13 March 2013

The True Path - Conclusion


Who and what is The New Man who arises from the Imperishable Seed? Who and what is The New Man, who is beckoning you from across the frontier you have reached? He is the Soul-man, who belongs to eternity, he is the one whose soul has been reborn.

The dualistic human being who walks the Path of the Endura is the last entity in that microcosm to fall prey to the realm of death. In the Gospels, he is called John. The Soul-man is the first man, the Jesus-man, who belongs to the Realm of Eternity.

The nature-born person who is willing to die the death of self-sacrifice for the Imperishable Seed within him, the person who is truly willing to be a Rosicrucian, passes through the gates of the voluntary death, via the alchemical transformation, into eternity. You will realize that there is much to be said on this subject, and that the candidate must know and experience a great deal before he can walk the sanctifying path of dying in Jesus the Lord. He must first walk the Way of the Cross with Roses, that magnificent path of sorrows. Yet, brothers and sisters, do not lose heart; never stop trying. Otherwise your mistakes will be innumerable and you will never know whether you are strong enough. And anyone who does not know, and is therefore unable to dedicate himself to the laws of the The Path, will be repeatedly misled by countless false lights and run the risk of becoming entirely lost to The Path. Remember the Biblical words: 'My people are lost for lack of knowledge'.

That is why the candidate who devotes himself to The Path of the Rose, the Path of Liberating Service, has to walk a sevenfold road. This road is described in-depth in The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross. It is the path of rebirth of The Original Man, a path that always leads through a valley of death. For rebirth to happen, something must die in order that something else -- something more noble. more sublime, more exalted -- might be given the opportunity to manifest itself. That is why this path is characterized not only by profound joy and new inner unfoldment, but also -- to a certain extent and only for a time -- by suffering and sorrow. However, it is the suffering of the Fire of Purification which destroys everything unholy and debased, in order to prepare a place for what is immaculate, pure and imperishable.

All those who perceive the distress and the suffering of mankind in these times, and experiences The Call going out from the Gnosis to the depths of his heart, will be unable to do otherwise than resolve to follow this sevenfold Path of Elevation and Service.

Countless multitudes have been taught from childhood on to seek the Kingdom of God, the realm of the Christ, outside themselves. In consequence, all the values, all the abilities present in them for the purpose of establishing this kingdom, flow away. In this way, as if in a warped mirror-image, they project outside themselves what should be established within them. This image has no reality, no life, but is the product of delusion.

The Light, the modern Spiritual School of the Gnosis, cries out to all of them: Turn around! Return to your True Path in life! You, too, can bring life to the Divine nuclear principle within you, the Rose of the Heart in your heart sanctuary. In you, too, the magical blood of renewal can perform the miracle of Rebirth.

The Path we are showing to you must not be sought outside yourself -- where you will only find delusion and clouds of mist -- but tun to the kingdom of God that is within you. Unlock this Divine world and set free The Immortal Man, the Soul-man in your heart, through your total, alchemical sacrifice. In the Rose you possess the key to that world.

May the impending world revolution be, for all of us, the Dawn of Attainment!

From The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross - Jan van Rijckenborgh


It can never be over-emphasized. There is something inside our microcosm that is immortal and divine. It is our job to awaken this Divine Seed and attach it to the undivine, nature-born human being. By dying to this nature and following the Path of the Gnosis, the undivine nature-born human will recede in influence. From the ashes of the dying natural man will arise the re-born Original Man. This is what lies behind the symbolism of the Phoenix, the Firebird.

The True Path of Life, if diligently followed in self-surrender, humility and service-to-others, will safely lead the candidate out of the darkness of this fallen nature-order and into the Divine Light of Eternity.

~ g

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