07 March 2013

Atomic Power, Divine Potential

The Rosebud, the Original Atom, the Divine-Spark we carry within our microcosm is not composed of any of the elements of this nature-order. It is a purely divine Atom, and as such, is made of divine materials. When we, as microcosms, fell to this dense, physical plane, this Original Atom came with us. Unfortunately, because it was a divine force in an undivine universe, it was unable to manifest itself, and so, fell into latency. It is like lighting a candle and then placing it under a vacuum. Without oxygen, the flame cannot burn.

Latency. What does that mean?

la tent adj.

1. present but not visible, apparent, or actualized; existing as potential: latent ability.

The seed of an oak tree has within it everything that it needs to grow into a mighty oak. The image of the adult oak, its attributes and its characteristics are all contained within that tiny little seed. However, without water and fertile soil, it will remain in latency and eventually be whisked away by the wind or plucked up by the birds.

Our Spirit-Spark atom can also be likened to a seed. This Primordial Seed contains all of the power and potential of the Divine Universe from which it originates but it is unable to release these while under the crushing weight of duality. We are the ones who provide the soil. We are the ones who must water this Seed. The soil is our heart. The water is the Living-Water of the Christ, the Gnosis. We are the gardeners. This Divine Seed needs our help if it is to begin the growth process. If we are diligent in our duty a mighty miracle of Rebirth will result.

We all know that when an atom is split it releases tremendous power. We have the atomic and hydrogen bombs as our evidence. Think of it! Tiny little atoms, when forced to split, release energies of such magnitude that entire worlds can be destroyed and solar systems disturbed. Where does this power come from? What is the atom holding within?

As one of the smallest units of life, all atoms are closer to Primordial Matter than the creations that are constructed from them. At the heart of this undivine nature-order are Divine forces. These Divine forces have been diverted and stepped-down to serve the aeons of this nature. We only get a glimpse of the power of these forces when man decides to use them for destructive ends.

Entombed within your Divine-Spark are intelligent, creative energies more powerful than anything you can imagine. If you allow the Aquarian radiations, the Gnosis, to touch this Primordial Atom, something wonderful will happen! Once it has been contacted by a ray of like-vibration, your Spirit-Spark Atom will begin to respond. It will attempt to do what was once natural for it. It will begin to unfold and manifest itself. Of course, it will be attempting to accomplish a divine transformation in an undivine world. Because of this, it will need a special place in which to complete this metamorphosis. That is the purpose of The Thirteenth Aeon: to provide a Divine safe haven for those who wish to accomplish this feat.

This is the reality underlying the legend of alchemy, the myth of "turning base metals into gold". This is "The Great Work" that all those who walk The Path in humility and self-surrender are trying to accomplish. They recognize that this world is not their home. They recognize that they were born into this world as image-bearers of The Original True Man, and that their mission is to make it possible for that divine Other One to live again. From out of the muck of this fallen nature-order they will weave "the Golden Wedding-Garment", man's new Light-Vesture. For those who have chosen to "sell all that they have" and to follow the Path of the Christ, may you all be led to The Good End.

~ g

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