03 July 2018

The Mysteries

mys · ter · y

1. something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain

The Path of Return is the ancient path of Liberation. It is the Key to escaping this fallen nature-order. When humanity fell from the Divine Kingdom as a result of its own self-willed thinking, desiring and action, this Key of Salvation descended with us by order of the Logos, so that Man might always have the opportunity and the means to return Home.

Through the ages this knowledge has been carefully guarded and veiled from the eyes of the profane. The Gnostic Path of Return has always aimed to liberate a great Power, a Power which, in the hands of the selfish or insincere can do more harm than good. To those who were found to be worthy, these secrets were revealed. For those who remained under the spell of Matter, the Path remained a mystery.

Why a mystery? It is a mystery because it is difficult to imposssible for many to understand or accept that a human-being can be transformed into a god. The mystery is extended further by the knowledge offered that no external cause, intermediary or initiate is necessary. The Power to accomplish this Great Mystery lies within us. The ages-old Path that must be walked is a path of Self-Initiation.

The days of the guru are over. Man has reached a point in his development where he has the ability to understand these things independently, if he can free his thinking from the straitjacket of lies in which this nature-order has bound him. At the end of this major world-cycle, the training wheels have been taken off, so to speak. That which has been Hidden is now being brought to Light. It is up to each individual to see the Mystery being unfolded before him or her and to pursue the miraculous Transformation promised by that Mystery with insight, yearning, and in full self-surrender.

Awaken, brothers and sisters. Awaken and receive the Light-Vesture that you left behind, the Light-Vesture that has been yours since the Beginning.

~ g

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