30 November 2018

Nearer Than Hands And Feet

The Divine Spark that sleeps within the center of your microcosm is roughly aligned with the upper right ventricle of the human heart. Our task as image-bearers is to form a link, a connection between the physical aspect of the personality and this Divine Nucleus.

The Divine part of us is linked with the Creator of All There Is. As Divine Sparks, we issued forth from the Ineffable, Unknowable All. Although our connection to the Father-Mother has been severely obstructed due to our own self-willed thinking, willing, desiring and acting it is still there, faintly active in the center of our microcosm.

If we can become aware of this Divine part of us, if we can awaken it and forge a link between it and the physical human-being, a Great Transformation will begin to take place. By way of a process, we will begin to change from animal-man into a True Human-being, the Original pre-Adamitic Man.

The Power to do so lies within you. Not in the reflection-sphere, not in some church, or some yoga exercise, or some meditation, or via the occult agencies of clairvoyance and clairaudience. This great Power is readily available to you and is nearer than hands and feet. It lies asleep in the center of your microcosm, waiting for you to hear its Silent Voice, grab the Hand of God and attach the Rose to the Cross.

~ g


Paul B said...

Have just finished reading "The Chinese Gnosis" by J van Rickenborgh and Catharose de Petri.

I will be reading it again.....and again.

It is a treasure, and may help the seeker gain insight in order that they may begin the process that unearths and raises their own treasure, the treasure within.

Anonymous said...

Care to shed some light on this -https://www.google.com.kw/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.reddit.com/r/cults/comments/8gyiut/an_overview_of_lectorium_rosicrucianum/&ved=2ahUKEwi-o7qxyYPfAhV8XRUIHSXJB0oQFjAWegQIChAB&usg=AOvVaw3o4QtKF0UZXjgVU3KBDc4M&ampcf=1

BrotherGee said...

Paul B,

Jan van Rijckenborgh's book The Chinese Gnosis is a masterful commentary on the Tao Te Ching. The verses are beautifully explained, revealing the true meaning behind them. i have also read it several times and with each read, more is uncovered. May it be so for you, as well.


~ g

Paul B said...

Thanks BrotherGee.

sergio mansur said...

The Prophet has said that God is closer to you than the jugular vein,
The Quran 50:16

BrotherGee said...


A response was posted.


BrotherGee said...


Thank you for the verse.

It stands as evidence of the Universal Truth that lies at the heart of the fragmented and crystallized world religions.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Can't comprehend the vehemence with which you response has been met with. How apt the saying "Thou shalt not cast pearls before swine"

BrotherGee said...

"...nor Roses before asses".

Yes, my friend, there will be no reasoning with these ones. I understand where they are coming from and appreciate their efforts to warn others about cults. However, in this instance they are throwing out the baby with the bath-water.

Their personal sense of failure is driving them to blame the School when in fact, the root cause of their failure to derive any benefit from their pupilship lies within themselves.

The road will be long and could take many additional incarnations but it is hoped that they will eventually find their way to the Good End.

May it be so.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Dear Brother G
Hope you are doing fine. It seems, time is speeding up towards the ,sifting Time‘. People are in a hurry to clear up theirs karmic debts. There is a lot of tension and unrest in the athmosphere and a lot of sad faces. A lot of them are still trapped on their ego trip, unfortunately the narrow path is no option to them yet...
I often think of you! Have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for your support,

Anonymous said...

,Anyone who is attached or invested for self in any way to any religion is dependent upon a collective consciousness of unenlightened people, priests and invisible hosts, and as long as they remain in such a state they can never access their own divine Christ within.‘

Don‘t you think, we have to be really careful to be part of any Cult, church, school or spiritual group in these days? How can we know, that there is no ,weak link in the chain‘ in such a group or school?

BrotherGee said...


Good to hear from you.

Yes, if one is attuned one should be able to sense the quickening that is taking place all around us. A minute seems like thirty seconds. There is a constant sense of urgency in the air. Many are driven to seek but are seeking in unproductive directions. Eventually, these ones will find their way.

Mankind is deep into The Waiting Period. Events are coming fast and furious. The Great Play is in full swing. Those of us who are aware of the critical nature of these times are encouraged to stay focused and to stay ready.

Best Wishes for the New Year, my friend.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


Re: "Don‘t you think, we have to be really careful to be part of any Cult, church, school or spiritual group in these days?

Yes, we must be careful of our associations. Although those who are seeking the One Truth are encouraged to do so in group unity, finding one's group requires patience and discernment. Due to the special nature of the times that we are living in, people have freed themselves from the old crystallized systems (i.e., organized religions) and are looking for new ways to answer the Silent Call. Unfortunately, the spiritual supermarket is jam-packed with unscrupulous opportunists and distorted teachings. This leads many seekers into doubt, confusion and frustration, as one disappointment follows another.

These are tests for the Seeker. Will he or she be able to follow the Silent Voice within and trust that Voice, rather than what he or she sees and hears from others?

We live in a duality, the world of dialectics. Both Light and Dark are hard at work during the end of this major world-cycle. The Dark is engaged in trying to lead Seekers away from the Truth. Their weapons are Imitation, Deception and Flattery. The Light is radiating Divine energies over all of mankind, in the hope that an untold number will respond without being forced or coerced.

Re: How can we know, that there is no 'weak link in the chain' in such a group or school?

First, is the doctrine sound? Do the teachings exhibit contradictions? Are members constantly being asked for money to pay for this or that? Is there an emphasis on titles, badges, honors, etc.? Greed, pride and flattery are things to look for. Truer words were never spoken than those that follow below:

"A bad tree can only bring forth bad fruit. A good tree will bring forth good fruit. You will know them by their fruits."

Finally, your Inner Guidance should always be the final arbiter when it comes to matters of soul-growth. If something doesn't feel right to you, then it probably isn't. The problem is that most will ignore their Inner Voice just like the newly-smitten lover ignores the obvious flaws in their beloved.

Although we are encouraged to find our group, we must be careful as to which groups we attach ourselves to. Again, no one is going to make these decisions for us. Each of us has to make these critical choices in complete freedom of action. It is recommended that we be still so that we can 'hear' the Voice Within, the Voice of Experience that will never lie to us.

~ g