22 November 2012

The Task Of The Image-Bearer


We are created as bearers of God's image; therefore we are not divine beings at birth, but images, reflections or representations of divine beings. Until the process of Transfiguration is complete, we are intelligently- and purposefully-formed imitations of the Original Divine Man. As fallen microcosms, therefore, we are Called, and by going the Path it is possible to assimilate into our systems the Original Divine Radiation Power that is present everywhere, to allow it to work in us and so to prepare ourselves for Deliverance.

Suppose, like the vast majority of human beings on Earth, we do not go the Path, because we do not understand it, or because we are not willing to take this course owing to various aberrations and obstructions in our fallen state. Then we shall be neglecting the one great Task to which we are all Called. For we have been created solely to realise, to make real God's image in ourselves by following the Path under the auspices of the Divine Plan of Salvation. Each moment that we forsake this Calling, every moment that we deny it for whatever reason, a cause is set up that produces a corresponding karmic effect that further binds us to the fallen world and its fear-matrix, and at every moment that we repeat such dualistic activity, in thinking, feeling or action, we immerse ourselves more deeply in the great stagnant pool of suffering and sorrow.

If a being, created for a certain task and equipped with the necessary abilities, does not take up that task, a reversal of values must arise, and the emergency-order of duality will begin to take on a different character to that which was originally established long ago: a character we all know so well today. The emergency-order, which was once a Garden of Eden, requires that either the image-bearer of God must "die in Christ", to be resurrected into the Original Divine State, or alternatively he must eventually die the once-only death of personality destruction. He must either die in order to win Eternity, or he must undergo the death of finality and annihilation.

If we do not accept our divine Calling, one does not need to be a prophet to predict with certainty that, in choosing a path of worry and sorrow in the nature of death, we shall experience perpetual and useless misery until we embrace the prime requirement of our Task: fundamental reversal. Then, battered and bruised to exhaustion by the drag of fallen life, after a great many ordeals and tribulations throughout numerous incarnations, we will eventually choose to follow our Calling anyway. But it is certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that by then our microcosms will be so damaged that we can no longer achieve what is required, and we shall therefore necessarily be put through the astral purgatorial Fire on our inevitable departure from this world. Throughout the ages this has been the unfortunate lot of most human microcosms at the end of major world cycles such as that which is now approaching for mankind on Earth.

By revealing these things, we do not mean to appeal to the religious instincts of aspirants or to arouse fear, for an animal, too, is god-fearing in its own way. No, we are making an appeal to the intelligence, to the rational-moral insight of every candidate for Liberation.

We need to gird ourselves with the Truth, which is of the Gnosis, of Christ, and we may do this by opening our hearts to Reality, by yearning without compromise for the True and the Real. Anyone who subjects himself to the True Path will be able to absorb the Living Truth into his blood and anchor it there. Anyone who delays will find that such a transformation will become increasingly difficult to achieve in these times preceding the planetary deadline and the Harvest Time.

From  "Gitd Your Loins With Truth" - The New Gnosis - The New Call


"To die in Christ" means to pass from this world after having opened the heart sanctuary to the Christ Radiations, thereby awakening one's divine-spark. Once the Rosebud opens, and the candidate, in sincerity and devotion, begins to walk The Path, he or she can be assured of one thing: upon laying down of the physical body and transition from this world: that the remaining vehicles of the personality will not head off to the dualistic reflection-sphere for routine microcosmic emptying and re-cycling, but will be taken up in the Vacuum of Shamballa, a place of refuge, where they will have no need to fear the "second death" (dissolution of the personality). There, these ones will continue the work of transfiguration that they began while on Earth.

This is what Paul was referring to whenever he mentioned those who had "died in Christ". It means to die while under the influence, and in the service of the Gnosis.

~ g

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