08 October 2015


The Original Divine Microcosm contained three soul-nuclei. One was positively-charged, one was negatively charged. These two nuclei orbited one another. The third soul-nucleus was neutral charge and orbited the other two.

These three nuclei cooperated harmoniously with the power of the All. Because the Microcosms were linked with the Divine they shared in the omnipotence and omniscient powers of God. All was well as long as the Divine Microcosms utilized this power in a centrifugal fashion. That is, the Power of God was allowed to work through them to create good works. The Microcosms acted as conduits for a great, divine Power. As long as this Power was allowed to flow through the Microcosm for the benefit of the All-Manifestation, they were able to accomplish wondrous things, among these was the ability to self-generate a glorified etheric-physical Personality at will.

When a group of these Divine Microcosms chose to utilize this Power in a centripetal fashion, when they tried to keep the Power within and use it for selfish purposes, a mighty heat began to arise within the nucleus of the Microcosm. The heat became so great that it eventually resulted in an explosion of sorts. Due to this explosion, one of the pairs of nuclei in the center of the Microcosm was ejected from the system. For some Microcosms, it was the positive soul-nucleus that was ejected. For others, it was the negative soul-nucleus that was lost. The once tri-une Divine Microcosms were now di-une. This is the cosmic truth behind the symbolic story of the separation of the sexes.

Once this occurred these severely damaged microcosms were unable to function properly in the Divine Kingdom. They were missing a critical third soul-nucleus. Due to their selfish error, they wandered as lost entities, doomed to a limbo-like existence.

With great mercy, the Logos saw fit to devise a plan for rescuing these fallen microcosms. A temporary, separate universe was generated which would be adapted for use by these damaged microcosms. This emergency order of existence would be designed in such a way as to lead these microcosms, after long experience, back to an awareness of their Origins and from there, to a restoration of their damaged microcosms and a return to the Divine Kingdom.

In place of the lost third soul-nuclei, an outside entity would be inserted into the fallen microcosm via the human phenomena called child-birth. This entity - the earthly personality - would be tasked with trying to restore the tri-une nature of the microcosm by unifying the positive and negative soul-nuclei once more.

In essence, each child-birth represents a transplant, an attempt to introduce into a damaged microcosm the missing element that could restore it to Divinity. If this unification can be accomplished, the microcosm will undergo a transmutation that will eventually lead to a transfiguration, the liberation of the Other One within and the restoration of the Divine Microcosm.

But what happens to the human personality that succeeds in executing its part in this divine rescue mission? Is it discarded like a used Kleenex? No! Indeed, the following details the reward that awaits the successful earthly personality:


This is, as it were, an operation, a transplantation: an organ originating in the emergency-order is implanted in a Being from quite another Order. And now it must be proved whether the transplanted organ is willing and able to 'take'; whether the plan to return - the aim of the operation - will be achieved.

By following a path of transfiguration it is possible to make you conscious of your state, to make you conscious of The Great Aim. If you are able to link harmoniously with the rose-atom, the neutral auric-self will immediately react. The great process of salvation will begin. With regard to you, as a product of the emergency-order, a great and intense wonder will then unfold. When an organ is transplanted into the body and it begins to react, this enables the whole body to live, so that the transplanted organ can share in its life.

In the same way, by following the fivefold gnostic procedure -- the method of transplantation -- you can be taken up into the Life of the Original Order. You will then leave the emergency-order to which you formerly belonged and enter a Higher Order, along with the system into which you were introduced. In this way, you will be incarnated, transplanted, in a Divine Being and, with that Eternal Being, you will live eternally. You can then justly be called a 'twice-born' one', born once as to what is of the earth, earthly, and once as to the Heavenly Being.

From "The Mystery of Life and Death" Jan van Rijckenborgh


And this...


For this purpose a mortal personality was created as an image-bearer of the Original Personality. This image-bearer was called to bring his microcosm back to the Immovable Kingdom with the aid of the powers hidden in the Rose. In this way, by following the Path of Transfiguration, he would gain Eternity for himself.

We are telling you this to remind you again about the image-bearer of the lost, third soul-being. It was so that you could become such an image-bearer that you were modeled from the matter of this world and are able to be active in the fallen microcosmic system. You are meant to become one with it so that you can bring it back to its former glory by reconstructing the Original Personality.

From "The Mystery of Life and Death" Jan van Rijckenborgh


You are a transplant. As an earthly personality, if you succeed in accomplishing your task to help lead your microcosm to the Good End, your reward will be a merging with the reborn, divine Other One. You will share in its restored omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience. Life as an earthly human-being will be a forgotten memory. A mission spanning countless ages will end in Victory.

May this be so for us all.

~ g


Anonymous said...

What is presented here is quite startling and poignant. But having the faith and belief is a passive action and will get us nowhere, to actually venture is the active ingredient that unfortunately few undertake. We cannot think, read, learn philosophize to liberation.
Then, can it be said that the big bang is representative of the 'cosmic fall' and subsequently all the so called visible universe represents the scattered constituents of the original divine microcosm. Does the shattered microcosm have to ascend through the mineral, plant, animal and finally human form (as Theosophy suggests)back to the divine order from whence it came. Does this fall take place in every "age" of the creation manifestation cycle?
I have already asked several questions, but please bear with me, how important a part does the personality of the life that achieves the liberation have in the future course of the ascending microcosm (I use the word ascending because that would be something like a prime motivator that drives the manifestation of every creation cycle, the urge and will to experience more of itself.
As I reflect on what I have asked above, I also ponder as to what prompted 'me' to ask all this because in essence the 'I' does not exist. But 'I' think therefore 'I am' and that is the only truth I can equivocally perceive, everything else is pure speculation until experienced within this construct.
sincerely......a disillusioned seeker.

