27 October 2018

Which Cannot Be Found

"You long for Unity in a world of duality, for Freedom in a world of limitation and for Eternity in a world of temporality. How is that possible? How can we, who are completely made up of the elements of this life-field, long for something that absolutely cannot be found here?"

It is strange that we do not ask this question more often. Why do we persist in longing for Unity, Freedom and Eternity in this fallen nature-order, when it has to be clear that these things are not obtainable here? We persist because there is something deep within us that yearns for these things, not as relative values but as Absolutes.

Within each human heart there is an 'Other One' that is marooned and exiled on this planet. It is this Other One that longs for a return to the Divine Kingdom, the static realm, the Realm of Absolutes. We hear its faint cry and sense the sincerity of its longing but because we are bound to the things of the earth, we misinterpret its meaning. Believing that this plaintive cry originates from the personality, we then go forth into this fallen nature-order and attempt to find those things which cannot be found here. Needless to say, we meet with naught but imitation, failure and frustration.

It is only when we embark upon the gnostic Path of Return that we will be able to clearly hear this Still, Small Voice of longing. For that Path will reestablish our link with the Divine and re-open the ancient channels of communication. It is only then that we will truly realize where Unity, Freedom and Eternity are to be found.

Armed with this Inner Knowing, this Gnosis, we will then trim our sails, adjust our rudder and set our course for the Divine Realm, the Sixth Cosmic Domain, the Realm of Absolutes.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Found your blog a while back and it has been very helpful to me on the path, thank you Brother Gee.

Andrew said...


Having read the Nag Hammadi text where they describe the Silence, the creative force or father of the all which contains all possibilities in this universe. But then they say this earth or prison where we live is completely under control of the Demiurge (Archons) or prison warders. To escape we must have gnosis, reminds me of Plato's cave where the people are chained and only see shadows on the wall but someone who has managed to escape from the cave comes back to tell tell about the real divine world.

Having read the Unmasking very few people escape this prison. Like in the film the Matrix we have to choose the red pill but few are doing so. Brother Gee your whole blog is about this, why are seekers not answering the call? Everyone knows that in the end we all get carried out in a box but very few are willing to go all out to escape from this prison except in the box.

Paul B said...

Why are seekers not answering the call?

"As already mentioned, there are in this world, millions of spirit-spark entities. A dividing line runs across the ranks of those touched by the cosmic light.

Beneath this dividing line are those countless groups of seekers, who, though they possess a spirit-spark atom and consequently find no inner peace, still hold fast to dialectical values out of,

lack of adequate instruction,
intentional misleading,
and their own fixation on earthly things."

From Chapter I-14 The living gospel of freedom - "The Coming New Man"

This seeker can relate to all of the above.

Yep, you wont find instruction and details on the liberating Path of Return suddenly being announced to the masses on the 10pm news or front page of the papers. Neither will it be found in the education syllabus. Neither will it be found on 99.99% of the shelves in the spiritual supermarkets such as Youtube even though I think many of these people are well meaning and don't mean to purposely mislead.

And I guess the religions of the world take care of the intentional misleading.

And the earthly things. With the advent of the internet and the capitalist economy we live in an age when human desires can be met quicker than ever, almost anything you wish at a click of a button. So many external things available to distract the seeker and prevent he or she from looking inward and creating a space that can be kept free from those desires, even for a while.

I wonder whether because desires can be fulfilled quicker and more easily, that because of this some people may become sick and tired of being sick and tired more quickly and therefore be more receptive to the call. Or perhaps fulfilling external desires simply feeds them and causes them to grow.

Anyway, balancing the above is the fact that we are living in the Grace of an Age and that, again from The Coming New Man, "a new bow has been set in the heavens", and the seeker has a great opportunity if only he or she can react harmoniously.

The more that can effect a break in of the Christine Radiations in their microcosm the easier it may be for others to follow suit.

Anonymous said...

Have read The Coming New Man and it seems a bit dated. The internet should be used to tell us how to come into the present moment and how to raise our awareness. A book that was written 70 years ago and does not do this should not be taken as a reference book for enlightenment.

BrotherGee said...


Re: "why are seekers not answering the call?"

The Call of the Gnosis is a Silent Call. It cannot be heard by the ear, nor can it be heard above the din of everyday life. It can only be "heard" by the stilled Heart.

The Heart is the seat of our desires. If the Heart is full with coarse desires, it will have difficulty attracting the subtle, Divine radiations of the Gnosis, due to vibrational incompatibility.

One must look to raise the vibration of the astral body and, by extension, the vibration of the heart, to a level that is at least a harmonic of the Gnosis. An attraction is then set up between the Heart and the Gnosis. This can only be done when one learns to reject the things of the world or takes on an attitude of indifference towards it.

