03 April 2013

The Mystery Of The Endura - Part II


Hence the question: "How does one take the first step on the True Path?". You set your foot on the Path when you solve for yourself the mystery of losing the self. In that mystery lies the key to the inner Science of Return.

To fathom this mystery, the pupil must understand, fully and completely, the nature of his own consciousness. Its nucleus lies in the serpent-fire, in the vital fluid present in the serpent-fire system. The head of the consciousness-serpent corresponds with the frontal cavity of the skull, the tail with the sacral plexus. The sole attribute of the serpent-fluid is "life", "life-consciousness". This consciousness animates the personality-system and spurs it on to thinking, willing, feeling and acting.

The personality-system is twofold. That is to say, there is a crystallized personality and a tenuous, etheric-astral personality. The former corresponds to the material-sphere, the latter with the reflection-sphere. During waking-consciousness both personalities lie concentrically within one another; during sleep the denser portion is at rest, and life is then conscious and active in the other personality.

At death, the two personalities are separated once and for all. The denser one decomposes, while the other continues life in the reflection-sphere. In the reflection-sphere "dying" continues, and this process is something like the action one sees in a slow-motion film. In this way, the etheric-astral personality also decomposes, until only the consciousness remains, and even that loses the main portion of itself. All that was present in the consciousness as a legacy of the past of the microcosm, vanishes. Finally, there remains only the naked soul as a consciousness-atom

When the soul is thus completely emptied, reincarnation follows. First, the dense personality is born and the seed-atom of the consciousness, the naked soul, is linked with the borrowed and inherited serpent-fire of a new and different human generation. And again, in slow-motion, over a period of years, the second, tenuous etheric-astral personality is born, until finally maturity is attained. But long before the the state of maturity is reached, the process of dying will have already set in.

You will undoubtedly recognize, along with us, the hopelessness of this process. "Man lives but to die"...that phrase tells the whole story! So you will understand why dualistic man, with his passion for life, has devised a possibility to escape this turning of The Wheel; that is why nature-religions and occultism have come into being. Through the application of one or the other of these two systems, a remarkable "slowing down" of the dying process develops on yonder side. The slow-motion film is further decelerated, albeit by means of the crass exploitation of our fellow creatures.

Can you imagine the possibility of a life in duality which is not being lived at the expense of our fellow beings? No, you cannot! Did you know that exploitation for the purpose of self-maintenance, in a passion for life, has an increasingly earth-binding, karmic effect? If you want to escape from The Wheel, you should certainly not attempt to slow it down. Therefore, all nature-religion and occultism must be left behind once and for all.

If you are ready to do this, and have thus liberated yourself from your exploiters, you should ask yourself. "Is my consciousness a spiritual consciousness?" If you are looking for an honest answer to that question, you will encounter a bewildered "no!" It is possible for a spiritual impulse to struggle for expression in your consciousness, but to equate that consciousness with the Spirit is impossible. That is why the transfigurist says that dualistic man is a living soul but definitely not a living Spirit.

You will find this confirmed if you reflect upon the nature, the essence and the power of what can truly be called Spirit. The Bible can provide counsel in this, for it teaches that the Spirit is eternal, absolute, omniscient, omnipotent and Divine, and that the consciousness is always subordinate to it.

Your consciousness, your serpent-fire has broken away from the Universal Spirit and from the Spirit of your Original structure. Hence all your speculations and experimentations; hence all your delusions. In more than one sense, the Lord of the Spirit cannot be found in you any longer. Only a life-craving consciousness animates your system and in this there remains, at most, a small spark of Remembrance of the Original Bond with the Lord of the Spirit. Your soul-consciousness is a meager remnant of a former Splendor. You grope about in darkness, no longer possessing any pre-Remembrance; you are no longer able to walk in the Light, in the sense of the Light of the Spirit.

