divine Spark located in the center of our microcosm that is our last and only link with the original, Divine nature-order.

As long as we are unable to re-establish that Divine Connection, we are doomed to remain in this fallen nature-order for many eternities, experiencing death and rebirth over and over and over until, after long ages of bitter experience, we make the decision to seek the Path of Return and follow it to the Good End.

The twin task of all Mystery Schools is to (1) shatter the programming of the candidate by providing him or her with much-needed insight into the true nature of man's existence and (2) to provide the candidate with instruction on how to purify one's mental, astral and physical bodies in preparation for the birth of a New Soul that will be used to reunite the Divine Spirit-Soul-Body tri-unity in a purified microcosm.

If a candidate cannot grasp the core concept of the existence of two separate nature-orders then there is almost no way that he or she will understand anything else that follows. Have you read "The Coming New Man" by Jan van Rijckenborgh? The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis series Vol. 1 thru IV? If you have read these already, then it is difficult to see why understanding has not come about for you.


~ g

BrotherGee said...


re: "Others, Lord, others.".

That is a great prayer.

~ g

Anonymous said...


What our Greek friend and myself are simply asking is how to activate the Rose of the Heart, the Divine Spark located in the center of our microcosm?

I can truthfully say that I have read The Coming New Man over 10 times and no where does it say how to activate the Rose of the Heart. Perhaps I have missed the chapter and you can point it out to me. I do agree that the spirit lives in the depths of the soul of every creature. Hinduism calls it the Atman. Concentration and meditation are used in their system. The difference between them and school is they say the Atman is not latent but our focus is on the world of Maya instead of being on the ultimate reality of the cosmos' unity. But at least they follow a system.

When school added the dot in the centre of its logo I thought it was going to reveal how to contact this Divine Spark but alas I'm still in the dark! Help us please Gee.

BrotherGee said...


Will respond very soon.

~ g

Unknown said...

Thanks ...i whait the respond.This is strange...i have the same time the same
questions with the user :"anonymous".This is the law of attraction in action!I not find after 30 years the right shool for me....not Amork,not new
Acropolis,not gnostic movement,not ortodox (im from Greece),not osho.
Maybe im free spirit...

BrotherGee said...

Done. Please see the post dated October 13, 2017.

~ g