Unfortunately, the majority of Lost Humanity does not even realize that they are in exile or imprisoned. They have forgotten their True Origin and take this to be their home (see Wolf Boy). For these ones, the only way to open the Heart in the manner mentioned above is to come to a crashing nadir. Everything in their lives must fall apart. Failure and despair must mark their entire existence before they will begin to cry out to the Hills, from whence their help will come.

As long as one remains satisfied with the things of this Earth, he/she will never hear the Call of Freedom.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

paul b,

Your comment hit every nail on the head, well done. A segment of note:

"...because desires can be fulfilled quicker and more easily, that because of this some people may become sick and tired of being sick and tired more quickly and therefore be more receptive to the call. Or perhaps fulfilling external desires simply feeds them and causes them to grow."

The above statement illustrates the two outcomes that can result for human-beings who have not yet found the Path. They can either tire of the Wheel of Death and Rebirth with its endlessly repeating cycles of Rising, Shining and Fading or they can sink ever deeper into the quicksand of the material realm, gleefully gorging themselves on the "delights" of the senses.

At some point, even the latter group will tire of The Game. There is such a thing as "too much cake". When all that the earth has to offer has been sampled ad nauseum, and true, lasting Happiness still has not been found, the Hearts of these ones will also begin to cry out for release from this Prison of Consciousness. At that point, the Gnosis will immediately stretch forth a Helping Hand to welcome the Prodigal home.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


Re: "Have read The Coming New Man and it seems a bit dated. The internet should be used to tell us how to come into the present moment and how to raise our awareness."

There is a wide gap between what should be and what is. It would be ideal if the Internet could offer mankind a way out of this morass. Unfortunately, the spiritual supermarket currently hawking its wares on the Web is so saturated with inaccuracies, shams, scams, personality cults, false messiahs, poorly channeled messages, distorted teachings and misleading philosophies that it is a supreme challenge for one to find that which is True.

One must tread carefully on the Internet, as traps and snares have been so skillfully set that "even the Elect will be deceived".

Re: "A book that was written 70 years ago and does not do this should not be taken as a reference book for enlightenment."

The age of a work does not diminish its significance or usefulness. It is the inability of the reader to comprehend or assimilate the vibration that is being transmitted that makes it appear to be "useless".

There is a difference between enlightenmentand insight. The Coming New Man was not written to enlighten, it was written to provide the Seeker with much-needed insight. Without insight, without having the knowledge required to answer the Three Questions...

"Who am I?"
"Where did I come from?"
"Where am I going?"

...there is no way that a nature-born human-being will be able to achieve the True Enlightenment that can result from walking the Path of Liberation.

The Coming New Man provides valuable insight regarding the Path to the Seeker who is ready to receive it. If you have read this work and it has not resonated with you, then it is possible that you have not yet reached the stage where the Heart truly yearns for this information. Perhaps two, five or ten years from now, you will return to read it again and it will touch you at that time.

In closing, ancient or modern works do not lose their value simply because of the passage of Time. All words, written or spoken, act as a carrier wave for a particular vibration. This vibration or input signal remains constant, encoded in the pages of a written work. Its power to transmit the "rational touch" to the prepared Seeker does not wane.

It is a mistake and an error to dismiss this work solely due to its age.

~ g

Paul B said...

Thank you Brother Gee...

..and thank you for the valuable service you provide through this blog, both for the content and the direction to further reading.

Anonymous said...

Mark Zuckerberg said that soon we will be able link the human mind to the internet simply by thinking. I see a big danger in this because then like in the movie the Matrix, humanity can be programed into thinking what they see as life is really just a program. In the Matrix the designer of the software that people are living in, is called the Architect.

When I want to find out what a person is really like I always check their Facebook site. This reveals what they are really into and their state of consciousness. Pets, babies, food and spiritual sayings are all displayed for all to see.

Could the Archons (Architect) be behind people like Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page etc? Like Neo I want to know who is behind all this as I'm tired of this game of birth and death.

Paul B said...

Who are behind Zuckerberg and Page and the like?

We are, humanity, such as we are, aren't we?

After all what do inventors, entrepreneurs and businessman do?. They identify human needs, human desires and human wants and with their invention,product or service offer to fulfil them.

And the masses oblige.

Whether its broadcasting the banalities of ones life on Facebook or searching for products, services, people, places or other information on Google.

Of course if one was to suggest the banalities on a Facebook page or in person offence would be taken. It all seems so normal these days to the vast majority of people to broadcast and document every facet of their personalities and how they live.

Truth be told, although I had questions about the world and reservations about things I partook myself for a while. So much energy wasted. Now this one knows better.

Generation after generation and lifetime after lifetime of fulfilling sense pleasures, looking outside of oneself for stimulation, satisfaction, popularity, comfort and security seems to have gotten humanity to a place where the personality, the I, the ego is first, second, third and fourth for the vast majority.

Self maintenance at any cost.

So as the population grows, and the desires grow, and the seeking outside oneself becomes more ingrained in society is it any wonder that huge corporations are built by fulfilling these desires.