End of Part II

"The Mystery Of The Endura" - The Great Revolution - JVR, CDP


You are a biological phenomenom; no more and no less. This is because you possess a mortal soul and a physical body - both temporary - and no connection to Spirit.

People are fond of saying such things as "my spirit was touched", or "i felt this in my spirit", etc. Such talk proves that these people have no understanding of what Spirit truly means.

Spirit is of God. Until we re-link ourselves with Spirit, we will remain biological phenomenoms that continually come and go. If we were linked with Spirit, we would not behave as we do. We would perform the will of the Father, not that of the I-being, the self.

The Path of Transfiguration is being revealed to mankind at this time so that he may take advantage of the mighty transformative energies that are sweeping the solar system and at least begin walking towards that much-needed re-linking with Spirit. For this to happen, we must build a New Soul and then, a new material vehicle. All of these processes are part and parcel of the Path, if we but choose to travel that Path.

The endura, the "dying as to self" is a critical part of that journey. It is not an easy task because we are, for the most part, still controlled by our "I" and the "I" does not want to give up its position as ruler of the nature-born man. But this "dying" must take place. The "I" must stand aside to allow for the re-birth of The Other One that sleeps within us.

~ g


Andrew said...


Today there are millions of spiritual groups. None seem to have anything to do with the spirit. A lot claim to be doing the will of the Father, but this usually means surrendering your will to that of the group.
How does one know if the group is simply feeding the Aerons just like other so called spiritual groups are doing?

BrotherGee said...


If one resonates with the aims of the group, they will fall under that group's power-field and be quite at home. It will take many jarring experiences before they come to realize that they are linked with what we call "the cold light".

If one is not in harmony with the radiations of the group they are working with, they will feel an inner disquiet. There may be a nagging feeling that "something just isn't right". This is intuition, the growing sixth sense of The Coming New Man.

Of course, there are the obvious signs, such as: ego-glorification, homage to masters and gurus (alive or dead), requirements for continuous and extensive outlays of cash, rites, rituals, "initiations", reliance on dogma or man-made doctrine, references to angels and other Biblical figures, etc.

It also goes without saying that ALL channelled communications from so-called "Heavenly Hosts", "ascended masters" are to be held as having minimal to no value at all for the True Seeker (so stay away from those "Ashtar Command" sites and the like).

The seeker on the True Path knows that there is no natural organization or dualistic group that can help him or her to effect Transfiguration and achieve Liberation from this nature-order. All of these groups are attempting to "make this a better world", or "make me a better person". This world cannot be made "better"! It must be re-cycled, purified by astral fire! We cannot be made "better" people, unless we accept that we have a Divine Spark that is in need of awakening. Once we awaken the Spark and begin to attract radiations that are "not-of-this-world" THEN we can proceed on the road to dissolving our nature-born slave-personality and allowing for the growth of The Other One who sleeps within us, the glorified new personality, Immortal, Eternal and forever free from having to return to this earthly vale of tears.

Such a group does not feed the aeons of this nature. In fact, they are constantly attacked by them because that group does not want to have anything to do with this nature-order. They have set their collective focus upon the Divine Realms, and have linked their hearts to The Thirteenth Aeon, The Savior of the Treasury of Light.

~ g

Andrew said...


I agree with you that intuition can be trusted and is our sixth sense. Rupert Sheldrake the biologist has done decades of experiments to verify intuition.I always know when someone else is lying or have the feeling that things happen for a reason, even if the reason hasn't yet emerged. I have read somewhere that we actually have seven senses, and intuition and thinking are the two senses not included with the usual five senses. Have you heard this g?

BrotherGee said...

Yes. Although not widely known, man does have a total of seven "senses". One sense is unfolded and perfected by each of the seven "Root Races" during their manifestation on earth.

This current Root Race, the Aryan, is the fifth (the Atlantean was the fourth). The Sixth Root Race will develop man's sixth sense - intuition. The Seventh Root Race will develop the final sense, telepathy.