24 March 2013

The Zodiac - A Twelvefold Prison


During the soul journey to the Father, the arrival at the so-called Twelfth Aeon proves to be the last and most deciding phases of the ascent out of duality.

In order to fathom this, we need to have some understanding of the significance of the zodiac. The twelve macrocosmic powers of the zodiac, which rule our dualistic universe in a more direct sense, enclose our part of the dualistic universe. They rule it. They form the highest dualistic authorities from which the twelvefold personality develops. They form:

first: the dualistic I-consciousness (Aries)
second: the dualistic instinct of possession (Taurus)
third: the dualistic idea of brotherhood (Gemini)
fourth: the dualistic idea of the fatherland (actualizing the kingdom of God on earth) (Cancer)
fifth: the dualistic idea of strength, courage and heroism (Leo)
sixth: the dualistic idea of fertility (Virgo)
seventh: the dualistic idea of true harmony of life (Libra)
eighth: the dualistic idea of the development that is expressed in occultism (Scorpio)
ninth: the dream of dualistic deification (Sagittarius)
tenth: the first step in fulfilling this delusion in the mental sense (Capricorn)
eleventh: the second step in the ethical sense (Aquarius)
twelfth: the third step in the sense of physical manifestation, which step must mean nothing but endless sorrow (Pisces)

This whole twelvefold chain forms the great prison in the nature-of-death. These are the twelve gods from whom emanate: twelve ideas, twelve delusions, twelve attempts.

The Pistis Sophia calls this chain, in its unity, "the great Forefather", with his three great triple-powers. This system namely has a fundamental force, a controlling force, and a continuously activating force: the trinity of the nature-of-delusion. It is clear that every candidate who wants to fulfill his homeward journey has to shake off the chain of delusion right up to the twelfth hour.

Twelve gods rule everything that exists and lies within the zodiac. These twelve gods have their reflections in our lipika and hence in our magnetic system and in our personality. It is logical  that it is not enough for any pupil on The Path merely to break up his own zodiac in his own auric being. He has to rise beyond the whole universe-of-death, so that the Garden of the Gods will no longer be able to victimize him.

For this reason the Rosycross places you before another Forefather with His three triple-powers. For a fundamental  force emanates from the Gnosis, and he who stands on this stands as if on a rock. There is a gnostic controlling force, and he who walks his Path by means of this force can never deviate. And there is a gnostic activating force. Whoever is armed with this force possesses Siegfried's sword and a light-vesture that will escape all dangers.

"The Zodiac - A Twelvefold Prison"  The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistsis Sophia - JVR


Many understand and accept that the zodiac has an influence on human beings and human circumstances. But how is this so? How can man be affected by distant stars?

The zodiacal signs are actually constellations of stars, star-systems. Following the universal laws of radiation, these groups of stars emanate particular astral vibrations, peculiar to themselves. The word "astral" means "pertaining to the stars".

Astral forces travel by way of the astral realm of this nature. In addition to the physical, etheric and mental bodies, humans have an astral body, sometimes referred to as the desire body. It is this astral body that assimilates astral forces. This includes the astral forces that emanate from the star-groups that compose the twelve signs of the zodiac. The purpose of man's chakras is to attract and distribute astral energies throughout the personality. In the vast majority of humans, these zodiacal influences are unconsciously and unswervingly obeyed. This is why it is often repeated here that "man does not live, he is lived".

During this present period, this Time of the End, these twelve powers have been weakened by one-third. Humanity has been freed to a certain extent from the iron grip of "the rulers", these twelve archons. This is the reason we see religions crumbling and revolutions of all types on the rise, be they personal, cultural or political. That which chained the minds of humanity for thousands of years has been severed. This has been done to allow man to take advantage of the presence of The Thirteenth Aeon, which has the power to bestow upon all who seek deliverance, the grace of divine astral energies, energies that are not-of-this-world.

It stands to reason that if there are twelve star-systems that constitute the twelve signs of the zodiac, there must also be a constellation that represents The Thirteenth. Well, there is. That constellation is Ophiuchus, known as Serpentarius in ancient times.

You may recall that a year or so ago, this constellation was presented to humanity as the so-called "13th sign of the zodiac". Astrologers balked, the masses laughed. It is hope that after reading this post, the reader will do neither. Instead, may you find the wisdom to take advantage of the Grace that is being offered to mankind at this critical time of Transformation.

"And I took from them all a third of their power, that they should no more be active in their evil doings, and that, if the men who are in the world invoke them in their mysteries -- those which the angels who transgressed have brought down, that is, their sorceries -- in order that, therefore, if they invoke them in their evil doings, they may not be able to accomplish them"  -- The Christ speaking with His disciples, post-resurrection - Pistis Sophia, chapters 12-15

~ g

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