29 January 2018

Perceived Scarcity And Lack

We live in a world, in a society / civilization that is founded on scarcity and lack. Certain items are identified as "valuable" or "desirable" and are then hoarded by the few to create a lack for the many. A false scarcity is created where it does not really exist. Civilization is left to fight, claw and kill to acquire these things that have been falsely identified as "scarce" and "valuable".

Gold has no value. It has functions and uses but there is no intrinsic value to "owning" gold, except for the value that this society has placed upon it. When the European conquerors came to the Americas looking for gold, the natives there were dumbfounded by their visitors' fascination and lust for the metal. The natives used the metal for decoration, monuments and the creation of sacred artifacts. Not because gold was valuable, but because it was "the metal of the Sun" and representative of the Deity. It was pliable and durable, and it was plentiful. It is said that these ancient pre-Columbian cultures knew the secret to manufacturing gold, a method brought to the Americas by Atlantean colonists hundreds of thousands of years earlier.

It was the European culture with their monarchies and banking systems that stirred the craving for gold to fill their coffers. Wars were routinely fought over it, millions killed and enslaved in order to snatch it from one nation and take it to another. They brought their disease of greed to the New World and infected all those whom they came in contact with.

As we move to the present-day, we see ourselves tirelessly working and striving to achieve some sort of financial standard that ever recedes from our grasp. We do this because we are taught that we need money to survive, and that the things we need are scarce in nature and must be purchased at high cost. In truth, there is no scarcity, there is no lack. Those are manufactured concepts. There is enough land on this planet to comfortably house, on several acres, everyone of its 7 billion inhabitants. Instead we are crammed into crowded, dirty cities and forced to live in spiritual and material filth. There is enough food on this planet to fatten every single on of its 7.5 billion inhabitants, but we see that people are allowed to starve worldwide, and when help is given, it comes in the form of cereals and milk. Meanwhile heads-of-state all over the world are millionaires/billionaires, eating like kings while pretending to be "public servants".

There is no material lack. There are no material things that we actually need. The only thing that we truly lack is proper knowledge about our True Purpose and proper understanding of our current spiritual state. All the things of the material world will pass away, as they must. We are charged to utilize our brief time on earth to discover our True Purpose, to locate the Path of Return and to follow it Home.

The Power that can help us achieve this goal lies within us. It sits at the center of our microcosm, a spot that corresponds with the upper right ventricle of the physical heart. This Power lacks nothing. This Power suffers no scarcity. This Power is Divine in nature and lies sleeping, as if it were a rosebud with petals tightly closed. This Power, this Divine Spark, must be awakened from its sleep of forgetfulness so that it can unfurl its petals and liberate the Divine, transforming energies that it contains.

It behooves us to turn our attention away from the false lack designed to imprison our hearts and minds. We must address our lack of Gnosis, the Knowledge that is of and with God. Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of those who are willing to seek out that Knowledge, or to find and follow the Path of the True Way.

May you find the strength to renounce the world and all the matter therein. May you seek, and seek, and seek, until you find the Key that unlocks the door to Abundance and Freedom.

~ g

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