21 July 2018

Rosebud, Rose-Bloom

Dedicated To The Few.

~ g


Andrew said...


Do roses have souls? When you gaze at a flower it speaks to you with the language of its colour, form and scent; it opens a passage through your subtle bodies until it reaches your soul and awakens in it the forms, colours and perfumes which correspond to it. Years ago I remember walking to work in the mornings and passing this rose bush covered in flowers, and it seemed to talk to me which filled me with joy. The talk occurred in my heart and lasted all summer. Now the rose bush is gone from the psychical and I am old, but the beauty of the rose and its conversation remains in my heart.

I remember reading somewhere that roses come from Venus and their task was to awaken the feminine in us, such as tenderness, nurturing, sharing, compassion, grace, and sensitivity, the positive expressions of woman, which also includes the feminine part of the male's psyche. Any thoughts Gee? Truly a beautiful video of a rose bring back happy memories.

BrotherGee said...


Roses, being a part of the 2nd Kingdom (Mineral-PLANT-Animal-Man) fall under the auspices of what's known as a Group Soul. Roses do not have individualized consciousnesses or the ability to communicate via thought with humanity.

That said, all of Nature's kingdoms do communicate with mankind in some fashion, but we are usually too busy focusing on ourselves or our troubles to receive the message. It is possible that the presence or energy of the rosebush that you are referring to triggered something within you, and that 'something' is what spoke to you. It is possible for memories buried deep within our microcosms to be brought forth by certain stimuli. Your words "The talk occurred in my heart..." are very telling.

I've not heard about roses being from Venus, but have no reason to doubt it, as it would not be the first time hearing that the Planet of Love was associated with some benevolent gesture towards Earth-mankind. By way of example, wheat and bees do not originate from the Earth, but were seeded here by entities from Venus, millions of years ago.

The stunning and sublime beauty of the Rose is an indication of an almost Divine origin. Everyone feels something when they see a Rose. Not by accident is it the most recognized and beloved flower on this planet. The Rose evokes something from human-beings. It speaks to something deep within us, on a level that we cannot access with our five physical senses. Perhaps stored within our microcosm is the memory of the meaning of the Rose of the Heart, the Divine Spark. When we see a Rose, that memory is touched and we begin to feel something, we know not what.

One can say that the Rose was brought to Earth as a reminder, as a subliminal stimulus for humanity, to encourage us to return to the Immortal Beauty that was and is our True Home.

It was your great fortune to have been able to have those "conversations" and to keep them in your heart. It is hoped that your encounter with those physical Roses served to assist in the process of awakening the Inner Rose.

~ g

Andrew said...


Most ancient traditions seem to share a dominant myth that revolves around a long and arduous journey with the hero facing danger or death, overcoming obstacles, before accomplishing his purposeful goal and returning home. Hercules and Arjuna are examples of such heroes who, while fighting monumental challenges, grew in stature, and unlocked their true potential. A modern version would be Antoine De Saint Exupery’s The Little Prince which is a beautiful and moving fable of a prince who embarks on a journey to find the answers to universal questions about human existence.

In his book Exupery says “And now here’s my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye… The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” What is essential is always invisible to the eye. It can’t be felt through our senses. It needs to be experienced and lived.

This could be what I experienced with the rose bush, perhaps it was contact with the eternal invisible world of the archetypes or Plato's world of ideas which is more real because dialectics is so changeable and so unreliable.

The choice is always ours: To Be or Not to Be? To embark on this inner investigative journey that requires effort, and pushing of our personal limitations? Or to stay safely ignorant in our comfort zones? To pick up our bow and fight the Just war like Arjuna, or to withdraw from the battle of life with all the opportunities for growth it offers? To pick the red pill like Neo in the Matrix, or the blue pill that returns us to a comatose ignorance?

I think you have taken the red pill Brother Gee!