04 October 2015

The Two Human Types


You may have already realized that if anyone who studies mankind's past wishes to reach the right conclusions, he will have to view everything in a much wider context than superficial literalism would allow.

The earth is inhabited by various human races, each with a differing past and also, in many respects, with a very divergent future. There are elements present that combine these races into one community; but there are undeniably also elements that separate them. Among all these races with very divergent dispositions we find the ancient Spirit-born Ones, the Children of the Fire. In the broadest possible sense it is a group of those whose microcosms still possess elements which make possible a direct link with, and a life in, the Spirit.

All holy language, in its original, unsullied state, is directed solely towards this exceptional class of humanity, to the Spirit-born Ones of the Beginning. And from a certain point of view, these Universal Teachings are to be considered dangerous for other human types.

Why dangerous? To understand this you will need to realize that the Children of God and the children of nature have widely divergent interests. The Children of God, insofar as they are in a state of imprisonment, want to flee the word. The children of nature seek and desire to maintain the world. So their efforts are diametrically opposed. In this context, we are using the word 'world' in its narrow sense, to mean the nature-born life-field.

If the Children of God were to take the lead on earth, this would be accompanied by a complete alteration of the astral conditions of our life-field. The astral field of the nature-of-death would become like the gnostic Astral Field, a field full of serenity and the highest purity. The reflection-sphere would be emptied. All those self-maintaining reflection-sphere processes would become impossible. All the conditions of existence in our life-field would change. The earthly field of genesis would no longer provide life-spark entities with any possibility of existence. The millions of life-spark entities that populate the earth would simply not be able to exist any longer, and so it would be as if they had been murdered. The classic fratricide, the ancient drama of Cain and Abel, would be repeated.

Another possibility is that the life-spark entities could, through reconstruction of their microcosms, be restored to the Childship of God. If an entity did not possess the classic, Primordial Atom of the Spirit in his microcosm, it would be possible, by reconstructing the microcosmic field, by bringing the Spirit into it, to introduce into the microcosm what was not previously present within it.

Creatures always come forth from the Fundamental Nature. The Original Nucleus of every creature unfolds on the basis of the creative idea underlying it. If this idea and the nucleus of the creature are not from the Spirit, then a Child of God will not develop. However, if this idea is of God, then a Child of God will develop.

So the Child of God is a creature who has to behave in accordance with the Fundamental Idea underlying his being. If he deviates from that Idea, then he will have to undergo all kinds of difficulties and consuming processes until finally he has to return to the Original Idea. If the idea originates from a different cosmocracy, then a different kind of being will arise, a different orientation, a different starting point, a different aim.

However, we repeat that it is possible for entities who have an aeonic origin to be restored to, and by, the Idea of the Universal Spirit. The first prerequisite is to preach, throughout the world, a Universal Doctrine of the Spirit. The second is to realize and establish a genuine Church of the Spirit. The third is to adapt the life-field, mankind's field of genesis, to the requirements of the Spirit, as a result of which the creature will submit to the Spirit.

In this way, an entity that was not originally a Child of God from the Beginning can become one through the re-creation of the microcosm. The Tri-Unity of the Light - Rosycross, Cathar and Grail, is preparing for such a mighty effort to re-create aeonic, life-spark entities. The Universal Doctrine is resounding through the mouth of the Rosycross. The new Church of the Spirit , the aspect of the Brotherhood of the Cathars, has been founded. The great alteration of the life-field, beginning with the astral field and following the requirements of the Spirit, is underway once more; and the Brotherhood of the Holy Grail has been manifested anew.

All this forms part of the mighty activity of the Sons of the Fire. It is for this reason that the liberated Sons of the Fire came and have always come to earth. It is for this that their disciples and servants came, and have always come, for the unfolding of an intense activity, with the aim of forging all Abel-entities into Children of the Fire. And to raise up all fallen and imprisoned Cain-entities and install them in the community of God. All true holy language, all Universal Doctrine, bears witness to this mighty and glorious attempt, which has been repeated time and time again throughout history.

In many periods of man's history the necessary conditions were created to bring about this grand and glorious work of the Spirit. The true Church, the Church of the Spirit, has appeared many times on earth. Take, for instance, the Church of the Cathars mentioned just now. Think also of Appolonius of Tyana and of the gnostic churches around the Mediterranean, in Asia Minor, Greece, the Balkans, Egypt and other parts of North Africa. One can affirm with great joy that in all those periods, large numbers of entities entered the Liberating Life. There is, indeed, a multitude no one can count, gathered from all peoples, all races of the earth.

From "The Classic Betrayal (1) - There Is No Empty Space - Jan van Rijckenborgh


There are two human types: one group is born of this nature-order and lives in relative harmony with it. The other group hails from the Sons of the Fire. This group, which has fallen into matter, lives in torment and seeks to escape the nature-of-death. If you can hear and obey the Call of the Gnosis then you are most likely a fallen Child of the Fire. It is for us and those of our kind that the Divine Plan of Salvation was put into motion. We are not the first to embark upon this Path of Return, and we will not be the last.

"He was the True Light, which lighted every man who came into the world. He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him. But to those who received Him, He gave the power to become Sons of God." John 1:9, 11-12

~ g


Anonymous said...

Does LRC have anything to do with the "Georgia Guidestones" ?

Anonymous said...

Who is "Aberamentho"

BrotherGee said...

Re: Georgia Guidestones

No, the Spiritual School has nothing to do with these curiosities. This can be easily determined by the fact that the "message" on these stones is geared towards "making the world a better place". True gnostics on the Path of Return do not waste energy in trying to improve the state of this nature-order. The focus is on final liberation from this nature-order, period.

This is the work of some group that wishes to distract and intrigue people with a humanistic message of "goodness". The use of "R.C. Christian" is a red herring, designed to point to Rosicrucianism for whatever reason. One is advised to not squander their attention on this manufactured phenomenon.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

Aberamentho is the Coptic word for Jesus. It is referenced in the Books of the Savior, which are a part of the gnostic work Pistis Sophia.

Because these manuscripts were first translated into the Coptic, references to the name can still be found therein.

~ g