29 September 2018

Destiny, Fate and Karma

"DESTINY may be likened to a man who must travel to a distant city, whether or not he wishes to make the journey, the destination being his Destiny. He may choose to go by way of a river or by way of a plain; whether through mountains or through forests, on foot or on horseback, slow or fast, and whatever befalls him because of this decision is Fate.

If a tree falls on him because he chose the forest path, it was fated, for luck is an element of Fate. Destiny leaves no choice. Fate gives limited choice which may be good or bad but it cannot be averted. What is fated must be, for at no point can there be any turning back.

The circumstances of the traveller conform to the Law of Sowing and Reaping. He may travel in comfort or pain, in happiness or in sorrow, with strength or weakness, heavily burdened or lightly burdened, well-prepared or ill-prepared. When the destination is set according to the decrees of a former life, then the circumstances of the journey should conform with the desire of the traveller. For what use is it desiring a great destination when the Law of Sowing and Reaping decrees that an intolerable burden be carried on the way? Far better to have lesser aspirations. 

The decrees of Fate are many. The decrees of Destiny are few."

From In The Beginning - The Kolbrin - Chapter 5:3-4 

~ g


Andrew said...


Could I have your opinion on the acceleration of time. Time does seem to be going faster now, than when I was a boy. This came to mind when I noticed some shops in my local mall are already putting things on display for Christmas. My mind then said wow this year has gone quickly! It seems more than just saying well we live in a age of consumerism and Christmas time is when shops make a fast buck,so lets start early.

Also why did Jan van Rijckenborgh say his spiritual school only had a limited time to progress? If destiny rules, time should never come into it only the choices made by the pupils in school whether to take a plane or walk as your blog said.

I have read somewhere that after the second world war which would be the war to end all wars and organizations like the United Nations were set up to try stop wars and bring peace. However half the world was ruled by consumerism and the other half communism so humanity fell asleep at the wheel so to speak. No new spiritual ideas could reach human minds at this time. Try starting a spiritual school with Stalin in charge or the other half where the dollar ruled. So for 50 years very little happened. To make up for this the powers that be speed time up and also brought new technology into the world like the internet, mobile phone etc.

Your thoughts would be much appreciated g.

BrotherGee said...


The "speeding up" of time is a phenomena that occurs at the end of every Day of Manifestation. For as long as such measurements have been taken, the Schumann Resonance of the earth was always a steady 7.83 Hz. In 2014 it increased to 15-25 Hz. On January 31, 2017, for the first time in recorded history the Schumann Resonance spiked to 36+ Hz.

Without question, the frequency of the Earth has increased abnormally in recent years. How does this affect humanity?

"As we know from science, the higher the frequency, the more highly diversified the information those frequencies carry. Since we are organic creatures made of matter and susceptible to electromagnetic fields, and because our lives are inseparable from the earth, then if the earth’s frequency is rising, shouldn’t that also raise our frequency?" - Dr. J. Dispenza

We are a part of the earth. Not only our material body but our etheric, astral and mental bodies are created from the ethers of the Earth. Whatever happens to her, happens to us.

This is more evidence of "the Quickening" and it's not just the earth. The entire Solar System is experiencing this increase in frequency.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


As for the statement attributed to van Rijckenborgh, he was well-aware that the sands in humanity's hourglass are running out. The School has a job to do as it relates to the Harvest which will take place once a critical mass is reached.

Humanity must be given every opportunity to awaken before the gates close on this Day of Manifestation. No man knows the day or the hour but it doesn't take a genius or a prophet to see that humanity has reached the end of its rope.

P.S.: the entities that control the world have not done enything to speed up time. They are much too busy trying to keep us from noticing such things. They are up to shenanigans, however, so we must remain alert. Remember that all world events are staged as part of a Great Play that they want humanity to not only observe, but to believe in as well. The biggest Deception has not yet been unveiled.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

One final point: the over-riding objective of the Second World War was to create the State of Israel and the United Nations. Both are critical to the deceptive end-time scenarios planned by our controllers. Tens of millions of lives were sacrificed to achieve those objectives.

~ g

Andrew said...


Thank you for your insights. Can I ask about climate change. Is it real? The scientists say it can be attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. Or is just part of the end times where the poles will melt and flood the world.

To me it seems a giant rip-off where somebody is getting a lot of money from countries for nothing. Some thing like the Y2K bug that was just a big hoax. I remember on New Year of 2000 walking up 12 flights of stairs because I was too frightened to use the lift as it was controlled by computer and I could get stuck.

BrotherGee said...


"Climate change" is the sanitized name given for the Earth Changes taking place now that have been predicted for a very long time. There is an atmospheric revolution currently underway, as the Christ-Radiation continues to surround and penetrate the earth in ever-increasing frequency and intensity.

The inner planes are the first to be affected by this cosmic revolution. The physical realm is the last to experience any changes. The Earth is as a woman in labor, and the disasters and anomalies that we are seeing around the world can be likened to her labor pains.

As for the poles melting and flooding the world, a little insight here. Civilizations are terminated in one of two ways: either by water or by fire. These methods of extinction alternate. Since water was the previous means used to cleanse the world, fire will be next. Those who follow the Divine Plan will be in a safe location long before the conflagration starts.

P.S.: Y2K was not a hoax. There was a real potential for major failures if nothing had been done to update date fields from six-digits to eight-digits. The reason why nothing major happened can be attributed to the hard work done by computer programmers and consultants the world over. i know whereof i speak as i was one of those involved in a two-year project to update scores of programs and database tables.

~ g

Andrew said...


Y2K cost the world about $300 billion and I think the problem was overstated. Where no work was done on changing the code a few slot machines stopped in the USA. Countries such as South Korea and Italy invested little to nothing in Y2K remediation yet had the same negligible Y2K problems as countries that spent enormous sums of money.