And as has been stated in the above comments, instruction and information on another way, the Path of Return is not so easy to find.

"Man's real illness lies in not knowing that he does not know"

From the introduction to "The Chinese Gnosis".

"People are lost for lack of knowledge"

From the Bible.

Of course it's not all bad.

There are those that are sick and tired of being sick and tired, perhaps in a state of inner surrender, a quiet desperation.
For them, with a little discernment, perhaps the above tools can be used to find information that is new to them and that resonates with them enough to know more, to learn of a different way.

Perhaps they may find their way to a blog such as this and gain insight into who they really are what the true purpose of this life is.

Then the realisation may dawn of the futility of looking outside for that which can only be found within.

Anonymous said...

Paul B

State of consciousness is state of life. Like the people in Plato's cave who are focused on shadows because they are chained so they cannot see the real world behind them. How does one remove their chains (which we call ignorance)? Until the chains are removed the shadows are their reality. Krishnamurti suggests it is the known that keeps us focused on the shadows. He also said that truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever. This may upset some who are following spiritual paths and have become experts on the shadows. Facebook seems to be a clone or alter ego of our ego which craves to be liked and have many friends and Zuckerberg has provided a platform for this. Paul do you think truth can be found by falling a path or reading books? There is a library in Amsterdam with about 23 thousand books in it devoted to Gnosticism. My library contains one book, the Bible. And if my rosebud ever managed to open again I would not even need the Bible. I appreciate your comments.

Paul B said...

Hello Anonymous

State of consciousness is state of life


Like the people in Plato's cave who are focused on shadows because they are chained so they cannot see the real world behind them. How does one remove their chains (which we call ignorance)? Until the chains are removed the shadows are their reality.

How is this ignorance removed?

It starts with the first step on the Fivefold Gnostic Path...

Self Surrender
New Attitude of Life (new state of consciousness)

Insight as to what we really are, what this world really is, and the true purpose of our incarnation in this world.

If you wish any journey to be successful, it is necessary to know your starting point. Insight may give you this starting point.

This insight helps avoid setting out in the wrong direction, because no matter how determined you are in your travels, if one is facing in the wrong direction, and sets out in the wrong direction, the wished for destination will never be reached.

Krishnamurti suggests it is the known that keeps us focused on the shadows. He also said that truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever. This may upset some who are following spiritual paths and have become experts on the shadows.

Krishnamurti had this to say about the Path...

"However wise you may be already, on this Path you have much to learn; so much that here also there must be discrimination, and you must think carefully what is worth learning. All knowledge is useful, and one day you will have all knowledge; but while you have only part, take care that it is the most useful part.

God is Wisdom as well as Love; and the more wisdom you have the more you can manifest of Him.

Study then, but study first that which will most help you to help others. Work patiently at your studies, not that men may think you wise, not even that you may have the happiness of being wise, but because only the wise man can be wisely helpful. However much you wish to help, if you are ignorant you may do more harm than good."

...from "At The Feet of the Master"

As I write I am especially keeping the last sentence in mind!
There is enough misleading in the world without me adding to it.

Paul do you think truth can be found by falling a path or reading books? There is a library in Amsterdam with about 23 thousand books in it devoted to Gnosticism.

Yes, by gaining knowledge of the Path of Liberation, initially through the vibration of the written or spoken word.

Initially all one has to work with is the nature born personality and in our present state this personality assimilates new information by the written or spoken word.

Divine Wisdom leaps from the pages of the texts quoted on this blog.

One can be surrounded by Divine Wisdom, written or spoken, but if the personality concerned simply absorbs it intellectually and/or feels perfectly at home in this world then it will not permeate to the heart, to the spirit-spark, the rosebud, and no reaction will be forthcoming.

If, when reading, the personality uses not just the intellect, but also reads with an open heart, and has truly reached a nadir in this world, then perhaps the Gnosis will resonate in the very depths of the personality.

Then a rational(intellect)and moral(heart) decision can be formed as to whether to begin the journey.

My library contains one book, the Bible. And if my rosebud ever managed to open again I would not even need the Bible.

If you have the Gnostic Key to the Bible and are able to interpret its true meaning then you are blessed.

I wish you well.

Paul B said...

Not sure anyone will be reading this but I should make an important correction/clarification.

Divine Wisdom leaps from the pages of the texts quoted on this blog

Divine Wisdom can only be experienced therefore it should read...

The information and knowledge that leads one onto a path to Divine Wisdom leaps from the pages of the texts quoted on this blog.

One can be surrounded by Divine Wisdom, written or spoken

Again, Divine Wisdom can only be experienced therefore it should read...

One can be surrounded by the information and knowledge, written or spoken that leads one onto a path to Divine Wisdom, but if the personality concerned simply absorbs it intellectually and/or feels perfectly at home in this world then it will not permeate to the heart, to the spirit-spark, the rosebud, and no reaction will be forthcoming.

BrotherGee said...

To: Koert


~ g