BrotherGee said...

Faith is not a passive action. Far from it. Faith can move mountains.

As for action, it is true that the Path has to be walked, it has to be experienced. However, the first step on the fivefold gnostic path of liberation is that of insight. One must be made aware of the true conditions of mankind's imprisonment. He must learn of the two nature-orders and the role of the microcosm. The words "Man, Know Thyself" were uttered with this in mind. Once one gains insight, he or she will be astonished. And if the Spark within burns at all, he or she should begin to experience a deep yearning for salvation from this vale of tears. It is this yearning that will attract the Light of the Gnosis.

The so-called Big Bang would represent the moment that this emergency-order came into existence. The visible physical universe is a duplicate of a higher, divine universe, but vibrating at a very low frequency.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

More answers...

The journey from mineral to God-man is the path of evolution taken by life-spark entities. It is a journey that has spanned many trillions of years and has just reached its halfway point here in the Earth Period. The microcosms that fell from the Divine Kingdom had already completed this journey in prior Days of Manifestation. The goal for these microcosms is that of restoration to their former divine status, a return to godhood.

The "fall" is repeated in every major and minor world-cycle of this present Day of Manifestation. Ancient Lemuria and Atlantis had many civilizations that rose and then fell. Our current root race has also experienced the same rising, shining and fading, multiple times. Just think of the Babylonian, Hindu, Persian and Egyptian empires. This current civilization has reached its peak and is now set to follow its inevitable downward arc. This is the pattern and it will continue to repeat itself until humanity collectively walks the Path of Return.

The personality that succeeds in liberating its microcosm will share in the glory of the reborn, Divine Microcosm. Although its individuality will be preserved to an extent, its consciousness will merge with a re-awakened Divine Consciousness. One can liken it to an absorption, a melding together. The concept of 'I' disappears. There is only the restored link with The All.

The 'I' does exist. Even though this nature-order is a delusion, it is not an illusion. It is real, on its plane of existence. What is not real is the human belief of separateness from God. Until man surrenders the self and returns to God via the agency of the Divine Spark, he will remain trapped in this delusory physical existence.

~ g

Andrew said...

Friedrich Nietzsche criticized the phrase in that it presupposes that there is an "I", that there is such an activity as "thinking", and that "I" know what "thinking" is. He suggested a more appropriate phrase would be "it thinks." In other words, the "I" in "I think" could be similar to the "It" in "It is raining."

Rijckenborgh says, 'state of consciousness is state of life' So as our life is currently ruled by the ego-consciousness until we reach the next level of consciousness the best we can say is that we know nothing!

BrotherGee said...

To say that we know nothing is to accept the circumstances of our nature-born birth. Yes, the 'I' does not actually 'know' as it is involved in constant speculation. All knowledge developed by the 'I' is derived from comparing A to B. Every action that the 'I' takes is derived from the same method of comparing two or more options and then choosing that which is best for the 'I'. In that sense, the 'I' does indeed 'know' nothing.

There is a partner of the personality that does 'know'. It is contained in the sleeping Rosebud located in the heart sanctuary. When the Rose is awakened, the Knowledge that it carries within can be made available to the entire personality system. This 'knowing' manifests as Intuition'.

Yes, a state of consciousness is a state of life. We who are on the Path are striving to make fundamental, 180-degree reversal of our state of consciousness. If we can be successful, true 'knowing' will become a natural part of our being, replacing the speculative thinking of the 'I'

~ g

Anonymous said...

What is described here is more or less the structure of the most basic molecule.....the hydrogen molecule. It is is the building block of the visible universe. However, we now know that the atom in turn is 'made' of smaller particles and the current hypothesis is that ultimately it is all just a manifestation of the wave/particle attributes of these quanta of energy.
As stated above 'state of consciousness, is state of life'. Is is it possible to reconcile the quantum theory with the ancient Gnostic philosophy....

BrotherGee said...

re: "we now know that the atom in turn is 'made' of smaller particles..."

More on this in an upcoming post.

re: "Is it possible to reconcile the quantum theory with the ancient Gnostic philosophy..."

In place of the term "ancient Gnostic philosophy" we use the term Universal Doctrine, as what is revealed here is true not only on Earth, but for all planets in this solar system, as well as all solar systems and all galaxies.

On this planet it is the gnostic transfigurist who understands this Universal Doctrine and is bound to share this understanding with those on this planet who are seeking Truth.

To answer your question, yes it is possible to reconcile quantum theory with the Universal Doctrine,. However, this will not happen until science abandons its atheistic, ego-centric and dogmatic points-of-view. Science must come to know The All and to recognize the handiwork of the Logoi who serve The All.

Science is suffering from an ego problem. Scientists puff out their chest and proclaim "Look what we found, discovered, proved. It is we who are the greatest and the smartest. If it cannot be proven to our physical eyes, it does not exist. We are the authority. We know more than God". This I-centric attitude has resulted in mankind being led astray by sciences that are based on appearances and not on Truth.

There was a time when Science and Religion were one-and-the-same. We're not talking about the churchy, hypocritical, aeon-worshipping sham religions that populate the world at this time. We're talking about a true, spiritual Universal Doctrine that explains material science as a manifestation and offshoot of Spirit.

When the New Earth opens for business, there will be a return to the teachings of the Universal Doctrine and mankind will be taught a-right in all things seen and unseen.

~ g