As I am clueless about programming I have to depend on Wikipedia for my information. Self interest has a lot to do with our views and I'm glad to hear you made money from Y2K. I hope you changed the paper money you got from working on the project to gold as accepting worthless paper money is the biggest Hoax!

Can I ask you a question about a cosmic revolution when continents disappear and individuals are brought into safety before it happens as stated in the Coming New Man. Does this mean we are still prisoners here on earth but are transferred to places like the Gobi dessert or are you transferred to another plant or go somewhere else in the universe to continue your path?

BrotherGee said...


Re: Y2K

Y2K was not a money-making venture for me. For the record, i literally do not care about money. Twenty years ago i worked as a civil servant in the IT department of a State agency. We were told to make the conversion. It was a part of the job. There was no monetary benefit.

I understand your skepticism regarding Y2K but having been on the inside I will say this: computers only get noticed when something goes wrong. When everything goes right, nobody notices or cares. If nothing had been done to prepare for the year 2000, there would have been serious problems.

Computer programming is primarily based on conditions. IF...THEN...ELSE. Historically, computers were designed to compute a date using only six-digits (yy mm dd) in order to save space. Early computers did not have a lot of memory. So, a date like December 7, 1941 would be derived by taking the six-digit date of 411207 and adding “1900” to the yy field. 1900 + 41 = 1941 creating an eight-digit date field: 19411207. This method worked for all years in the 20th century from 1900 to 1999 but would not work once the century rolled over to 2000. On January 1, 2000 the “yy” would be “00”. 1900 + 00 = 1900. The program would think that the current date was somewhere back in 1900 when it was in fact the year 2000. Any logic based on calendar dates would not work properly. Trust me, there is a ton of date-driven logic in all computer programs right up to the present day.

Re: Fiat money

As for the worthlessness of money, you are preaching to the choir. What Americans call “cash” are actually promissory notes to the Federal Reserve that the U.S. government has agreed to accept as legal tender. Here’s a question: “What is the difference between American money and Monopoly money?”. The answer: there is no difference. They’re both intrinsically worthless and only have value within the game in which they are designed for use.

Up until 1933 you could take a $1 bill to any bank and exchange it for $1 worth of silver or gold, depending upon whether the bill was a Silver or Gold certificate. Written on these bills were the words “...Will Pay To The Bearer On Demand...” and then the amount of bullion, $5, $20, etc. The “great” FDR, at the behest of his controllers, took America off the gold standard and ordered the confiscation of all gold extant. Under the threat of fines and imprisonment, Americans were forced to surrender their gold in exchange for worthless “notes”.

Even gold does not have any inherent monetary value, per se. The so-called value of gold is derived from its perceived scarcity and in the demand to possess it. When the Europeans came to the New World, gold was everywhere. The inhabitants of the Americas used it for ornamentation and other purposes but not for money. They did not understand the European’s fascination with the metal. They paid for this fascination with their lives.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

andrew (continued),

Re: Cosmic revolutions

Cosmic revolutions are periodic and cyclical. Planetary cleansings are necessary in order to prevent civilizations from crystallizing beyond a certain point. Civilizations usually evolve to a high state of technical advancement while at the same time devolving spiritually. If a civilization is in a spiritually devolved state when the planetary cleansing comes due, a great chastisement will follow. However, as in Atlantis and just as today, there are always those among humanity who adhere to The Good Law, despite the evil that clamors about them. These ones are noted and can be identified by their aura, their personal vibration. Thus, they mark themselves as ones who should be spared the destruction experience. These ones are known as “the Remnant”.

There is always a Remnant that is set aside and preserved during the end of a Day of Manifestation or cyclic cleansing. The Hopi Indians speak of how they were led into the earth during such a time and were led again back to the surface when the terrors were over. During the multiple destructions of Atlantis, groups were always warned well in advance of what was coming. These ones left Atlantis in boats or airships and established colonies away from the doomed continent.

The place of refuge could be a physical location or a non-physical location. If it is a non-physical location then it is obvious that the entity must leave the body behind. Locations like Shamballa or the power-field of the School will be a refuge for those who are able to achieve the necessary light-quotient or vibratory level. A major part of the School’s work is to maintain its power-field in a pure state, in anticipation of the times to come when many will require access to it.

~ g

Andrew said...


This shop was selling Zimbabwe one hundred trillion dollar bank notes so I bought 10 of them for $2 they make excellent book marks and ebay is selling them for $1 each so I think I make a good buy. Plus I always keep one in my wallet and ask my friends if they can change one for me. It always gets a laugh, but if they only knew the American dollars are worth about the same as them!

Andrew said...


While I'm here, you mention in your blog Dr. J. Dispenza. I checked him out on the web and he seems interesting. Would his books be worth reading as you seem to know about him?

BrotherGee said...


Re: $100T bill - that brought a smile.

Re: Dr. Dispenza - i actually don't know anything about the good doctor. Came across his website while doing some research. You'll have to decide for yourself if his books are worth reading.

"However wise you may be already, on this Path you have much to learn; so much that here also there must be discrimination, and you must think carefully what is worth learning. All knowledge is useful, and one day you will have All Knowledge; but while you have only part, take care that it is the most useful part. Study then, but study first that which will most help you to help others." -- J. Krishnamurthi

~ g

Andrew said...


Checked out Dr Dispenza by reading some of the one star reviews he got on Amazon so will not be reading any of his books. Years ago I spent one weeks wages and for that I got a mantra which was to be repeated morning and evening for 20 minutes. After 14 years of practicing TM I gave it up.(Guess I'm a slow learner) Mahesh got extremely wealthy with his TM and yogic flying schemes, but never properly demonstrated that he could fly. By the way when he did fly he always traveled first class.