30 July 2018


It will always be there. Lurking in the shadows. Whispering in the dark. Tapping you on the shoulder. It is the part of our being that we cannot run away from but must turn and face head-on.

When we think we have it under control is when we are the most vulnerable. It exerts a subtle, yet powerful, almost irresistible pull that we must do our best to ignore.

We have wrestled with this dragon for long ages. It is a difficult battle because this foe knows our every desire and how to awaken them in us. Those who are now on the Path will find that the battle has only gotten more difficult, more intense, as the predator doubles its efforts to hold on to its prey.

Do not be discouraged in the wake of temporary losses. Do not become overconfident by victories small or large. This is a battle that only the growing New Soul is equipped to fight. We, as personalities, are urged to stand aside. The Higher seeks to subdue the lower. The Other One steps forth to reestablish control over the microcosm. Stand aside and maintain a neutral position as the battle rages.

Those who are persevering on the Path, take heart. Victory has been assured. Eternity will triumph over Time. The dragon will be slain.

~ g


Anonymous said...

This is one of the best sites about gnosis I have found on the internet. I would like to share my doubts about the path

BrotherGee said...


Feel free to share your doubts.

~ g

Chrystian Revelles Gatti said...

is this true??

BrotherGee said...


The person who wrote this clearly has an agenda and an axe to grind. Notice how he manages to insert examples of how the School "wronged" him. I-I-I, me-me-me. He has found that he cannot reconcile the things of this world with the World of the Spirit, and so, in anger, he rebels and endeavors to tarnish the School as his revenge. His actions prove that he had no business joining such a School in the first place. It is hoped that he is now happier, having returned to joyfully wallowing in the cesspool that is this fallen world.

i could easily and categorically refute, clarify or dismiss every one of this person’s claims, but have neither the time nor the inclination. i will say only this: No one is forced to do anything. The Path of Return is a straight and narrow road. It's not for everyone. Many join the School without first counting the cost. They then try to bend the Teachings (which are universal in nature and older than dirt) to fit their lifestyle or mental image of spirituality. When a person realizes that he or she is not in line with the vibration of the School, what happens is what you read. They blame the School instead of recognizing that the root of the problem lies within themselves and their I-centricity.

This is the classic 'Judas signature' that always manifests itself when a person finds that the Kingdom of Heaven is literally not of this world and that in order to reach the Kingdom, the World must be left behind or de-emphasized. Not everyone is ready to do that, which is fine. Each entity progresses at their own pace.

Always independently investigate matters for yourself. To do otherwise is spiritual laziness. Do not accept second-hand information such as this unless you are prepared to be misled. Listen to the Silent Voice that whispers from the Heart. Then you will not take a false step. Then you will know - from within - that which is True and that which is not.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Brother gee,

I don't see anything wrong with the teaching of the school , Student should be very happy that they
Have a support group to help them on this path, Most candidates have to work this chosen path alone.

The mystery of this path is a circular one in nature no religion or practice owns it , it's like a broken
Glass Shatter in a room and you have to collect the pieces one by one ,some answers lies in freemasonry,
alchemy, Rosychristian, solar initiation ,Mithras and many more , no one can say that they possessed
The true mystery or religion it would be a total lie ,Our job is to continue our quest in search for some
Type of truth or inlightement.

The only thing the school can do is to give you the discipline require for you to be clean and pure away from
This nature order, so that one day you may be chosen to work the path , Real initiation is not a process of
This world but of another , All the school can do is to get you ready for the day of initiation into the house of
Pure light.

The process cannot be bought ,taught but achieved , it may take a candidate many lifetime before they purified
Themself enough to received the Christ radiation and you will difinitely suffer through this process.

A fellow brother ( no one special )

BrotherGee said...

It is true that each natural religion has collected only a facet of the broken vase which is Truth. They then do their best to treat that shard as the entire Truth. This is why all natural religions are flawed, as they are based on fragments.

Is there more than one Path to Liberation? Let's just say that there are many ways to climb the mountain. Most of those ways are circular in nature. They wind around and around the mountain until they eventually reach the top. This is the long way.

Then there is the Path that goes straight up the mountain. It cuts through all obstacles and does not deviate to the right or the left. Along the way, one may be scratched by thorn bushes or have one's feet pierced by sharp rocks. But none of this will deter those who truly seek the Vertical Way.

Some philosophies teach that it takes seven lives to obtain Liberation once one has found the Path. The School maintains that it is possible to complete this journey in a single lifetime. To do so takes a special type of dedication from the candidate. He or she must understand what will have to be sacrificed. Like a ship at sea that finds itself too heavy, the candidate must throw all useless ballast overboard on his/her way up the mountain.

Self-surrender is a key component of the Path. The candidate must be willing to surrender control of the microscosm to the True Man, the Other One within. If this cannot be done, the Path of Return should probably not be attempted.

The School exists in a power-field, a vacuum of pure, Divine ethers. As long as the candidate is honestly, humbly and persistently walking the Path, he or she wil be linked to this power-field, thus receiving all the help required to bring the journey to a Good End.

Pupils are indeed fortunate to be able to receive this help. It is a blessing beyond description. But those who want to travel this Path with their "I", in an attempt to gain satisfaction for their "I", will always be disappointed and will always reject the School due to incompatibility of vibration.


~ g